AbstractJump to sectionINTRODUCTION

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Libraries have been building publishing programs in increasing numbers, with motivations including the needs of local authors and editors and the desire to positively impact scholarly communications. Library publishers offer diverse services, depending on their goals and capabilities. In this column, two librarians involved in managing publishing services profile their institutions' respective programs. Efforts aimed at increasing library–publisher cooperation and education are briefly mentioned.
Open Access, library publishing, scholarly communications
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Welcome to Open Dialog, a new column in Serials Review discussing issues related to the Open Access (OA) movement. I've often wondered about the roles librarians can play in the OA movement. As an electronic resources librarian, most of my day-to-day work with OA publications involves providing access to these publications within our link resolver, catalog, databases, and discovery tool. Many librarians have taken on roles as OA advocates. Libraries have hosted events, supported OA policies and mandates, put together guides, and spoken to faculty and students about how OA publishing relates to their work. In addition to access and advocacy, libraries have played an important part by hosting OA content in institutional and subject repositories, making valuable scholarship widely available.
In this installment of the column, the focus is on libraries that have gone a step further and launched publishing programs that go beyond the traditional role of an institutional repository (IR). Library publishing is by no means a new phenomenon. The Library Publishing Directory (Lipincott, 2015) includes institutions such as McGill University Library and Virginia Tech University Libraries, which began their programs in 1988 and 1989 respectively. However, the movement has picked up a great deal of steam in recent years due to several factors, including the popularity of the OA movement, the availability of open source or low-cost publishing platforms, and institutional needs for online publishing services (Skinner, Lippincott, Speer, & Walters, 2014).
For many library publishers, the desire to increase access to scholarly materials is the driving force behind a publication program (Mullins et al., 2012). It can be seen as another action in support of OA, alongside OA educational events and guides. Discussing this motivation, Skinner et al. (2014) state that library investment in publication programs “could serve both to increase access to scholarship (via open access models, largely preferred by library publishers) and decrease the library's expenditures over time.” This motivation can explain why some libraries, such as the University of Pittsburgh Library System, offer publishing services even to authors and editors who are not affiliated with their parent institution (Barnett, Chan, Collister, Dellyannides, & Gabler, 2013). Librarians dissatisfied with what they see as a scholarly publishing landscape dominated by profit-driven companies may want to seek and even create alternatives. Offering publishing services is a way to directly contribute to this goal.
The needs of local faculty may also drive the creation of publication programs. Skinner et al. (2014) note that faculty members have sought journal publishing assistance from libraries in many cases, thus spurring on the creation of a publishing service. Whether faculty are looking to publish a new journal or book, or looking to bring a long-running print publication online, they are likely to need a partner for some combination of hosting, marketing, copy editing, or other services. As mission-driven organizations, libraries may be better suited than commercial publishers or university presses with diminished institutional support to take on titles that are experimental in nature, locally focused, or unlikely to provide revenues sufficient to cover the cost of publication. Libraries are also likely to pursue this path with the goal of disseminating and promoting the work of their institution's faculty and status, much in line with the goals of an IR.
Additionally, libraries may have staff and systems that are well suited to accommodate publishing services. Most librarians are already familiar to some extent with scholarly publishing, often through collection development, work with faculty, and their own experiences as authors or editors. In addition, librarians are likely accustomed to working with authors, readers, and a wide range of stakeholders. Libraries are also likely to have servers or server space at their disposal, and many are already running platforms such as those for IRs that can double as journal or book platforms. Libraries already serve as a centralized resource to faculty across a wide range of disciplines, making this new role a natural fit.
Library publishing programs have a great range of diversity in terms of their motivation, the types of materials they publish, the range of authors they work with, and their intended audience. Some will focus exclusively on journals from faculty at their local institutions, while others may publish journals, books, proceedings, and more from authors across the globe (Lippincott, 2015). In order to get a better idea of the growth and experiences of library publishing programs, I'd like to focus on two in particular. I approached Char Simser, the coordinator of library data and electronic publishing at New Prairie Press in the Kansas State University Libraries, and Carol Ann Borchert, the coordinator of serials at University of South Florida Libraries, and asked them a few questions about the history, growth, and role of their publishing programs. The following material is drawn from their responses.
