正義について考えてみた。 絶滅した恐竜の名前くらい遠いところにそれはあるような気がした。 平和について考えてみた。 きっと、正義なんてなくて翻訳 - 正義について考えてみた。 絶滅した恐竜の名前くらい遠いところにそれはあるような気がした。 平和について考えてみた。 きっと、正義なんてなくて英語言う方法

正義について考えてみた。 絶滅した恐竜の名前くらい遠いところにそれはあ


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
I think about justice. As the name of the dinosaur extinction far did feel like it. I think about peace. You make if you make surely, justice is without a care. Landscape poems in the head to make pantomiming requirements one by one. Then in the suddenly puzzled by it. Afterthought from the beginning once again start over even and finally realize that. But apparently the world be at peace seems to be not the existence of their own. Polite will resolve the various problems holding hands with people people know my smile, I don't know, things just evolved, had piled up like a fool. Whereupon the piccapica model of such textbook-like ideals gone discretion in that place. World becomes peaceful, perhaps nobody wont. World becomes peaceful, perhaps not entertain doubts anyone. World becomes peaceful, perhaps everyone ignore process. World becomes peaceful, perhaps nobody jubilant to results. World becomes peaceful, perhaps no one correct answer. And what equality selfish pieces due to ideas. But because it can't be helped. Justice has been lost. There are only the remains of a fossil. And needless to say, peace is precious. There makes me think possibly sacrificed to in about half of the entire world also want to get more value proves the past history. And you can buy it in the life of man at any time if I jump anyone. Historians feat of the mankind and praise the engraved figures a new chronology would make commemorative holidays. Killer smile, all human beings share. The world enjoying peace grin laughing theory armed nature eyes off anyone he also justice, forget the bad feelings. Here is a question. I really want to rely on such a world?
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Think of justice. I felt as far as the dinosaurs were extinct is the name of it. At the thought about peace. At will, without justice, as it is to create it. Need to create a landscape picture in my head are arranged, one by one. In doing so, I doubt it. I once thought from the beginning, starting from the top, and finally realize. Apparently, atWhen the world becomes peaceful existence itself is not supposed to be. At the people they know in their smile, holding the hands of people who are not familiar with the various things, such as the development of a variety of piled up like a fool to problem solving. So the textbook as example to talk like a dream come true after missing the whereabouts of his existence. If the world is at peace, perhaps one does not complain. AtIf the world becomes peaceful, perhaps no one. If the world is at peace, perhaps everyone ignores the process. If the world is at peace, perhaps the joy to everybody. If the world is at peace, perhaps one answer is correct. At how selfish and equality in the convenience of crush. However, because it can't be helped. Justice has already lost. Only the remains of the fossils. Needless to say, and at peace.They think the whole world to half and wanted to get it at the expense of the value of the history of the past. At the time, and you can buy it in the lives of everyone, I'm sure we leap. Family history of mankind and his achievement, the new chronology of carved figures, it will create a memorial day. For all mankind, smiling at the murder. In the theory of the essence from the grinning armed, close your eyesOne of the world to feel bad to forget his justice and peace. At the at the problem. At I, really want to hang on to the world?
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