JAKARTA - Penyidik Polsek Tebet masih menyelidiki penyebab kematian seorang wanita asal Jepang, Yoshimi Nishimura (28) yang tewas di kamar Apartemen Casa Grande lantai 10, Tebet, Jakarta Selatan.
"Saat ditemukan korban di atas tempat tidur dalam kondisi ditutup selimut," kata Kapolsek Tebet Komisaris Polisi I Ketut Sudarma di Jakarta, Senin (7/9/2015).
Ketut menuturkan, saksi yang pertama kali menemukan korban meninggal dunia yakni temannya yang bernama Kathrin Septy Brina Ilona (34). Kathrin, kata dia, menemukan korban tak bernyawa di Apartemen Casa Grande Tower Montreal lantai 10 sekitar pukul 09.30 WIB.
Thank you for your continuous support and quick response by phone.
As I told you on our tel-conversation, we are planning to expand our
factory and requiring your products but current circumstances surrounding
our company are very tough and severe and this kind of situation force
our plan and budget severe too.
On the other hand, we are precisely calculated and compared your current
quotation and past one and concluded that current quotation is slightly
higher than past, ex. 24.5 euro vs 23 euro for deal in past.
Therefore, we dare to ask you to cooperate to make some adjustment
on your current quotation because our budget made in accordance with
price level in past and our target, i.e. budget is around 71.2k euro.
Moreover, your special consideration on your delivery would be required
because we should re-arrange our current stock yard in order to increase
our stock capacity, so that we need your products as soon as possible.
Your delivery would be on November as you said but please clarify whether
this is shipping date or arrival.
Your best consideration on above and understanding our situation would
be highly appreciated.
Looking forward to having your reply soon.
Best regards,