May 7, 2016
Gardasil is an anti human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine introduced in 2010 as a vaccine against cervical cancer. The majority of cervical cancers are caused by the changes brought about by HPV infections of the cervix. Hence, vaccinating against this virus would seem to make perfectly good sense from a Public Health perspective.
But is it safe? That’s the burning question. There are now growing concerns about this with thousands of previously healthy young girls from around the world reporting very grave symptoms following the second or third shot of Gardasil. Not only are the symptoms grossly debilitating but they are permanent and perhaps incurable. And that in my view is too high a price to pay. The risk/benefit ratio here seems to be seriously skewed while those who should be most concerned about this scandal are in denial.
Those with vested interests in deigning a connection between Gardasil vaccine and what I would like to call Post Gardasil Syndrome (PGS) like to shoehorn these girls into the diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) that coincidentally set in after they received Gardasil vaccine. This argument however is seriously flawed on two counts. First of all the symptoms of these two diseases differ considerable from each other.
The symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are:
Loss of memory or concentration
Sore throat
Enlarged lymph nodes in your neck or armpits
Unexplained muscle pain
Pain that moves from one joint to another without swelling or redness
Headache of a new type, pattern or severity
Unrefreshing sleep
Extreme exhaustion lasting more than 24 hours after physical or mental exercise.
The symptoms of Post Gardasil Syndrome are very similar but they are different. And they are:
Loss of memory and concentration
Unexplained muscle and joint pains
Headaches that can be very severe
Unrefreshing sleep
Extreme debilitating exhaustion
A greater than expected incidence of autoimmune disease.
Gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea vomiting and diarrhea.
Neurological symptoms almost like MS — tingling, numbness, twitching and problems with vision and hearing.
The second serious flaw to the CFS coincidentally following Gardasil injection theory is the abuse of the word “coincidentally”. A coincident is where two things happen at random in time. However, when this pattern starts to repeated itself thousands of time is looses the status of coincident and become a consequence. Logically then Post Gardasil Syndrome is a consequence of the vaccine and not a coincidental occurrence.
We have seen all these arguments before with the Post Finasteride Syndrome which many doctors still don’t accept as real and resort to “blaming the patient”. This of course only compounds the pain for the sufferers.
For more information on this horrible post-vaccine disease please have a look at this highly informative website Please also think long and hard about the risk/benefit ratio for your daughter being vaccinated against a disease with a mortality rate of 3 per 100,000.