Me caes bien aunque no convivimos lo suficiente en prepa, y la verdad no sabría como mandarte un mensaje o etiquetarte porque hasta a mi me da pena decir esto, pero si vas a subir fotos que no son tuyas, por lo menos checa que las que subes se parezcan a ti, te lo digo por la pequeña curvatura que tiene tu nariz y que no tiene la ó las personas en las fotos, además de las distintas tonalidades de cabello que cambian con frecuencia y tú no luces cambiar en la realidad y por último, checa el entorno, es casi imposible que alguien se de cuenta pero hay cosas que no concuerdan con México, como la foto que subiste en algún café tipo Starbucks con libros en japonés O.o (y lo sé porque he estado ahí, matando el tiempo, solo viendo las imágenes por no poder leer todos los caracteres) xD
Quieres saber que es lo más triste? QUE ERES HERMOSA Y NO TE DAS CUENTA, en verdad, no se por que subes esas fotos que no alcanzan a reflejar todo lo que es tú yo mismo, en prepa eras realmente bonita y ahora mucho más, tienes una gran carrera por delante y una personalidad especial a tú manera, como todos y cada uno de nosotros.
Desde mi corazón, ojalá la siguiente vez que te mires al espejo veas la bella realidad qué eres, se que a veces es difícil mirarse y no despreciarse a si mismo de alguna manera, con todos los motivos o sin motivo alguno, he estado ahí, y aunque va a ser un largo camino, recuerda que mientras se este vivo se tiene el potencial para cambiar ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
Sinceramente una ex compañera de preparatoria que te admira mucho y te desea siempre todo lo mejor.
I like well although not live enough in high school, and the truth could not send a message or tag you because even my it makes me sad to say this, but if you're going to upload photos that are not yours, at least Czech to that which you upload to look like you, I tell you by the slight curvature that has your nose and that is the people in the photos as well as the different shades of hair which change frequently and you not lights change in reality and finally, Czech environment, is almost impossible that someone is of features but there are things that do not match with Mexico, as the photo that you uploaded in any coffee Starbucks with books in Japanese O.o (and I know because I've been there (, killing time, only viewing images by not be able to read all characters) xDWant to know what the sad thing? THAT you are beautiful and not TE DAS account, in truth, not be by that upload those photos that fail to reflect everything that is you I in high school you were really nice and now much more, have a great career ahead and a special personality to your way, as each and every one of us.From my heart, hopefully the next time you look in the mirror to see the beautiful reality what you are, is that sometimes it is difficult to look and not despised if itself somehow, with all the reasons or no reason, I've been there, and although it will be a long way, recalls that while is this live has the potential to change ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@) ノSinceramente una ex compañera de preparatoria que te admira mucho y te desea siempre todo lo mejor.

I like you but we do not live together enough in high school, and really would not know how to send you a message or label you because even my saddens me to say this, but if you go to upload photos that are not yours, at least Czech those that upload look like you, I'll say it for the small curvature having your nose and not the person or persons in the photos, in addition to different shades of hair that change frequently and you do not look to change in reality and Finally, the Czech environment, it is almost impossible for anyone to account but there are things that do not match with Mexico, as the photo you uploaded in a Starbucks coffee type books in Japanese Oo (and I know because I've been there, killing time only seeing the images because they can not read all the characters) xD
Want to know what's sad? You're beautiful and you do not realize, in fact, not that you upload those photos that fail to reflect all that is you myself, in high school you were really nice and now much more, you have a great career ahead and special personality to your way, as each and every one of us.
From my heart, I hope the next time you look at yourself in the mirror you see the beautiful reality that you are, it is sometimes hard to look and not despise himself somehow with every reason or no reason, I've been there, and although it will be a long road, remember that while it is alive has the potential to changeヾ(@ ⌒ー⌒ @)ノHonestly a former classmate from high school admires you and you always wish you all the best.