朴正煕大統領は実に傑出した人物であったが…石原慎太郎 日本よ、ふたたび2015.11.16 09:301/1枚 私は縁あって韓国の現大統領と翻訳 - 朴正煕大統領は実に傑出した人物であったが…石原慎太郎 日本よ、ふたたび2015.11.16 09:301/1枚 私は縁あって韓国の現大統領と英語言う方法

朴正煕大統領は実に傑出した人物であったが…石原慎太郎 日本よ、ふたたび

石原慎太郎 日本よ、ふたたび2015.11.16 09:30






ソース言語: 言語を検出する
ターゲット言語: 英語
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
朴正煕大統領は実に傑出した人物であったが…石原慎太郎 日本よ、ふたたび2015.11.16 09:301/1枚 私は縁あって韓国の現大統領とその父親の朴元大統領の二人と知己がある。歴代の大統領の中では傑出していたと思われる朴正煕大統領とは、実にしげしげと面談し打ち解けた会話を持つことができたものだった。彼は特に当時結成していた青嵐会を高く評価してくれていて駐日大使をしていた李厚洛を通じてしばしば我々の仲間を招待してくれていた。ある時は福田赳夫さんも交えて限られたメンバーで休日のゴルフ場を借り切りにしてプレイしたりしたものだった。彼の娘さんの現大統領との知己を得たのは、彼女の父親が暗殺された時、福田さんと同行し朴さんの自宅に弔問に出かけた折のことだった。両親を暗殺で失い孤独に留守宅を守って私たちを迎えてくれた彼女の印象は実につましく質素なもので強い印象を受けた。 その彼女が女ながら大統領になりおおせたのは、父親の後にろくな大統領が続かず北に比べて押されぎみの政情に飽き足らぬ国民が彼女の父親への畏敬の念を絶ちやらずの故とも思われるが、それにしても娘さん方はさしたる指導力も発想力も感じられず、政治は財閥関係の不祥事にも介入できずにお手上げで、特に日韓関係に関しては言う事やること父親とは大違いで昔を思うと感無量なものがある。 私は最近列強の植民地支配について研究しているというイギリスの学者の『朝鮮が瞬間的に幸せになった時代』なる本を贈られて読んだが、それはまさに日本の朝鮮統合についての記述だった。断っておくが、日本の朝鮮統治は植民地支配ではなしに、あくまで彼らの議会が裁決し自ら望んで行われた合併であって、それによってこそ朝鮮の近代化は進みロシアへの属国化は免れたのだ。 ある時酒の席で朴元大統領は思いがけぬ述懐をしてくれたものだった。「自分は貧農の息子で勉強をしたくてもできずにいたが、日本人がやってきて子供を学校に通わせぬ親は罰を食う、ということで親も嫌々許して小学校に通うことができた。そこでの成績がよかったので日本人の校長に勧められ、ただで通える師範学校にいかされた。さらにそこの校長が私を見込んで、これからは軍人の時代だからと推薦されて満州の軍官学校に送られ首席となった。そして、他にもいた日本人の子弟をさしおいて卒業の際には代表して答辞を述べさせられたものだ。あれだけの事をさせる民族はあまりいないと思うな」と。そしてまた突然私に「あの竹島は厄介なことになるよ、あれは李承晩が国際法を無視してやった線引きで、その内必ず困る火種になると思うから、今の内にお互いダイナマイトでもしかけて無くしてしまったらいい」と。 彼なら今問題の慰安婦について果たして何と言うだろうか。当時人口二千万人しかいなかった朝鮮で二十万人もの若い女性たちを官憲が本当に拉致していったとしたなら、当時の朝鮮の男たちは無為のままにそれを看過していたのだろうか。敗戦後の日本の街で在日のいわゆる三国人たちが暴れ回っていた頃、戦争帰りの若者たちは絶対の支配力を振るっていたアメリカ軍のMPにも逆らって自警の組織を作り彼らに対抗して戦ったものだ。それが後に暴力団化し『安藤組』や『銀座警察』ともなったものだが、当時の朝鮮にはこうした気骨のある男たちは果たしていなかったものだろうか。 従軍慰安婦の問題は歴史の名を借りた意趣晴らしの作り事でしかありはしない。それは歴史という冷厳な現実への政治的歪曲(わいきょく)であって真実への冒涜(ぼうとく)に他ならない。あの朴元大統領がもしも存命ならお互いの将来のために少し頭を冷やせといってくれるに違いないが。
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Although President Park Chung-hee was a really outstanding person ...
by Japan Shintaro Ishihara, again 2015.11.16 09:30 1/1 sheets I met edge with the current president of South Korea and two of former President Park of the father acquaintance I have. The Park Chung-hee president that may have been outstanding is in successive presidential, it was something that I was able to have a conversation that was informal and indeed Shigeshigeto interview. He had me often to invite our fellow through Lee Hu-rak, which has been the Ambassador to have me appreciate the Seirankai that was formed especially at that time. Sometimes it was something that you can play in the Karikiri holiday golf course members with limited sprinkled also Takeo Fukuda. It had obtained the acquaintance of his daughter's current president of, when her father was assassinated, and accompanied with Fukuda-san was that of the folding that went to funeral home of Mr. Park. Her impression that greeted us to observe the loneliness empty home lose their parents in the assassination was impressed with what really low on the hog frugal. That she was Ose become president while the woman, because the people, not trivial tired of political situation of pressed Gimi compared to the north not last is not worth mentioning the President after the father is not done cut off a sense of awe to her father and it is also suspect, Anyway daughter person Sashitaru leadership nor not felt imagination, politics is a helpless unable intervention in scandals conglomerate relationship, and the father that do it say especially with regard to Japan-South Korea relations in a large difference If you think a long time ago there is a deep feeling. I read been given the book to be "Korea has become momentarily happy era" of British scholars that have studied the colonial rule of the recent powers, but it was exactly description of Korea integration of Japan . Mind you, in Korea governance of Japan without the colonial rule, only be a merger that their parliament has been performed wants himself ruled, thereby vassal state of to what Russian modernization of Korea proceed to It escaped was. Former President Park in the seat of a certain time liquor was something that did a recalled, not stunning. "I was in without being able to even if they want to study in the son of poor peasant, but that the parent which is not send their children to school came the Japanese eat a punishment, to attend primary school by parents reluctantly forgive in that it is possible to have. there results in the good was so advised the Japanese principal, was utilized in normal school to attend for free. In addition there of principal is expected to me, from now on Manchuria military officers have been recommended and because the era of military personnel It became the chief sent to the school. And, at the time of graduation by invoke besides the children of Japanese who Moi to others is something that has been forced to state the answer to an address on behalf of. nation to roughness only thing you do not have too much I think Na "and. And also I suddenly