Du kan begynde at spille violin allerede fra 3 års alderen.
Læs nærmere herom under For de yngste.
Violinen er et strygeinstrument med fire strenge, stemt i kvinter: G, D1, A1 og E2, hvor A-strengen således stemmes i kammertonen eller 440 Hz.
Den er sopran-instrumentet blandt strygeinstrumenterne.
Violinen er det instrument der, bortset fra klaveret, er skrevet flest værker til.
Ordet "violin" kommer fra ordet vitula fra den romanske sprogstamme, betydende strenget instrument.
You can begin to play the violin already from 3 years of age.
Read more detail below For the youngest.
the violin is a string instrument with four strings tuned in fifths: G, D1, A1 and E2, where A-string thus voted in the Chamber tone or 440 Hz.
it is the soprano instrument among string instruments.
Violin is the instrument which, apart from the piano, are written most works for.
the word "violin" comes from the word vitula from the Romance languages derive, meaning stringed instrument.

VIOLIN You can begin to play the violin as early as 3 years of age. Read more under Younger. INSTRUMENT BACKGROUND The violin is a string instrument with four strings tuned in fifths: G, D1, A1 and E2, where the A string so tuned in concert pitch or 440 Hz. It's soprano instrument among ironing instruments. violin is the instrument which, apart from the piano, written most works. word "violin" comes from the word Vitula from the Romance languages strain, meaning stringed instrument.