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New Prairie Press (NPP) at Kansas State University Libraries began in 2007 and was housed in a digital initiatives department under the part-time direction of the web librarian and with minimal Information Technology support. A Scholarly Communications & Publishing department was established in a 2009–2010 librarywide reorganization, and a 2014 task force recommended the creation of a Center for Digital Scholarship & Publishing. I have been working in a 0.5 full-time equivalent (FTE) position as NPP Coordinator since 2011. My role will grow to 0.75 FTE within the Center by fiscal year 2016. Before our migration to Digital Commons in 2013, 0.2 FTE library IT staff managed our Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform. Funding for NPP comes from the library budget.
NPP started with two open access journals and has grown to eight. Two additional publications will join us in 2015. Beginning in 2014, we now host two conference events (with at least one more coming on board in 2015) and two books. We should have a third book published by the end of this year and are in discussions with two other campus collaborators. It is an exciting time to be in this line of work.
Google Analytics for 2014 shows that just under 10% of our readership is local, i.e., Manhattan, Kansas. It's the largest concentrated group of readers. Kansas State University does not have its own university press. The University Press of Kansas represents the six state universities, a consortium established by the state Board of Regents. Their role covers the full spectrum of publishing scholarly monographs from editorial through peer review, copy editing, and layout. At this time, NPP provides hosting, initial setup, training, and ongoing support (in collaboration with Digital Commons) for ejournals, ebooks, and monographs, but editors and authors are responsible for the editorial workflow.
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The University of South Florida forayed into open access publishing in 2007. Todd Chávez, the director of Academic Resources, cotaught a class with Len Vacher in the USF Geology Department. Dr. Vacher explained to Todd that there was no cross-disciplinary journal that discussed quantitative literacy in a holistic way, and Todd suggested that he start one—specifically as an open access journal hosted by USF. Dr. Vacher took this suggestion back to the National Numeracy Network, and they held a day-long meeting to discuss how they could make a significant contribution to the literature. The journal Numeracy was born from that brainstorming session and is the most successful born-digital journal in the USF Scholar Commons collection. Volume 1, issue 1 of the journal is dated January 2008, but since we were ready and the editors were so excited, we actually published the first issue online in late December 2007.
Numeracy and our second journal, Studia UBB Geologia, started on the bepress Edikit platform, but when the Digital Commons platform became available, USF moved the early journals to the new platform and added many others. As of December 2014, there are 14 OA journals on Scholar Commons with another under development. One of the key factors in selecting bepress's system is that the USF Tampa Library did not have the IT personnel to develop or support some of the other platforms available at the time, so bepress serves as our technical support for the system.
When fully staffed, Scholar Commons has a full-time person managing the repository with student help and 2.0 FTE for open access journal management spread across myself and two staff members. Recently, we added a part-time staff member to help with journal layouts, and we are currently advertising for a staff position split between journal publishing and overall IR management. Our full-time IR person recently accepted a position elsewhere, and we plan to upgrade that position to a faculty line.
Scholar Commons is entirely
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
AbstractJump to sectionINTRODUCTIONCHAR SIMSERCAROL ANN BORCHERTCONCLUSIONLibraries have been building publishing programs in increasing numbers, with motivations including the needs of local authors and editors and the desire to positively impact scholarly communications. Library publishers offer diverse services, depending on their goals and capabilities. In this column, two librarians involved in managing publishing services profile their institutions' respective programs. Efforts aimed at increasing library–publisher cooperation and education are briefly mentioned.KeywordsOpen Access, library publishing, scholarly communicationsINTRODUCTIONJump to sectionINTRODUCTIONCHAR SIMSERCAROL ANN BORCHERTCONCLUSIONWelcome to Open Dialog, a new column in Serials Review discussing issues related to the Open Access (OA) movement. I've often wondered about the roles librarians can play in the OA movement. As an electronic resources librarian, most of my day-to-day work with OA publications involves providing access to these publications within our link resolver, catalog, databases, and discovery tool. Many librarians have taken on roles as OA advocates. Libraries have hosted events, supported OA policies and mandates, put together guides, and spoken to faculty and students about how OA publishing relates to their work. In addition to access and advocacy, libraries have played an important part by hosting OA content in institutional and subject repositories, making valuable scholarship widely available.In this installment of the column, the focus is on libraries that have gone a step further and launched publishing programs that go beyond the traditional role of an institutional repository (IR). Library publishing is by no means a new phenomenon. The Library Publishing Directory (Lipincott, 2015) includes institutions such as McGill University Library and Virginia Tech University