Jakarta- Maspakai penerbangan Garuda Indonesia akan memberikan dua tik翻訳 - Jakarta- Maspakai penerbangan Garuda Indonesia akan memberikan dua tik英語言う方法

Jakarta- Maspakai penerbangan Garud

Jakarta- Maspakai penerbangan Garuda Indonesia akan memberikan dua tiket pesawat gratis sebagai bagian program kerjasama Travel Scholarship dengan Universitas Queensland di Australia. Garuda ingin mendorong lebih banyak mahasiswa Australia mengunjungi Indonesia.

Program ini ditandatangani oleh Manajer Umum Garuda di Brisbane Arjo Wijoseno dan Profesor Tim Mehigan, Direktur Pusat Bahasa dan Studi Komparative Kebudayaan, Universitas Queensland minggu lalu.

Ini merupakan program yang pertama kalinya dilakukan Garuda Indonesia dengan memberikan beasiswa kepada mahasiswa sebuah universitas di Australia guna mendorong mereka lebih banyak melakukan penelitian dan perjalanan ke Indonesia.

Dalam rilis yang diterima oleh ABC, disebutkan bahwa program bernama Garuda Indonesia Travel Scholarship diberikan dengan tujuan meningkatkan minat student di University of Queensland dalam mempelajari kebudayaan, bahasa dan segala pengetahuan mengenai Indonesia.

""Diharapkan dengan pengenalan yang lebih mendalam maka jalinan persahabatan kedua Bangsa dapat lebih terjalin dengan baik dimasa datang melalui pendidikan dan pengetahuan. Selain itu pemberian beasiswa ini bertujuan pula untuk lebih mengenalkan Garuda Indonesia kepada masyarakat di Australia khususnya di Brisbane."" demikian pernyataan rilis tersebut.

Garuda Indonesia Travel Scholarship berupa pemberian 2 (dua) buah tiket kelas ekonomi dari Brisbane ke semua tujuan di Indonesia ; dalam setahun kepada student yang memiliki prestasi berdasarkan kriteria dari University of Queensland.‎

Perjalanan tersebut harus ;berhubungan dengan studi mereka dan bukan perjalanan pribadi atau wisata. Sepulang dari perjalanan tersebut student diberikan kewajiban membuat essay yang berisi laporan hasil studi mereka selama di Indonesia kepada pihak University of Queensland dan Garuda Indonesia.

Menurut keterangan Pan Mohamad Faiz, Ketua PPIA Australia yang juga sedang melanjutkan pendidikan tingkat doktor di Universitas Queensland, GITS akan lebih cenderung diberikan kepada mahasiswa non-Indonesia di universitas tersebut.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Jakarta-Indonesia Garuda flight Maspakai will give two free tickets as part of a cooperation program with the University of Queensland Travel Scholarship in Australia. Garuda wanted to encourage more student Australia visiting Indonesia.The program was signed by General Manager of Garuda in Brisbane Arjo Wijoseno and Professor Tim Mehigan, Director of the Center for the study of language and Culture, University of Queensland Komparative last week.This is the first time the program is carried out with Indonesia Garuda provides scholarships to students of a University in Australia to encourage them doing more research and a trip to Indonesia.In a release received by ABC, mentioned that the program called Garuda Indonesia Travel Scholarship is granted with the aim of improving the student's interest in the University of Queensland in studying the culture, language and all knowledge about Indonesia."" Is expected with the introduction of a more in depth then braided friendship the two Nations can be more entwined with good future coming through education and knowledge. Besides awarding this scholarship aims also to further introduce the Garuda Indonesia to the community in Australia especially in Brisbane. "" so the release statement.Garuda Indonesia Travel Scholarship in the form of awarding two economy-class tickets from fruit from Brisbane to all destinations in Indonesia; in the year to the student who has the achievement based on criteria from the University of Queensland.The trip must be in touch with their studies; and not personal travel or tourism. Returning from the trip the student is given a duty to make the essay contains a report of the results of their studies while in Indonesia to the University of Queensland and Garuda Indonesia.According to Pan Mohamad Faiz, Chairman of the Australia a PPIA is also being continued doctoral level of education at the University of Queensland, the GITS will more likely be given to a non-student University in Indonesia.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Jakarta Maspakai Garuda Indonesia flight will give you two free tickets as part of cooperation program Traveling Scholarship by the University of Queensland in Australia. Garuda wants to encourage more Australian students visit Indonesia. The program is signed by the General Manager of Garuda in Brisbane Arjo Wijoseno and Professor Tim Mehigan, Director of the Centre for Languages ​​and Studies Komparative Culture, University of Queensland last week. This is a program that is the first time conducted Garuda Indonesia by giving scholarships to students of a university in Australia to encourage them to do more research and a trip to Indonesia. In a release received by ABC, noted that the program named Garuda Indonesia Travel Scholarship is given with the aim of increasing interest student at the University of Queensland in studying the culture, language and all the knowledge about Indonesia. "" It is expected that with the introduction of a more profound then the fabric of friendship between the two Nations can be more intertwined with better future through education and knowledge. Besides this scholarship aims also to introduce Garuda Indonesia to the community in Australia, especially in Brisbane. "" A statement from the release. Garuda Indonesia Travel Scholarship for the provision of two (2) pieces of economy class ticket from Brisbane to all destinations in Indonesia; a year to the student who has the achievement based on the criteria of the University of Queensland. The journey must; related to their studies and not on personal trips or tours. Returning from the trip the student is given an obligation to make an essay that contains reports on the results of their studies while in Indonesia to the University of Queensland and Garuda Indonesia. According to Pan Mohamad Faiz, Chairman of PPIA Australia are also continuing education doctoral level at the University of Queensland, GITS will more tend to be given to non-Indonesian student at the university.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
雅加达- maspakai penerbangan印度尼西亚鹰要给双票pesawat免费程序,一kerjasama旅行奖学金,昆士兰的大学在澳大利亚。我想mendorong金翅鸟有澳大利亚大专来看印度尼西亚。

程序在manajer umum INI ditandatangani金翅鸟di布里斯班该wijoseno丹教授提姆梅西,该文的研究direktur丹komparative大学文化,昆士兰铭拉鲁。



至于一切知识。“diharapkan,充分认识神和我们的主mendalam马卡jalinan persahabatan杨比一比,都可以terjalin Baik dimasa大唐从知识和丹。除了ITU pemberian beasiswa INI bertujuan普拉,比mengenalkan印度尼西亚航空中心,澳大利亚khususnya di布里斯班。”这样pernyataan rilis

缝制。印度尼西亚航空旅行奖学金、pemberian 2(DUA)大型售票班长Ekonomi达日布里斯班柯凡tujuan di印度尼西亚;在给学生杨一有公司berdasarkan kriteria达日昆士兰大学。‎;


依keterangan潘马哈蒂尔Faiz,是澳大利亚杨,在melanjutkan PPIA和tingkat博士迪昆士兰的大学,控释片要比cenderung上大专,非印度尼西亚迪universitas缝制。
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