Lee Teng-hui former President, again "'92 consensus" presence of a denial of Singapore's Shangri-La was held on November 7 at the hotel Taiwan of Ma Ying-nine-President and Xi Jinping, the Chinese in the Jintao talks,習氏the "'92 Calls for adherence "of consensus (1992 consensus), Mr. Ma also it is assumed strong the "'92 consensus, in accordance with the" maintain the status quo of peace. However, to understand the time of the whole picture as President, National Unification Council and National Security was in a position to preside over the meeting and as "is that there has been such agreement not received reports" was Lee Teng-hui former president himself, this public up to many times in the place it has denied the existence of the "1992 consensus". For example, this year's May 2, even when it is attended to "die灣憲Aratameai圖會discussions" (Taiwan constitutional reform blueprint conference), '92 Con mention census, Central News Agency had reported as follows. <Lee Teng-hui original President two days and "one China," cross-strait on (Taiwan and China) common recognition "'92 outlet of the suspension "(1992 consensus)," (the ruling KMT) Again claims in the which was tailored to China shows the idea that because it ", he said," Taiwan is Taiwan, there is no relationship with China. " Lee, originally claimed that the agreement itself did not exist. KMT so that can be interpreted conveniently, at the time in 2000, SoOkoshi who was continent Committee chief committee (ministers) in charge of the pair mainland China policy of Taiwan made was that those were. > (May 3 date, "Central News Agency"), also the day before yesterday (November 14), denied as "not exist" when you attended a roundtable discussion of private organizations sponsored, its me for a Re Central News Agency (below ) are reported. Lee Teng-hui former president once, was also described as follows. <At the time, even listening to Koo Chen-fu and MotoMegumiYu of Straits Foundation who attended the talks with China, he said that there was no agreement has been. This is since 2000, SoOkoshi former continent Committee chief committee, in order to conveniently use the KMT 's what it was created. > Koo Chen-fu Mr. and struck in negotiations with China as the Straits Foundation Chairman, Executive Yuan continent committee chief in 1992 Huang Kun-Huei who was (now Taiwan Solidarity Union Chairman) was also denied its existence. The 1992 to Huang Kun-Huei-continent Committee had served as deputy chief under the chief who will allo, it's nine Mr. Ma Ying. surprised to was that, at that time, even the horse himself he had been denied the "'92 consensus". This May 3 date "Searchina paper" this year, an article Kisaragi Hayato reporter received a Lee President remarks of May 2 has been revealed in "Remarks". <Ma Ying-jeou President had served as the deputy chief of the Executive Yuan Mainland Affairs Council in 1992. The "1992 consensus" at a later presence and began to result claimed, immediately after the negotiations end of the '92 China mainland side of, "for one of China, the base is not Hanashiae and do, common understanding was also not established. Chinese Communist Party side Makoto against political lobbying of our people I spoke with, "showed no meaning. Same remarks of Taiwan paper JoongAng Ilbo has reported on November 6. President Ma at the time in 1992, in charge of negotiations with the Taiwan side Straits Exchange Foundation was, before to announce that it "did not reach agreement on one China", himself a "common understanding" with the mainland side so that it denies the. > (May 3 date "Searchina") while keep denying the existence of its own "'92 Consensus", "92 do not exist in the meeting with Mr. Xi Jinping was claimed by brandishing a year consensus "and" to those strong " and because of, and an open mouth is not clogged is thing this. April 16, 2003, at that time, Koo Chen-fu who was Presidential Office Shisei was awarded an honorary doctorate from Waseda University, its Memorial lecture touched on "'92 Consensus", "both of interpretation does not engage, both sides of the negotiations went and said it has until now remained clogged ", has denied the" common understanding "with China. Of the relevant part remark it as follows. <Straits Exchange Foundation of Taiwan side (Kaikikai) will be entrusted with the full authority from the government, October 28, 1992, China's Strait cross-strait relations Association (sea Association) and when I was I met in Hong Kong, " Saw about what one China "means how basic recognition should be without the debate is settled in different order phases, from our people made on October 30, "each for Jihyojutsu ", that is their problem In to explain their position verbally, unending political theory we proposal that you abort the dispute in this side. Initially, sea Association is back in Beijing can not be relied give a definite answer on the spot but was said to be studied, three days after you have rounded up a meeting to, "respect the there of the proposal acceptance from Beijing Telephone is that ", sea Association is was published through that effect agency paper Shinhana-ho. We are therefore, based on this mutual appreciated (ACCORD), "mutual respect, equality entente" principle that in order to first address the problems related to cross-strait people's interest in the original, is negotiating with the sea Association, contact root and cooperative We were committed to build a system for. April 1993,辜汪meeting in Singapore the story can be realized, it is precisely because there is this mutual appreciated (by the way, we in the '92 Hong Kong talks this mutual appreciated that none, with the conventional "1992 consensus" Although it is called, about the politics of that will to hit an end to the controversy, not the end was born the wisdom of the debate in Hong Kong, in response to the proposal of our people because you are not capped put, rather than consensus, Those who paraphrase the ACCORD is I consider to have told the truth of talks). However, despite much effort such appreciated was made up, then, a variety of political factors not engage both the interpretation of the above-mentioned ACCORD, negotiation of both sides in the current remains stuck we have reached. > (May 22 date "Taipei weekly report" No. 2096, 2003) In this way, he Koo Chen-fu himself of negotiations the parties has denied the agreement of the "'92 consensus," he said. Taiwan side of the Lee Teng-hui President beginning at the time, including the Ma Ying-jeou, who did not recognize the agreement as one of "92 years consensus ". Nevertheless, Mr. Ma began to have the "'92 consensus" in talks with習氏was. The intention, I wonder that what can be assumed in addition to unification with China. Clearly contrary to public opinion of Taiwan to have, and unification with China, that is, none other than the Taiwan annexation (Haydon) by the Chinese.