Hope everything with you is ok .
Well, your question is a bit complicated… every family live with…”what they have” if I can say it that way. I mean – you can live with much money, but you can live with less, even in poverty. Unfortunately, in Bulgaria there is no middle class – we have many very rich people and many very poor people.
Officially the poverty line for 2015 is BGN 286 per month (EUR 147) for one person in order to meet all his important needs. The minimal monthly remuneration is BGN 340 (EUR 185)
For a family with 2 children the minimum for living for 1 month is BGN 2245 (EUR 1152). Unfortunately not many families have this amount of money every month. But if we follow that model, you will need BGN 26940 (EUR 13891) annually to live in Bulgaria.
Of course, I would say that this depends on many other conditions – where do you live (in a big city, or small city, or village); are you going to work, or not; do you have own property (place to live – house, flat,), are your children are small or big (if they are small and they need to visit kindergarten – well, there is a big issue with the vacant places for children, so most probably you will need to visit a private kindergarten …Many different conditions, if you are particularly interested in something, please let me know.