And you have done this ever since?
In 1993 and for a few years, I took a job as a rock musician. I also was an assistant camera man and worked in a small theater as a clown. But in 1999 I decided to become a street performer and I came to Helsinki for the first time to perform.
What is it about street performance that you enjoy so much?
I have a lot of freedom as a street musician. I can start work when suitable. If things are going well and I feel like playing longer than planned I can also do that.
But most important, I do what I love, which is play music. This allows me to connect with people, to touch them. I can’t actually imagine a better job!
How many days a year are you in Helsinki?
Some 100 to 160 days. I live in St. Petesburg with my wife and my three year old. But I am very often in Helsinki. When in Finland I live in a hostel for musicians. I have three favorite spots in Aleksanterinkatu. I come in the morning at around 10 or 11 am with my bottles (they are pre-filled) and the structure I made for the xylophone, which is made of bamboo. I play for 6 hours in one sitting, maybe a bit less in winter, some 4 hours per sitting. In winter I have to add an alcohol de-freezer to the water and I will play with up to -15 degrees centigrade!
Do you play faster music in winter to keep you warm?
I play all kinds of music, fast and a bit slower. But the xylophone is quite a quick instrument!
Do you practice a lot?
Yes. I have studied music and practice a lot. But I also like my street conservatory!
Do you have notes with you?
No I play from memory. I play mainly all the classics.
Do you play Sibelius?
Sibelius is not suited to the xylophone. Sibelius needs to be played more slowly. If I played the trumpet I would definitely play him!
What do you like about playing in Finland?
In other countries people want to ask me a lot of questions. In Finland people listen to me in peace. They let me play. I like that a lot.
Are people generous?
Yes people here treat me very well in Helsinki and are generous. Some people return to listen a few times and I begin to recognize them. One man in particular, often comes back and asks me for his favorite piece.
What is the best moment of your job?
The best moment is when I play a totally new piece and I am trying it out. If I notice people stop and like it that feels really good! I like very much when people stop from their day to day routines to listen for a few moments. Conversely it is difficult when people simply pass by untouched by the music.
One moment that also feels very good is when I return home to St. Petersburg after a few days of good work.
Do you know the other musicians or other street performers?
Yes I do. A few years ago there used to be many street musicians from Russia in Finland. We all knew each other. Now there is only 5 of us. Maybe there is more money in Russia today and people feel less need to go out. In general we know each other and help each other out, say when one of us needs to go to the toilet and needs a friend to look after his instrument. Or we offer each other tea.
How did you come up with the idea of the water bottles xylophone?
I have played different instruments in the street. I used to play a marimba. A friend of mine challenged me with the idea of making a water bottle xylophone. I researched it in Youtube and found a couple of other musicians who had one, one in Zagreb and one in Vienna. I then made my own. I chose bamboo for the frame because it is both light and strong.
What is your favorite piece at the moment?
I love the melodies of Fritz Kreisler.
When and where are you happiest?
I am sometimes not aware how very happy I am but when I look back at my memories, they are just wonderful.
How do you relax?
This summer my wife, my son and I will go to the Black Sea for three weeks. I also relax with a bottle of wine at home.
If you were an instrument what would you be?
A grand piano in a beautiful large apartment! The first instrument I learnt to play was the piano.
Do you live by a life motto?
Whether you feel good or not good, it’s all in your mind!
And you have done this ever since?
In 1993 and for a few years, I took a job as a rock musician. I also was an assistant camera man and worked in a small theater as a clown. But in 1999 I decided to become a street performer and I came to Helsinki for the first time to perform.
What is it about street performance that you enjoy so much?
I have a lot of freedom as a street musician. I can start work when suitable. If things are going well and I feel like playing longer than planned I can also do that.
But most important, I do what I love, which is play music. This allows me to connect with people, to touch them. I can’t actually imagine a better job!
How many days a year are you in Helsinki?
Some 100 to 160 days. I live in St. Petesburg with my wife and my three year old. But I am very often in Helsinki. When in Finland I live in a hostel for musicians. I have three favorite spots in Aleksanterinkatu. I come in the morning at around 10 or 11 am with my bottles (they are pre-filled) and the structure I made for the xylophone, which is made of bamboo. I play for 6 hours in one sitting, maybe a bit less in winter, some 4 hours per sitting. In winter I have to add an alcohol de-freezer to the water and I will play with up to -15 degrees centigrade!
Do you play faster music in winter to keep you warm?
I play all kinds of music, fast and a bit slower. But the xylophone is quite a quick instrument!
Do you practice a lot?
Yes. I have studied music and practice a lot. But I also like my street conservatory!
Do you have notes with you?
No I play from memory. I play mainly all the classics.
Do you play Sibelius?
Sibelius is not suited to the xylophone. Sibelius needs to be played more slowly. If I played the trumpet I would definitely play him!
What do you like about playing in Finland?
In other countries people want to ask me a lot of questions. In Finland people listen to me in peace. They let me play. I like that a lot.
Are people generous?
Yes people here treat me very well in Helsinki and are generous. Some people return to listen a few times and I begin to recognize them. One man in particular, often comes back and asks me for his favorite piece.
What is the best moment of your job?
The best moment is when I play a totally new piece and I am trying it out. If I notice people stop and like it that feels really good! I like very much when people stop from their day to day routines to listen for a few moments. Conversely it is difficult when people simply pass by untouched by the music.
One moment that also feels very good is when I return home to St. Petersburg after a few days of good work.
Do you know the other musicians or other street performers?
Yes I do. A few years ago there used to be many street musicians from Russia in Finland. We all knew each other. Now there is only 5 of us. Maybe there is more money in Russia today and people feel less need to go out. In general we know each other and help each other out, say when one of us needs to go to the toilet and needs a friend to look after his instrument. Or we offer each other tea.
How did you come up with the idea of the water bottles xylophone?
I have played different instruments in the street. I used to play a marimba. A friend of mine challenged me with the idea of making a water bottle xylophone. I researched it in Youtube and found a couple of other musicians who had one, one in Zagreb and one in Vienna. I then made my own. I chose bamboo for the frame because it is both light and strong.
What is your favorite piece at the moment?
I love the melodies of Fritz Kreisler.
When and where are you happiest?
I am sometimes not aware how very happy I am but when I look back at my memories, they are just wonderful.
How do you relax?
This summer my wife, my son and I will go to the Black Sea for three weeks. I also relax with a bottle of wine at home.
If you were an instrument what would you be?
A grand piano in a beautiful large apartment! The first instrument I learnt to play was the piano.
Do you live by a life motto?
Whether you feel good or not good, it’s all in your mind!