Ok at last I have this week to prepare and finish our agreement
I have some questions
1.- do You want to do the crowdfunding in japan or other countries?
2.- Do you want to make the crowdfunding by yourself or together
3.- do you want to manufacture one real working prototype
4.- do you want to manufacture two models . one a normal car and 2.- electric car with a motor per wheel and grafeno batteries?
5.- do you want to use our account in Uruguay
6.- what amount are you thinking toget from crowdfunding?
7.- if we do 2 cars one electric one normal on Huracan basis?
8.- how much do you think or you want to get from the crowdfunding?
9.- what plataform are you thinking?
I am going to give you a licencee from lamborghini to do that like part of my investment on us and more plus other things.
hope youa are ok
And waiting your reply?
last question
we have a Salon del automovil in Buenos Aires in some weeks here do you think we can present a scale model on it
1: 5 or 1:4 plus many photos or something in augmented reality