So..I tried mate..with y-you?" She asked. I nodded. "Dat' is being why I said dat' you loved me at da' entrance of da' zoo. I tought' dat' you loved me, remembered everyting', and I tought' dat' it was a bit safer to be wit' you in your normal state so dat' is why I took so much attraction. But when you told me you could not remember a single ting', I felt destroyed. I felt like someone I loved finally loved me back, but because her closest friends were around she lied and said dat' dey' did not actually love me. So I over-reacted, by running away crying. I know it is patetic' dat' I, King Julien, would do someting' like dat', but it was my emotions overcoming me. I could not control it. I love you Marlene, and I have been trying to prove it eva' since the first time I saw you. You complete me" I explained. She just held her paws on her lap and looked down to the grass. I'm guessing she doesn't like the idea that I love her. I wont be surprised if that's the case. I'm sure I'll be depressed by the time she leaves, but it's what I deserve. I assumed she remembered everything. "So I'm guessing, whenever I..go..wild, I can't remember anything that happened. Because it's not my actual being. I'm guessing, that when I'm out of the zoo, I'm crazy. I don't know what made that to you, but..maybe there's a reason for it" She slowly said. I looked back to her face.