I offer up oneself, offer itself, offer themselves. Be the most offensive audacious self. The one's global offering! Self-offertory!
I win over, give one's name, lave own chest, launder oneself, get on one's laurels. Be the most laureate ridiculous self. Self-lavage! Self-laureateship!
I attest one's creed, I attire in self, I attend upon own individual unit, I authenticate the Lord, I strike an attitude, I attitudinize oneself. Be the most attitudinal self. Self-attestation! Self-authentication!
結果 (
日本語) 1:
I offer up oneself, offer itself, offer themselves. Be the most offensive audacious self. The one's global offering! Self-offertory!俺が己を捧げ差し出し自己提供す、現れ到来す。最も攻撃的大胆自身であれ。自己世界提供!自己奉献!I win over, give one's name, lave own chest, launder oneself, get on one's laurels. Be the most laureate ridiculous self. Self-lavage! Self-laureateship!俺がもう一度勝ち説き伏せ従わせ名乗り出る、自身の胸を洗い与え自己洗濯し栄誉に乗る。最も多くの優秀とんでもなき自身であれ。自己洗浄!自身桂冠詩人地位!I attest one's creed, I attire in self, I attend upon own individual unit, I authenticate the Lord, I strike an attitude, I attitudinize oneself. Be the most attitudinal self. Self-attestation! Self-authentication!私は人の教義信条証明す、私は自身に於き装い自身個人単体に付き添い世話し看護を施し主認証す、気取る。最も多くの態度自身であれ。自己証明!自身認証!