Libraries, which began their programs in 1988 and 1989 respectively. However, the movement has picked up a great deal of steam in recent years due to several factors, including the popularity of the OA movement, the availability of open source or low-cost publishing platforms, and institutional needs for online publishing services (Skinner, Lippincott, Speer, & Walters, 2014).For many library publishers, the desire to increase access to scholarly materials is the driving force behind a publication program (Mullins et al., 2012). It can be seen as another action in support of OA, alongside OA educational events and guides. Discussing this motivation, Skinner et al. (2014) state that library investment in publication programs “could serve both to increase access to scholarship (via open access models, largely preferred by library publishers) and decrease the library's expenditures over time.” This motivation can explain why some libraries, such as the University of Pittsburgh Library System, offer publishing services even to authors and editors who are not affiliated with their parent institution (Barnett, Chan, Collister, Dellyannides, & Gabler, 2013). Librarians dissatisfied with what they see as a scholarly publishing landscape dominated by profit-driven companies may want to seek and even create alternatives. Offering publishing services is a way to directly contribute to this goal.The needs of local faculty may also drive the creation of publication programs. Skinner et al. (2014) note that faculty members have sought journal publishing assistance from libraries in many cases, thus spurring on the creation of a publishing service. Whether faculty are looking to publish a new journal or book, or looking to bring a long-running print publication online, they are likely to need a partner for some combination of hosting, marketing, copy editing, or other services. As mission-driven organizations, libraries may be better suited than commercial publishers or university presses with diminished institutional support to take on titles that are experimental in nature, locally focused, or unlikely to provide revenues sufficient to cover the cost of publication. Libraries are also likely to pursue this path with the goal of disseminating and promoting the work of their institution's faculty and status, much in line with the goals of an IR.Additionally, libraries may have staff and systems that are well suited to accommodate publishing services. Most librarians are already familiar to some extent with scholarly publishing, often through collection development, work with faculty, and their own experiences as authors or editors. In addition, librarians are likely accustomed to working with authors, readers, and a wide range of stakeholders. Libraries are also likely to have servers or server space at their disposal, and many are already running platforms such as those for IRs that can double as journal or book platforms. Libraries already serve as a centralized resource to faculty across a wide range of disciplines, making this new role a natural fit.Library publishing programs have a great range of diversity in terms of their motivation, the types of materials they publish, the range of authors they work with, and their intended audience. Some will focus exclusively on journals from faculty at their local institutions, while others may publish journals, books, proceedings, and more from authors across the globe (Lippincott, 2015). In order to get a better idea of the growth and experiences of library publishing programs, I'd like to focus on two in particular. I approached Char Simser, the coordinator of library data and electronic publishing at New Prairie Press in the Kansas State University Libraries, and Carol Ann Borchert, the coordinator of serials at University of South Florida Libraries, and asked them a few questions about the history, growth, and role of their publishing programs. The following material is drawn from their responses.CHAR SIMSER
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New Prairie Press (NPP) at Kansas State University Libraries began in 2007 and was housed in a digital initiatives department under the part-time direction of the web librarian and with minimal Information Technology support. A Scholarly Communications & Publishing department was established in a 2009–2010 librarywide reorganization, and a 2014 task force recommended the creation of a Center for Digital Scholarship & Publishing. I have been working in a 0.5 full-time equivalent (FTE) position as NPP Coordinator since 2011. My role will grow to 0.75 FTE within the Center by fiscal year 2016. Before our migration to Digital Commons in 2013, 0.2 FTE library IT staff managed our Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform. Funding for NPP comes from the library budget.
NPP started with two open access journals and has grown to eight. Two additional publications will join us in 2015. Beginning in 2014, we now host two conference events (with at least one more coming on board in 2015) and two books. We should have a third book published by the end of this year and are in discussions with two other campus collaborators. It is an exciting time to be in this line of work.
Google Analytics for 2014 shows that just under 10% of our readership is local, i.e., Manhattan, Kansas. It's the largest concentrated group of readers. Kansas State University does not have its own university press. The University Press of Kansas represents the six state universities, a consortium established by the state Board of Regents. Their role covers the full spectrum of publishing scholarly monographs from editorial through peer review, copy editing, and layout. At this time, NPP provides hosting, initial setup, training, and ongoing support (in collaboration with Digital Commons) for ejournals, ebooks, and monographs, but editors and authors are responsible for the editorial workflow.
