Hello Resident(s)
We have recently been made aware of mushrooms growing at Solhaus Tower this past weekend. We have placed a call with our landscaping company to determine if there is anything that can be done to help mitigate them.
In the meantime, please walk your dog off-site if you are concerned that he/she may eat the mushrooms. The area on the south side of the building has become a convenient place for residents to walk their dogs even though it is not a designated dog walking area. We previously landscaped this area, but due to pets relieving themselves here, the plantings have since died and residents have used this area more and more. Mushrooms are also a product of pet waste. We put forth our best effort to keep the property free from potentially harmful substances, but you are ultimately responsible for monitoring what your dog consumes.
Again, thank you for making us aware of this matter and we hope our landscaping company will be able to provide some suggestions. We would like to make sure that our pet residents are as safe as possible. Thank you for your assistance in this regard.
Your Solhaus Tower Staff