Deadly Dragons Patch: Thanks to Mur4s4me and euphoricknave we now have a patch for Deadly Dragons! This will allow the stat boosts, knockdown, and stagger resistance effects from DD to apply to my dragons. You must be using the full version of DDC2 (not the No-DLC or No-SkyUI versions). Place this patch file after both DDC and DD in the load order.
Force DDC Only (ogDDC2_ForceNoPluginDragons.esp): This removes all non-DDC2 dragons from the leveled lists so that you will only encounter DDC2 dragons. This file must be placed at the bottom of the load order (or at least after all mods that edit dragon leveled lists). That means even after bash patches & smash patches unless you know what you're doing. Note: some users have reported that this optional file may break certain quests that use dragons. If this occurs for you, simply disable the Force DDC Only plugin and try again. Afterwards, you can re-enable the plugin.
Force Vanilla (ogDDC2_ForceVanillaPluginDragons_usleep3-0-3.esp): This removes all non-DDC2 dragons added by other mods, but keeps vanilla dragons. The resulting leveled lists are up-to-date with USLEEP v3.0.3 (but USLEEP is NOT required). This file must be placed at the bottom of the load order (or at least after all mods that edit dragon leveled lists). DO NOT CLEAN THIS FILE -- IT INTENTIONALLY CONTAINS "IDENTICAL TO MASTER" ENTRIES. You can use bash/smash patch to change the purpose of this file -- after patching, it will add vanilla dragons back into the leveled lists if they were deleted by another mod, but won't remove the other mod's entries.