If Jane had full control of her life, things would be different. First, she wouldn't have been born with the name of "Ernestine", which is embarrassing. Second, she would have ended up at the best high school in town instead of the special program at the school she did go to. And third and most importantly: she would have never been anywhere near those unknowingly mutagenic chemicals on that Monday that splashed down on her soaking her completely. The ones that slowly improved her figure more and more, making her hair longer and her bust larger bit by bit...yet started to make her grow feline ears...and a feline tail...and feline fur...and inserting "nya" into her conversation...and being ultimately reduced to a feral catgirl who gets sparked by merely a feather, the scent of fish or the sound of a mouse or bird...yes she can return to human form again, but she still wished that nya...er, nothing like that would just keep happening...
And for those who forgot what Jane became...well, it should be obvious now. As I said: Jane's human form hasn't had a new pic in years, but her catgirl form should be well known by now. The kid has problems...but I still think she's cute like this, don't you?
Then again, catgirl...mutagen...so, is she April O'Neil or Mona Lisa, I can't figure that one out...