StepS の投稿を引用: Weboh の投稿を引用: Actually, you still can. There's a gift bu翻訳 - StepS の投稿を引用: Weboh の投稿を引用: Actually, you still can. There's a gift bu日本語言う方法

StepS の投稿を引用: Weboh の投稿を引用: Actuall

StepS の投稿を引用:

Weboh の投稿を引用:
Actually, you still can. There's a gift button, and you can gift it to your friends and family.

not "still". when Rogerio made his post, this gift feature wasn't there yet. It was added like 3 or 4 days ago.

now, with this gift button the sole purpose is to let the receiver know he gets a game that comes from Humble Bundle, instead of an unknown key...

Hey! Indeed, this new feature for gifting makes it really nice to send genuine gifts for friends and family. Humble Bundle gets promoted and everyone will know about the bundles :)

Hopefully this will cut people from selling them on ebay.
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
の投稿を引用の手順します。Weboh の投稿を引用。実際には、あなたはまだことができます。ギフト ボタンがあるし、お友達や家族にギフトすることができます。「まだ」ではないです。ホジェリオ行われる彼の記事と、このギフト機能はまだでないです。それは 3 または 4 日前のように追加されました。今、ギフトは、このボタンを唯一の目的は、彼は謙虚なバンドルから不明なキーの代わりになるゲームを取得します知っている受信機を聞かせて.ねえ!確かに、贈与のこの新しい機能は、本当に素敵な友人や家族のための本物の贈り物を送信します。謙虚なバンドルが昇進したと誰もが:) バンドルについて知ってうまくいけばこれは ebay でそれらを販売から人々 をカットします。
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]





結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
Quote Post: to StepSQuote Post: to WebohYou can still Actually, There a button and you can, gift gift it to your friends and family support humblebundle http: / / articles / COM customer portal and 1356336 gifting and steam keys.When Rogerio is still not made his, this post wasn "t there yet gift feature was added. It like 3 or 4 days ago.Now with this gift, button the sole purpose is to let the receiver know he gets a game that comes from Humble Bundle, instead of an unknown key.Hey! Indeed, for gifting this new feature makes it really nice genuine to send gifts for friends and family Humble Bundle gets promoted and everyone will know about all the bundlesThis will cut Hopefully people from selling them on eBay.
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