中国・軍事パレードに「のこのこと」出掛けていく国連事務総長の主張、菅官房長官が瞬殺2015.8.31 20:58 菅義偉(すがよしひで)官房翻訳 - 中国・軍事パレードに「のこのこと」出掛けていく国連事務総長の主張、菅官房長官が瞬殺2015.8.31 20:58 菅義偉(すがよしひで)官房英語言う方法


2015.8.31 20:58









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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
中国・軍事パレードに「のこのこと」出掛けていく国連事務総長の主張、菅官房長官が瞬殺2015.8.31 20:58 菅義偉(すがよしひで)官房長官は31日の記者会見で、国連の潘(パン)基文(ギムン)事務総長が3日に北京で行われる抗日戦争勝利記念の行事に出席することについて「国連は中立であるべだ。国際社会の融和と発展、未来志向の姿勢を強調することこそ、国連に求められている」と強い不快感を示した。国連の役割を「世界唯一の真に普遍的な機関」とする潘氏だが、その姿勢は国連の中立性に疑義を生じさせている。 菅氏は記者会見で、「いたずらに特定の過去に焦点を当てるのではなく、未来志向の姿勢をとるよう促すべきだ。国連には190カ国以上が加盟している」と述べた。言葉を選びながらも、潘氏の「軽率な対応」(官邸筋)を強く牽制した格好だ。 日中は現在、歴史認識問題を抱え、時に深刻な外交問題にも発展する。さらに、中国の軍事費膨張や東シナ海・南シナ海での高圧的な海洋進出などへの懸念から米欧首脳が出席を見送り、各国で行事への対応が分かれている。 そもそも、国連憲章が定める国連の目的には「諸国間の友好関係を発展させる」と明記されており、外務省幹部は「この状況で国連トップの出席が、友好関係の発展に必要なのか大いに疑問だ」といぶかる。 ましてや「加盟国はいかなる国に対しても武力による威嚇もしくは武力の行使を慎まなければならない」とうたっている国連のトップが、軍事パレードに「のこのこと出掛ける」(外務省幹部)ことは、自己否定以外の何ものでもない。 それでも、抗日行事への出席にこだわる潘氏について、日本政府内には、韓国の次期大統領選につなげる政治的パフォーマンスとの憶測すらささやかれる。 また、創設70年を迎える国連には安全保障理事会の改革という課題もある。安保理の常任理事国は固定されていて、日本やドイツ、インド、ブラジルなどが組織改革を求めている。 元米国務省幹部は「常任理事国にはアフリカの代表や経済大国の日本、それにインドもいない」と国連組織における中立、公平性が課題であると指摘する。 Ban said events attendance concerns that Japan countered, "that the international community learn from the past and move forward very important.. Kan told this "UN certain past focus on should is not" repeatedly at a news conference, dismissed the claim of Mr. ban.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
China and military "this thing" to the parade went to go the United Nations Secretary-General of the claim, but Chief Cabinet Secretary Madokaya
2015.8.31 20:58 Yoshihide Suga (Kan Yoshihide) Chief Cabinet Secretary at a press conference 31 days "The UN's base is neutral about to attend the event of the anti-Japanese war victory commemoration that takes place in Beijing in the United Nations Ban (bread) Ki-moon (moon) Secretary-General three days. appeasement of the international community and development, future-oriented that what showed to have "a strong discomfort asked the United Nations to highlight the attitude. It is Mr. Ban for UN role as the "world's only true to the universal institution," but its attitude is causing doubt to neutrality of the United Nations. In Kan press conference, he said, "Rather than focus on unnecessarily past particular, it should encourage to take the attitude of the future-oriented. The United Nations has joined more than 190 countries." While select the words also, it's looking that checks and balances strongly of Mr. Ban "imprudent correspondence" (official residence muscle). During the day now, and had a history recognition problem, but also to develop the sometimes serious diplomatic problem. In addition, the send-off the United States and Europe summit attended from concerns about such high-handed ocean advance in military spending expansion and the East China Sea, South China Sea of China, support is divided into the events in each country. To begin with, the United Nations the purpose of defining the United Nations Charter has been stated as "to develop friendly relations among nations", the Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials "attendance of UN top in this situation, a great deal or necessary to the development of friendly relations I suspect the question it. " Let alone "Member States any must refrain from the threat or use of force against the country," the UN's top claiming that there is, "to go out To blindly" to the military parade (Foreign Ministry officials) thing, self It is nothing other than negative. Still, for Mr. Ban to stick to attend the anti-Japanese events, within the Japanese government, even speculation of a political performance that lead to the presidential election in South Korea is small. In addition, the United Nations celebrates its founding in '70 there is also a problem that the reform of the Security Council. Permanent members of the Security Council have been fixed, Japan, Germany, India, Brazil, etc. are seeking organizational reform. Former US State Department officials pointed out that is a neutral, fairness issues in the UN organization as "the permanent members of the representative and the economic powerhouse of Africa Japan, And also not India". Ban said that Japan has expressed concern to the event attendance, "to learn from the past for the international community, it is very important that you move forward," it was countered. Kan heard to this is repeated at a news conference as "the United Nations should not focus on specific past", was dismissed Ban's assertion.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Chinese military parade, "the Secretary-General of the United Nations' claims that they shun Kan, Chief Cabinet Secretary, killing at 2015.8.31 20 58 suga Yoshihide (it was), chief cabinet secretary day at a news conference, the United Nations ban Ki-moon (Pan Ki-moon to attend. Victory of Anti-Japanese War Memorial, the Secretary-General is held in Beijing in the event there is neutral in the United Nations. The integration and development of the international community, emphasizing the future-oriented attitude, showed a strong offense "and asked the United Nations.Universal but Mr Ban agency "to" the world is the only true to the role of the United Nations that have caused the neutrality of the United Nations. At a press conference, too, Mr. Kan 'specific focus on the past, but should take promoting future-oriented attitude. Member said that more than 190 countries in the United Nations ". That word, "Mr. Ban rash" (Palace), in order to strongly. At present, the Chinese sports, with historical issues, sometimes serious diplomatic problems.In addition, China's military expenditure and the expansion in the East China Sea and South China Sea marine high-pressure to advance from the US and European leaders to attend to in the country are divided corresponding to the event. Well, to begin with, "shall be determined by the objectives of the United Nations Charter" to develop friendly relations among nations and to the Ministry of foreign affairs, said that "in this situation, the top United Nations attended the development of friendly relationship needs much doubt and wonder. TooThe member states in any country, let alone "to sing it should refrain from the use or threat of force" of the United Nations, on top of this military parade "and" go (Ministry of foreign affairs official), but it denied nothing. Nevertheless, too stick to attend events to Mr. Ban on Japanese, the Japanese government and political performance to the next presidential election in South Korea is small even speculation. In addition, tooThe establishment of the United Nations in 70 years problem and reform of the Security Council. A permanent member of the Security Council is fixed to and from Japan, Germany, and India, organization reform, Brazil. A senior U.S. State Department of sports, economy and the permanent member of the Security Council of Japan in the United Nations Organization "and India, pointing out that fairness problem. It's on the ban of concern to Japan out of the event, "the international community to learn from the past"It's very important to move forward. This is not to repeat the "Mr. Kan asked the United Nations in the past should focus on" press conference, Mr Ban, rejected the claim.
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