What is that?
A disease,
A mental condition,
Is there something wrong
with you?
They ask curiously,
They couldn't have known,
So please try not to blame them
What is the closest definition?
Your mind is wired differently,
The man in the nice suit said,
Taking my mother's money
In return for a "diagnosis"
I did not look into his eyes
Did not like the
Calculating look he gave me
I say "Aspie"
It's almost pretty
In a way
For something with
Ugly connotations
You're faking,
It's not a real thing,
The faces say,
Stop making excuses for
Being anti-social
If I had the choice
To act like the others
To feel natural
In someone else's skin
Long ago, I would have
Taken it
But my oddly shaped glases
With lenses of thinly sliced opals
And the wire of dreams
are hard to give up
Indeed, I reach for them
No stranger to this skin of mine
Once, I walked with my head turned
To the ground
And didn't know the colors
Of peoples' eyes
I don't know about
The others
The Aspies
I can't speak for
All of us
It seems like people said,
They're different,
And made a box
With the hurt
Written across the sides
Strangers to each other
Strangers to ourselves
This box has no corners
To hide in
I have searched for them
They say,
A loner,
As I cry invisible tears
And reach out for
No one
To comfort me
And turn to the
To guide me
This mouth is straight
A slit
That hides the smile
I am unable to conjure
Believe me
I have feelings
But this mask
I wear
It cloaks them
I am unreadable
To protect the one
The one with the
Broken wings
The broken heart
These tears run
Smooth tracts into
This stone mask
The ones who care
Step forward
To remove it
With their empathy
Not patronizing
Just calm
They listen
I know the colors
of their eyes,
My nearests'
And dearests'
This mask melts
Into smiles
Or tears
And they see
The me
What is that?
A disease,
A mental condition,
Is there something wrong
with you?
They ask curiously,
They couldn't have known,
So please try not to blame them
What is the closest definition?
Your mind is wired differently,
The man in the nice suit said,
Taking my mother's money
In return for a "diagnosis"
I did not look into his eyes
Did not like the
Calculating look he gave me
I say "Aspie"
It's almost pretty
In a way
For something with
Ugly connotations
You're faking,
It's not a real thing,
The faces say,
Stop making excuses for
Being anti-social
If I had the choice
To act like the others
To feel natural
In someone else's skin
Long ago, I would have
Taken it
But my oddly shaped glases
With lenses of thinly sliced opals
And the wire of dreams
are hard to give up
Indeed, I reach for them
No stranger to this skin of mine
Once, I walked with my head turned
To the ground
And didn't know the colors
Of peoples' eyes
I don't know about
The others
The Aspies
I can't speak for
All of us
It seems like people said,
They're different,
And made a box
With the hurt
Written across the sides
Strangers to each other
Strangers to ourselves
This box has no corners
To hide in
I have searched for them
They say,
A loner,
As I cry invisible tears
And reach out for
No one
To comfort me
And turn to the
To guide me
This mouth is straight
A slit
That hides the smile
I am unable to conjure
Believe me
I have feelings
But this mask
I wear
It cloaks them
I am unreadable
To protect the one
The one with the
Broken wings
The broken heart
These tears run
Smooth tracts into
This stone mask
The ones who care
Step forward
To remove it
With their empathy
Not patronizing
Just calm
They listen
I know the colors
of their eyes,
My nearests'
And dearests'
This mask melts
Into smiles
Or tears
And they see
The me