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The University of South Florida forayed into open access publishing in 2007. Todd Chávez, the director of Academic Resources, cotaught a class with Len Vacher in the USF Geology Department. Dr. Vacher explained to Todd that there was no cross-disciplinary journal that discussed quantitative literacy in a holistic way, and Todd suggested that he start one—specifically as an open access journal hosted by USF. Dr. Vacher took this suggestion back to the National Numeracy Network, and they held a day-long meeting to discuss how they could make a significant contribution to the literature. The journal Numeracy was born from that brainstorming session and is the most successful born-digital journal in the USF Scholar Commons collection. Volume 1, issue 1 of the journal is dated January 2008, but since we were ready and the editors were so excited, we actually published the first issue online in late December 2007.
Numeracy and our second journal, Studia UBB Geologia, started on the bepress Edikit platform, but when the Digital Commons platform became available, USF moved the early journals to the new platform and added many others. As of December 2014, there are 14 OA journals on Scholar Commons with another under development. One of the key factors in selecting bepress's system is that the USF Tampa Library did not have the IT personnel to develop or support some of the other platforms available at the time, so bepress serves as our technical support for the system.
When fully staffed, Scholar Commons has a full-time person managing the repository with student help and 2.0 FTE for open access journal management spread across myself and two staff members. Recently, we added a part-time staff member to help with journal layouts, and we are currently advertising for a staff position split between journal publishing and overall IR management. Our full-time IR person recently accepted a position elsewhere, and we plan to upgrade that position to a faculty line.
Scholar Commons is entirely
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
CAROL ANNボルヒェルトの
CAROL ANNボルヒェルトの
地元の教員のニーズも出版プログラムの作成 ​​を駆動することができます。スキナーら。(2014)教員は、このように出版サービスの創出に拍車をかけ、多くの場合、ライブラリからの雑誌出版の支援を求めていることに注意してください。教員は、新しいジャーナルや本を出版するために探して、またはオンライン長時間実行印刷出版物を持って来るために探しているかどうか、彼らは、ホスティング、マーケティングのいくつかの組み合わせのためのパートナー、コピー、編集、 ​​またはその他のサービスを必要とする可能性があります。ミッション主導の組織として、ライブラリは自然の中で実験されているタイトルを取るために減少した制度的支援と商業出版社や大学出版より良い適しているかもしれない、ローカルに焦点を当て、または出版物のコストをカバーするのに十分な収入を提供する可能性は低いです。ライブラリは、多くのIRの目標に沿って、また、それらの機関の教員とステータスの仕事を広めると促進を目的としたこのパスを追求する可能性がある。
図書館の出版プログラムは、彼らのモチベーションの面で多様性の大きな範囲を持って、彼らは公開材料の種類、作成者の範囲彼らはで動作し、それらの意図された聴衆。他の人が世界中の作者(リッピンコット、2015)から雑誌、 ​​書籍、会議録などを公開するかもしれないがいくつかは、彼らの地元機関の教員からの雑誌のみに焦点を当てます。図書館の出版プログラムの成長と経験のより良いアイデアを得るために、私は特に2に注力したいと思います。私は、シャアSimser、カンザス州立大学図書館の新プレーリー押しでライブラリデータと電子出版のコーディネーター、とキャロルアンボルヒェルト、南フロリダ大学図書館で雑誌のコーディネーターに近づいて、彼らに歴史についていくつか質問をしました成長、およびそれらの出版プログラムの役割。以下の材料は、その応答から描画されます。
