When the alluring side of Julie (Stella Colbert) wants something, she usually can flirt or tease her way to it. But there are times where even that isn't enough: someone pushes her too far, or she has to fight for it or is driven to the brink. It is at those moments that the full true power of Julie's topaz completely emerges. For when the sultan wanted to create his ultimate harem, it wasn't just to change girls into flawless beauties...it was to evolve them into something greater still; to something never seen before! For Julie, her body completely changes: her musculature develops rapidly throughout her form, her nails become claws and her body becomes covered in a luxurious white coat. Her already golden blonde hair grows longer into a platinum blonde color and she develops ears, muzzle and even a huge fluffy platinum tail! And her bust, already double her original size in her Stella form, doubles once again into immense orbs of power and pleasure! And thus, the once submissive Julie Hopkins fully evolves...into Mustellar, the anthromorphic weremink of ultimate desire!