In morphology, the imago of the species t. armigera easyidentified where imago males and females have yellow headbright old, old yellow antennae, dark brown colored, thoracic and abdominaldark colored, and have a body size 0.40-0.42 mm (Kalshoven 1981).On the imago the male antenna with hair-hair with mace andfunikula with the length of 2-3 times of the maximum width of a Mace. His Club plans threeand funikula the two plans. While the female's antennae have hair-hairshort on funikula and Mace (Meilin 1999).Image Size 2 t. armigera ruler centimeter (CABI)Identification in morphology, such as wings, antenna, and the color turns out notstable and can be influenced by the environment such as temperature and insect hostused in reproduction (Nagaraja & Nagarkatti 1977), so it is notaccurate characterization of Trichogrammatoidea species again.One of the characters is very important in identifying genusboth species of Trichogrammatoidea male genetalia, as it is onlythe male genetalia have distinctive traits and very discriminating between onespecies with other species. In addition, the number of Rs1 at front winganother character is additionally in the identification of species (Alba 1988).In the Philippines it was reported that there are 6 Trichogrammatoidea species, t.evanescens and