The position of Amran Zamzami as leader of the group of Indonesian businessmen which received the Taiwan mission was by no means accidental. It appears that the directors of PT PP Berdikari and its associated companies were the most active in promoting trade relations with Taiwan, and the newspaper nist prominent in advocating recognition of Taipei was the daily Ampera, the SOKSI newspaper which was under the control of Brigadier General Suhardiman, the managing director of PT PP Berdikari. The Berdikari group, which included Kuomintang-leaning Chinese businessmen like Be Sulindro (Ma Hsu-ling) and Suwandi Hamid (Wong Ah Lok), continued into the following year to attempt to clinch the promised US$20 million credit, an attempt which culminated in the formation of the impressive but short-lived Indonesian Business Centre (IBC) and PT National Development Corporation (NDC) in mid-1968.