There are some who will tell you that Magnesium ‘feeds’ or stimulates Candida in some way, or promotes the formation of biofilms. There is a kernel of truth in this, in that Candida does actually need Magnesium to survive. But then so do all living organisms! Restricting your Magnesium intake to combat Candida, and deliberately making yourself Magnesium-deficient, would be counter-productive and likely worsen your health problems. On the other hand, eliminating sources of excess sugar (like my Candida treatment plan does) is a much more practical and effective goal.It is relatively easy to get tested for Magnesium deficiency, but a quick look at someone’s diet is often enough. Given that the majority of us are lacking in this essential nutrient, only those who eat a diet rich in vegetables, nuts, and seeds are likely to have acceptable levels. If getting enough Magnesium from your diet is too difficult or impractical, consider supplementation. There are lots of different forms, but Magnesium Glycinate is generally considered to be the best. It is very bioavailable (meaning that your body can actually absorb and use it), and it doesn’t tend to cause the diarrhea that other Magnesium supplements can.