In fact, the media Brazil 99 in Portuguese, English media in the absence of the above facts to remember only the Hong Kong media. "Not at all, such as collaborative work and harmonious with the slogan," the employment of local Chinese companies hardly, mine development, resource prices tumble after the interruption of the project itself, not to take social responsibility in Chinese enterprises. As to the railway project feasibility study, in long tunnel construction is necessary, at 35The perfection of the South American transcontinental railroad, the distance can be shortened by sea route in 2000 kilos only. Well, the purpose of this project is a political tool, is proposed, all of China's caution, media criticism of South America and surprised by the prime minister Qiang Li Ke. Too, especially in iron ore, copper, zinc, and the main export countries of South America, Brazil 2012 China's trade surplus was $200 billion, a sharp drop in demand for iron ore13 years 40 billion dollar deficit. It is Argentina Peru in similar circumstances. At