Popo: Band you guys formed long enough which is around 1989. And has produced one EP ' the flesh to Feed the Beast ' in 1994 and one full length album ' Abandoned, Forgotten and Rotting Alone in 1999. And now you guys will soon issue a New Ep ' In The Name Of All Who Suffered And Died, ' which will be released June 2013. The time that the Twas quite a long time since the discharge from the full length album in 1999. What you guys are doing at the time? Whether the band vacuum, because each personnel has kesibukkan work or other things?Grausig: vacuum GrausiG about 11 (eleven) years because each flurry of personnel as well as the occurrence of the turnover of personnel itself to find the formations now which is the formation of tersolid from that time. Since 2005 there are already plans to drive back GrausiG but recently completed in 2011 when Bassist Era Ep "Feed The Flesh ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..." Bobby's death as a form of respect for him.