He smiled nervously and opened his arms too. Skipper had hid in bushes and watched as Wild Marlene took Julien in his arms. It stung him. Perhaps, they were meant to be together after all. It was clear she felt more for Julien than she did for him. This was all according to plan after all. But even when he was admitting… defeat… nothing had prepared him for what would happen next.
Julien's eyes widened with absolute horror as Wild Marlene pressed her big, wet lips against his own! Skipper's jaw dropped! What?! She pressed Julien's head closer toward her to get a good, long kiss. Lightning flashed as she gripped Julien's shoulders tightly in her overgrown paws. He squirmed and muffled silent screams, he wasn't ready for this! Then she pulled away and looked into Julien's eyes. He was mortified, Skipper was horrified, there were no words to describe the awkwardness!
"Um… that was…" but Julien couldn't finish his sentence. It might have been uncalled for… but he just wasn't ready yet.
Skipper stepped through the bushes and approached them.
"Alright… mission accomplished," he stated blankly with a slight bit of agony in his tone. "Let's just get outta get here."
Suddenly Marlene turned to Skipper and blinked. He was a little intimidated, but then feared for his life when she approached him. He stepped back a little and his blank expression suddenly turned into a fearful one. Her shoulders heaved as she stepped closer. Julien watched uncertainly wondering what she would do. Suddenly a terrible thought entered Skipper's mind.
"Um… wait, Marlene," stammered Skipper. "I didn't mean to step in… you're not going to… to me, are ya?"
She grinned and her sharp fangs flashed.
"Wait, why do you dames always have mixed emotions?" Skipper shrieked. "Think about what you're doing… don't!"
He had backed against a tree and shut his eyes tight. Whatever happened, it was going to be pure horror for him. Frankly, he wondered if the kiss would be better than being strangled. Or vice versa?
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