become "that Takeshima be awkward to me, there is a drawing that Rhee was doing to ignore the international law, because I think to be the spark that among the troubled always, can be eliminated and impending in each other dynamite within now gone Once you say, "he said. What I do'd say really about the comfort women of him if now problem. The If authorities a population 20 million only was not in Korea two hundred thousand people also of young women was went really abducted, the Korean men of the time had been overlooked it remains inaction at the time I wonder. Time the so-called Three Kingdoms people of Japan in the Japan of the city was on a rampage after the defeat, the young people of the war way back to them to make the organization of vigilante against also MP of the United States Army who had wielded absolute dominance It's what you fought against. It's what it was with the gang of "Ando set" and "Ginza police" after, but I wonder what the men that did not play in Korea at the time that such a backbone. Comfort women issue is only a fabrication of Harashi grudge borrowed the name of history do not. It is nothing but blasphemy to the truth is a political distortion to the grim reality of history (distortion) (profanity). Although that former President Park is not the difference in us saying If Hiyase a little head for the future of each other if alive.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
President Park Chung-hee is very outstanding person was... Shintaro Ishihara, again at the Japanese 2015.11.16 09 / 30 / 1 is too and former president of the father of the current president of the South Korean friend as I was. President Park Chung-hee, seems to be outstanding in the past presidents, was able to interview the informal conversation very carefully.He is especially formed at that time and highly organized and as ambassador to Japan through the thickness of the Luo Li often invited me to join us. Takeo Fukuda time limited, together with a member of the golf course in the holiday as they could play. Of his daughter's current president, when her father was assassinated, condolence to go home, and was accompanied by the park.She welcomed us to lose parents alone at home the impression of her was really simple economically by a strong impression. Its a girl as she became president of his late father, also did not think, after which the sense of awe to her father in the national political situation of a satisfactory but decent president than in the north, but nevertheless pushed one's daughter no any ideas, political leadership relationship of Zaibatsu scandals can intervene without giving up theEspecially, it makes a big difference in the fullness of his father and what do I think in the past, what say on the relationship between Japan and Korea. I 'of the research that scholars in recent years of colonial rule of Korea by the happy gift present age ", it is the integration of Japan, Korea was described. That is, the Korean government rejected Japan's colonial rule, without their parliamentary rules at his own request was made with theIt is by the modernization of Korea to Russia from dependencies. In the presence of a drink by accident he gave the former President Park. "I want to be a son of a poor peasant studied in the Japanese come to punish parents to send their children to school, can allow unwillingly parents to attend elementary school, and so on. The results suggested that there were good because of the principal, but what I can go to school.In addition to the principal for me there, and sent to the Manchu Army Academy of military personnel recommended from this period. And, there was some other Japanese children in the backseat when graduation, give thanks on behalf of the Fed. The only people who do not think too much. " Then suddenly I "Takeshima is troublesome in the Syngman Rhee, ignoring the international law from the drawing, I think that is always in trouble and cause theDynamite with each other in the now lost on you ". They will be forced to say now what the problem is. In the population at that time was only twenty million Korean and have kidnapped the authorities really young women are more than two hundred thousand people, then the Korean men who allowed it to remain idle. After the defeat of Japan was in the town a rampaging in our provinceI fought against them as young men of war home to his absolute power of vigilance against the organization of American military MP. Ando: "it" and "Ginza" police and gangsters, but after that, at the time of the responsible men are the backbone of this or not. Of the comfort women issue is not only get one's own way of fabrication of the history.It is a historical and political reality distortion (わいきょく) to the truth of blasphemy is nothing else. That there is no difference between the former President Park for the future of each other to calm down a little, such as if it is alive.
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