Diese Daten sind kein Ruhmesblatt für den einstigen Publikumsliebling.翻訳 - Diese Daten sind kein Ruhmesblatt für den einstigen Publikumsliebling.英語言う方法

Diese Daten sind kein Ruhmesblatt f

Diese Daten sind kein Ruhmesblatt für den einstigen Publikumsliebling. Der „alte Shinji“ begeisterte mit Tempo, Dribblings, seinen flinken Haken und Zug zum Tor

Konserviert hat er davon wenig, er passt öfter quer als nach vorne und strahlt kaum noch Torgefahr aus. Mario Götze, Raphael Guerreiro, Gonzalo Castro und zeitweise sogar Ousmane Dembélé haben im zentralen Mittelfeld nachhaltigeren Eindruck hinterlassen. Kagawa spielte nur am ersten Spieltag durch. Sein Vertrag läuft 2018 aus – ob er so lange bei der Borussia bleibt, ist nicht sicher.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
This data is not a glorious chapter for the former crowd pleaser. The "old Shinji" enthusiastic pace, dribbling, his nimble hook and pull the gateHe preserved them little, he fits more cross than to the front and emits little goal threat. Mario Götze, Raphael Guerreiro, Gonzalo Castro and at times even Ousmane Dembélé in the central midfield more sustainable impression left. Kagawa played only on the first day. His contract expires 2018 – whether he so long in which Borussia remains, is not sure.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
This data is wrong for the former crowd favorite. The "old Shinji" enthusiastic with pace, dribbling, his nimble hook and train to the gate

he Preserved it little, it fits more than transversely forward and emits hardly Torgefahr from. Mario Götze, Raphael Guerreiro, Gonzalo Castro and at times even Ousmane Dembele have left in central midfield lasting impression. Kagawa played by only the opening round. His contract runs out in 2018 - if he remains at Borussia so long, is not certain.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
these data are a credit to the former crowd pleaser. old shinji "enthusiastic with speed, dribblings, his nimble hooks and train to the gatehas preserved it little, it fits more transverse than in front and is hardly torgefahr. mario idol, raphael guerreiro, gonzalo castro and, at times, in central midfield, ousmane dembélé sustainable impression. on the first day kagawa played by. his contract expires in 2018, if he so long with the borussia is not sure.
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