Beluk adalah suatu jenis (genre) nyanyian yang terdapat secara luas dalam wilayah budaya Sunda. Istilah lain untuk beluk, terutama di wilayah bagian timur seperti Majalengka, adalah gaok. Mungkin kedua istilah itu diambil dari karakteristik teknik nyanyiannya, yang elak-eluk (berkelok-kelok), atau yang guak-gaok, gagaokan ("berteriak," melengking-lengking). Beluk dinyanyikan laki-laki, dengan banyak memakai "suara kepala" (head voice, yodel), sehingga perpindahan antara suara normal dan suara kepala itu menciptakan liukan melodi atau loncatan-loncatan nada dan timber (warna suara) yang sangat kentara. Lengkingannya panjang-panjang, yang umumnya dilakukan dalam satu tarikan nafas. Para penyanyi seolah berlomba untuk bisa mencapai nada setinggi-tingginya dengan nafas yang sepanjang-panjangnya.
Subtlety is a type (genre) song that there is widespread in the Sundanese culture. Another term for outs, especially in the eastern part of the region such as the Majalengka gaok. Perhaps both terms were taken from the EP, a technique characteristic of the elak-eluk (winding) or guak-gaok, gagaokan ("scream," squeaky-lengking). The intricacies of Sung men, with many wearing "sound head" (head voice, Yodeling), so the displacement between normal sound and sound heads create the bend stepping stepping-melody or tone and timber (color sound) a very perceptible. Lengkingannya long-length, which is generally done in one breath. The singers seem to compete to be able to achieve the extended tone with the breath sepanjang-panjangnya.

Outs is a kind (genre) contained singing extensively in the area of Sundanese culture. Another term for outs, especially in the eastern region as Majalengka, is a crow. Perhaps both terms were taken from the technical characteristics of the singing, the evasive-eluk (winding), or guak-crow, gagaokan ("shout," squeaky-squeaked). Sung outs male, with many wearing "head voice" (head voice, yodeling), so switching between normal voice and head voice that creates liukan melody or tone leaps and timber (timbre) were very obvious. Lengkingannya long-term, which is generally done in one breath. The singers are competing to reach the highest tones with a long-length breath.