Na década de 1980, com a volta dos regimes democráticos, a favelacomeç翻訳 - Na década de 1980, com a volta dos regimes democráticos, a favelacomeç英語言う方法

Na década de 1980, com a volta dos

Na década de 1980, com a volta dos regimes democráticos, a favela
começou um processo lento de reconstrução, recuperando suas instalações
de água e eletricidade, postos de saúde e escolas. Na década seguinte,
ainda com algumas desocupações parciais por conta da construção da
Autopista Illia (que hoje atravessa a favela) (CRAVINO, 2009), a população
continuou crescendo e aumentando seus bairros, somando todo um novo
setor ao sul da nova via expressa elevada, denominada de Villa 31 bis. No
entanto a nova configuração no espaço urbano não recuperou a forma
anterior ao processo de erradicação, e sim avançou ainda mais sobre o leito
ferroviário, bem como ocupou as áreas remanescentes embaixo da estrutura
da via expressa elevada. Por outro lado, no extremo oeste, a empresa
ferroviária colocou barreiras para impedir o crescimento da favela nessa
direção, e o mesmo aconteceu com a empresa AUSA (Autopistas Urbanas
S.A., empresa que possui a concessão das estradas urbanas) para prevenir o
avanço do lado da estrada.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
In the Decade of 1980, with the return of democratic regimes, the slumbegan a slow process of reconstruction, retrieving its facilitiesof water and electricity, health centers and schools. In the following,even with some partial evictions due to the construction ofIllia Freeway (which today crosses the slum) (CRAVINO, 2009), the populationcontinued growing and increasing their neighborhoods, adding a whole newsector South of the new elevated expressway, named Villa 31 bis. Inthough the new setting in the urban space hasn't regained the formbefore the eradication process, but rather progressed further on the bedrail, as well as held the remaining areas under the frameworkelevated expressway. On the other hand, in the far West, the companyput rail barriers to prevent the growth of slums in thisdirection, and the same happened with the company AUSA (Urban ExpresswaysS.a., a company that owns the concession of urban roads) to prevent thethe side of the road.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
In the 1980s, with the return of democratic regimes, the slum
began a slow process of reconstruction, recovering its facilities
water and electricity, health clinics and schools. In the next decade,
even with some partial evictions due to the construction of
Autopista Illia (which now runs through the slum) (Cravino, 2009), the population
continued to grow and increase their neighborhoods, adding a whole new
sector south of the new road elevated expressway , named Villa 31a. In
however the new setting in the urban space not recovered the form
prior to the eradication process, but even more advanced on the bed
rail and occupied the remaining areas under the structure
of high expressway. On the other hand, at the west end, the company
railway put barriers to prevent the growth of slums in this
direction, and the same happened to AUSA company (Autopistas Urbanas
SA, a company that has the concession of urban roads) to prevent the
advance side of the road.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
In the decade of 1980, with the return of democratic regimes, the slum.Began a slow process of rebuilding, recovering its facilities.Water and electricity, health clinics and schools. In the following decade.Yet with some partial de occupations on the construction of aAUTOPISTA Illia (today through the slum) (cravino, 2009), the populationContinued growing and increasing their neighborhoods, adding a whole newThe sector south of the new expressway high, called villa 31 BIS. InHowever the new configuration in urban space has not recovered the formPrior to the process of eradication, and has even more on the bedRailway, as well as occupied the remaining areas under the structure.Of expressway high. On the other hand, at the west end, the companyBarriers to prevent railway put the growth of slums inThe direction, and the same with the company Heli (urban freewaysS.A., a company that owns the granting of urban roads) to prevent theProgress of the side of the road.
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