At the very First Annual Global HPV Vaccine Symposium at AutismOne in Chicago last month, some very shocking facts were discussed in regards to the extremely dangerous and highly controversial HPV vaccine.
I don’t think it’s possible to read this list and not feel anger at what is being done to our population under the pretense of prevention.
1. In 2010 the FDA allowed a presentation by those injured by HPV Vaccines… they have still not responded.
2. Since the introduction of HPV Vaccines, VAERS reports of autoimmune conditions have increased more than 1000%, infertility reports increased 790%, spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) reports increased 270%, blindness and deafness reports increased 188%.
3. HPV Vaccines account for 25% of all VAERS reports.
4. It costs the U.S. $30,000,000 per year in HPV vaccines to eliminate less than 3 deaths per 100,000 women from cervical cancer… which would have been caught by pap smears anyway. AND this is despite the fact that HPV vaccines do not prevent CIN1/2 lesions from progressing to CIN3.
5. Merck has always promised there is no HPV viral DNA in HPV vaccines, which is an outright lie. In 2012, Dr. Lee found that 100% of all HPV Vaccines contain HPV Viral DNA, and this was confirmed by French scientists in 2014. Injecting HPV Viral DNA causes HPV infection.