CAROL ANNボルヒェルトの
カンザス州立大学図書館における新プレーリープレス(NPP)は2007年に始まったとのパートタイムの指示の下にデジタル・イニシアチブ部門に収容されましたウェブ司書と最小限の情報技術をサポートしました。学術コミュニケーション&出版部門は、2009から2010 librarywide再編に設立され、2014年タスクフォースは、デジタル奨学金&出版センターの作成 ​​を推奨されていました。私は、私の役割は、2013年にデジタル・コモンズに私たちの移行前事業年度2016によりセンター内0.75 FTEに成長し、2011年以来、原子力発電所のコーディネーターとして0.5フルタイム相当(FTE)の位置、0.2 FTE図書館のITスタッフで働いています私たちのオープン・ジャーナル・システム(OJS)プラットフォームを管理していました。原子力発電所のための資金は、図書館予算から来ている。
。2014 年のGoogle Analyticsはすなわち、私達の読者のすぐ下に10%がローカルであることを示している、マンハッタン、カンザス州。それは、読者の最大の集中グループです。カンザス州立大学は、独自の大学プレスを持っていません。カンザス大学を押して、6州の大学、評議の状態委員会によって確立されたコンソーシアムを表します。彼らの役割は、ピアレビュー、コピー、編集、 ​​レイアウトを通じて編集から学術研究論文を公開の完全なスペクトルをカバーしています。このとき、NPPはejournals、電子ブック、および研究論文のための(デジタルコモンズと共同で)ホスティング、初期セットアップ、トレーニング、および継続的なサポートを提供しますが、編集者や著者が編集ワークフローを担当している
。CAROL ANNボルヒェルトは
CAROL ANNボルヒェルトの
南フロリダ大学は、2007年トッドチャベス、学術情報のディレクターでオープンアクセス出版にforayed USF地質学科にレンVacherを持つクラスをcotaught。博士Vacherはホリスティックな方法で定量的リテラシーの議論は交差懲戒ジャーナルがなかったことをトッドに説明し、トッドは、彼がUSFが主催するオープンアクセスジャーナルとして1特異的に開始することを示唆しました。博士Vacherは全国算数ネットワークに戻って、この提案を取って、彼らは文学に多大な貢献を作ることができる方法を議論するために終日の会議を開催しました。ジャーナル算数は、ブレインストーミングセッションから生まれ、USF奨学生コモンズのコレクションの中で最も成功した生まれたデジタル雑誌ですました。第1巻、雑誌の発行1は、2008年1月日付であるが、我々は準備ができていたと編集者はとても興奮していたので、私たちは実際下旬2007年12月にオンライン創刊号を出版
算数、私たちの第二のジャーナル、STUDIA UBB Geologiaは、上で開始デジタル・コモンズプラットフォームが利用可能になったときbepress Edikitプラットフォームは、しかし、USFは、新しいプラットフォームへの早期ジャーナルを移動し、他の多くを追加しました。2014年12月の時点で、開発中の別のと奨学生コモンズの14のOAジャーナルがあります。bepressは、システムのための当社の技術サポートとして機能するようbepressのシステムを選択する際の重要な要素の一つは、USFタンパ図書館が開発したり、一度に利用できる他のプラットフォームのいくつかをサポートするためのIT担当者を持っていなかったということです。
完全に配属すると、学者・コモンズには、自分自身もオープンアクセスジャーナル管理広がりと2スタッフのための学生の助けを借りて、リポジトリと2.0 FTEを管理するフルタイムの人を持っています。最近、我々は雑誌のレイアウトを支援するパートタイムのスタッフを追加し、私たちは現在、雑誌出版と全体的なIR管理間のスタッフの位置の分割のために広告しています。私たちのフルタイムのIR担当者は、最近、別の場所に位置を受け入れ、私たちは教員ラインにその位置をアップグレードする予定。
結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
翻訳ツールのサポート: アイスランド語, アイルランド語, アゼルバイジャン語, アフリカーンス語, アムハラ語, アラビア語, アルバニア語, アルメニア語, イタリア語, イディッシュ語, イボ語, インドネシア語, ウイグル語, ウェールズ語, ウクライナ語, ウズベク語, ウルドゥ語, エストニア語, エスペラント語, オランダ語, オリヤ語, カザフ語, カタルーニャ語, カンナダ語, ガリシア語, キニヤルワンダ語, キルギス語, ギリシャ語, クメール語, クリンゴン, クルド語, クロアチア語, グジャラト語, コルシカ語, コーサ語, サモア語, ショナ語, シンド語, シンハラ語, ジャワ語, ジョージア(グルジア)語, スウェーデン語, スコットランド ゲール語, スペイン語, スロバキア語, スロベニア語, スワヒリ語, スンダ語, ズールー語, セブアノ語, セルビア語, ソト語, ソマリ語, タイ語, タガログ語, タジク語, タタール語, タミル語, チェコ語, チェワ語, テルグ語, デンマーク語, トルクメン語, トルコ語, ドイツ語, ネパール語, ノルウェー語, ハイチ語, ハウサ語, ハワイ語, ハンガリー語, バスク語, パシュト語, パンジャブ語, ヒンディー語, フィンランド語, フランス語, フリジア語, ブルガリア語, ヘブライ語, ベトナム語, ベラルーシ語, ベンガル語, ペルシャ語, ボスニア語, ポルトガル語, ポーランド語, マオリ語, マケドニア語, マラガシ語, マラヤーラム語, マラーティー語, マルタ語, マレー語, ミャンマー語, モンゴル語, モン語, ヨルバ語, ラオ語, ラテン語, ラトビア語, リトアニア語, ルクセンブルク語, ルーマニア語, ロシア語, 中国語, 日本語, 繁体字中国語, 英語, 言語を検出する, 韓国語, 言語翻訳.

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