Mere cities were devastated just by her immense expanding size. Cities were smaller than her feet, and even kneeled as she was to keep her vision of the pitiful humans visible, the toes she was leaning on continued to demolish buildings just by their widening might. Her magic circle which had been feeding her the lust of the masses had turn golden, a new sign of divinity that she was reaching up to. Soon, she wouldn't be just a queen, but a goddess. Yet as she stared at the miniscule humans below her glorious beauty, she noticed that most still ran in fear, though some were consumed by the projection of lust she was giving out. "A goddess must have loyal servants, and worshippers, to herald those unbelievers." But using her magic just to create some servants was, traditional, and befitting of the demons of old. No, she was a new generation of demons, who have unlimitted power gains, and she would use the humans who fed her the power, into her own. As she knelt further down to have a closer look at the city, she felt the substantial heave of her fleshy breasts, which in turn gave her a splendid idea. Gripping the edge of her nipples, she willed her breasts, she massaged the tips, and she enhanced it with magic, so that gallons and gallons of milk now squirted from her nipples, each stream of milk, dousing blocks of housing, soaking the humans. With the intensity of magic infused into her milk, the females that were already intuned to her lust, would then change, to become her priestesses, shaping themselves to become succubi of their own. Perhaps one day she would find her most devout worshipper, and make her the high priestess of this demon goddess.