home>英語へGO!> 1年1組>ハキリアリ
Atta Ant ハキリアリ
One day a boy in Louisiana woke up to find that all the leaves on a tree in his backyard had disappeared;
only a few threads of the leaves were left.
He knew what had happened. A new colony of Atta ants had come to his neighborhood.
A farmer in Texas said that a heavy bag of seeds for his chickens was emptied by a single colony of Atta ants in one night.
Atta ants aren't very big, but they can carry heavy things, and there are many thousands of them, sometimes millions, in a colony.
In one night, they can make the leaves of a tree or the plants in a garden disappear.
With their scissor-like jaws, they spend hours cutting off pieces of leaf to carry back to their nests.
They don't eat these leaves, so why do they carry pieces of leaf many times their own weight far away to their nests?
It's because they eat only one kind of food - a special fungus that they grow on the leaves.
They are the only creatures who can make this special fungus grow properly.
You already know that a fungus is a decomposer.
It grows on dead leaves and other dead matter.
Did you know that some funguses are good to eat?
If you have ever eaten a mushroom from the grocery, you have eaten a piece of fungus.
Did you like the taste?
Be careful about eating any of the mushrooms growing in the forest, because many are harmful to humans!
The Atta ants take their leaves to a cave they have dug deep underground.
Some of their caves are as deep as twenty feet!
There in their nests they have their fungus farms.
On each piece of leaf in their nest, they carefully place a tiny bit of the fungus.
And it starts to grow on the leaf.
In a few days the leaf will be covered with white fungus.
After a while the fungus makes little knobs of delicious food that the ants eat.
To grow their crop, the Atta ants must work hard to keep the conditions just right for their special fungus.
The air must not be too dry or too damp.
If it is too dry, the ants close the opening to the nest.
If the air is too damp, they open up holes to let the air in and out.
They must also keep the crop perfectly clean by taking away any foreign fungus that might start infecting the food.
Hundreds of Atta ants spend all of their time just cleaning the fungus farm, like farmers removing weeds, so only the right kind of crop will grow there.
The Atta ants are just one of the fascinating members of the ant family.
Others, like the carpenter ants and the *honeydew ants, are just as interesting.
If you want to find out more about ants, ask for good books about them in the library.
home >英語へ行く!> 1年1組>ハキリアリ
atta antハキリアリ
1 aにday boy louisiana woke up toを見つけるというすべてのthe leavesに木で彼のbackyard had disappeared、
the 3の葉だけのスレッドをleft were .彼がhappened what had knew .atta antsの新たなcolony彼の近所に来ていた。
テキサスでは、農民は、彼の鶏のための種子の重bag 1 nightにatta ants単一コロニーによってemptiedだったというsaid .
atta ants very big aren 't , but彼らは重いものcarry can ,とがあり、それらの多くのthousands sometimes millions ,、colonyに.
nightの一つで、彼らはgarden中の木や植物のthe leaves disappear makeできます。
jawsのような彼らのscissorで彼らは、彼らのnests to backを運ぶために葉の部分をoff cutting hours spend .ドン・these leavesは食べないので、なぜ、多くのtimes leaf彼ら自身の重さtheir nestsへの部分を運ぶことですか?they they the leaves on成長that、special fungus foodの1つのonly kindを食べるので、それは
.これはthe special fungusきちんと成長するmake can only creatures are .
それが死んで死んでleavesと他の問題についてgrows .
you some funguses eat to goodがknow did?
ever食料品からキノコをeatenを持っていれば、you菌のpiece eatenを持って.
you the tasteが好きでしたか?
森の中で成長するmushrooms of any eating about慎重に、多くの人間に有害であるので、!
the atta ants they地下深部dugを持って洞窟への彼らのleaves take .
their caves of some twentyフィートと同じくらい深いです!
が彼らに持ってnests they their fungus farms .
彼らの巣にleafの各piece on , they carefully the fungus of小さい、bit place .
and the leaf成長することon to starts .
、few日間にthe leaf white fungusでカバーされます。
しばらくしてfungusアリを食べることができるおいしいfood of littleノブmakes after .
their crop成長to , the atta ants条件just their special fungusのためのright keepへのハードwork must .
the air too dry or too damp be must not .
それがあまりに乾くならば、theアリが巣をclose .
the air too dampであるならば、they open up holes the空気中のletを.
またkeep they the crop完全にきれいなthe foodに感染するstart might that any foreign fungus away takingによってmust .
atta ants of百just the fungus農場cleaning their of all時間を費やして、雑草を取り除くfarmers like , so only右kind作物の成長will there。atta ants the ant the fascinatingファミリーのメンバーのうちのちょうど.
others ,theオオアリand the * honeydew蟻やjustとして興味深いもの.
youアリについてもっと知りたいならば、いいbooksのために彼らを図書館にabout .