You are a Generator. You only have energy to do things that you like to do. In a job you don't like, you may be too tired to function, but if you go and do something you love with friends, you may have all the energy in the world. For you, the problem is finding the activities that bring out your passion. With a healthy connection to your passions, you will naturally have all the energy and dedication you need to succeed. Within your unique chart configuration, there are dilemmas that can get in the way of your success. The following is an example of this.
You have an Undefined Heart Center. The Heart Center represents your ability to interface with the material plane. It is a Motor of willpower and has a competitive edge that establishes value and worth. With an open Heart Center your ability to measure your value fluctuates and you can end up in situations where you undervalue yourself. This can make you feel like you must be competitive or make commitments in order to establish your value in the eyes of others. This can lead to long term commitments that are not compatible with your Sacral energy. Over time, you may become so stuck that you cannot maintain your commitments, which can reinforce your self-devaluation.
When you make commitments that are not compatible with your energy, you can become stuck and your energy can become drained. To find out more about your dilemmas, their practical solutions and your ultimate gifts and potentials take a moment and buy your full report.