Aus bautechnischer Sicht fordert das ENSI, dass für Etappe 2 SGT die geologischen und geotechnischen Informationen in gebietsspezifische und formationsspezifische Baugrundmodelle und Gebirgsbeschreibungen überführt werden.
From a structural perspective, the ENSI demands that for stage 2 SGT the geological and geotechnical information be transferred to area-specific and group-specific ground models and descriptions of mountain.
From civil engineering perspective calls ENSI that for stage 2 SGT the geological and geotechnical information is transferred to area-specific and specific formation building models and mountain descriptions.
from constructional perspective, calls on the commission to step 2 of the geological and geotechnical information sergeant in area and formationsspezifische baugrundmodelle and gebirgsbeschreibungen to be incorporated.