Lily informed me yesterday of her conversation with you regarding the Concierge Choice Awards event we will be hosting. We currently have over a dozen requests with most of them being hair. I understand you have an issue with us bringing in a stylist. It was to my understanding and as I previously mentioned in my original email that this would be collaboration between both our companies. We are bringing in our staff to supplement your staff that you will be providing, which would be for hair and nails as you do not offer makeup at your salon. Beauté à Porter will be hiring one stylist and one nail technician to work the event as well as two makeup artists. We have not received a confirmation on your staff selected as Lily and I would like to ensure they would be a good match for this event.
Please let me know when you are available as we should sit down to discuss our recruitment progress as well as the details to ensure that this is a seamless event.
Kind Regards,