Life treatmentHe was determined the latest son of Thomas I Graf by Sav翻訳 - Life treatmentHe was determined the latest son of Thomas I Graf by Sav日本語言う方法

Life treatmentHe was determined the

Life treatment
He was determined the latest son of Thomas I Graf by Savoy and Beatrix von Genf and for an ecclesiastical career. Although him in 1240 the majority [1] of the chapter chose the bishop of Lausanne, he could not assert himself against the candidate of the minority, Jean de Cossonay. As a compensation he became a dean in Lyons and Vienna and became in 1242 a bishop of Valence as well as in 1246 archbishop of Lyons. He supported before emperor Friedrich II. to Lyons fled pope Innozenz IV. on the council of Lyons. His office as an archbishop used Philipp for the removal of the savoyischen position in the Viennois. He gave up in 1267 his church offices and married in 1267 Adelheid, heiress of the county Burgundy.

As Philipp the inheritance of his brother Peter II. lined up, he was soon hindered by his niece Beatrice, called big Dauphine, the only daughter Peter II. Philipp formed an alliance with Mr. von Gex and with the count of Genevois, the bishops of Lausanne and Geneva to a coalition. This alliance was supported by Rudolf von Habsburg. A family war between Beatrice and Philipp broke out around the unity of Savoy; this war also threatened the interests and possessions of the Habsburgs in Switzerland. In Piedmont Philipp was able to do his rule in Turin by Wilhelm VI. Marquises of Montferrat strengthen.

Philipp I died in 1285 in Roussillon.

He had married Adelheid (Alix) of Andechs-Meranien († 8th of March, 1279 in Evian), Palatinate countess of Burgundy (1248) and widow of Hugo von Chalon († in 1266), had remained, however, this marriage childless from which a new conflict originated between his three nephews Thomas, Amadeus and Ludwig. The general states recognised Amadeus as his successor.
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
Life treatmentHe was determined the latest son of Thomas I Graf by Savoy and Beatrix von Genf and for an ecclesiastical career. Although him in 1240 the majority [1] of the chapter chose the bishop of Lausanne, he could not assert himself against the candidate of the minority, Jean de Cossonay. As a compensation he became a dean in Lyons and Vienna and became in 1242 a bishop of Valence as well as in 1246 archbishop of Lyons. He supported before emperor Friedrich II. to Lyons fled pope Innozenz IV. on the council of Lyons. His office as an archbishop used Philipp for the removal of the savoyischen position in the Viennois. He gave up in 1267 his church offices and married in 1267 Adelheid, heiress of the county Burgundy.As Philipp the inheritance of his brother Peter II. lined up, he was soon hindered by his niece Beatrice, called big Dauphine, the only daughter Peter II. Philipp formed an alliance with Mr. von Gex and with the count of Genevois, the bishops of Lausanne and Geneva to a coalition. This alliance was supported by Rudolf von Habsburg. A family war between Beatrice and Philipp broke out around the unity of Savoy; this war also threatened the interests and possessions of the Habsburgs in Switzerland. In Piedmont Philipp was able to do his rule in Turin by Wilhelm VI. Marquises of Montferrat strengthen.Philipp I died in 1285 in Roussillon.He had married Adelheid (Alix) of Andechs-Meranien († 8th of March, 1279 in Evian), Palatinate countess of Burgundy (1248) and widow of Hugo von Chalon († in 1266), had remained, however, this marriage childless from which a new conflict originated between his three nephews Thomas, Amadeus and Ludwig. The general states recognised Amadeus as his successor.
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
彼がサボイとベアトリクス・フォン・ゲンフによって、教会のキャリアのためのトーマス私グラーフの最新の息子を決定しました。彼は1240で大多数が[1]章のローザンヌの司教を選んだが、彼 ​​は少数派、ジャン・ド・Cossonayの候補に対して自分自身を主張することができませんでした。報酬として、彼はリヨンとウィーンの学部長になったとライオンズの1246大司教ならびに1242年にヴァランスの司教となりました。彼は皇帝フリードリヒIIの前にサポートされています。ライオンズに法王Innozenz IVを逃れました。ライオンズの評議会に。大司教としての彼のオフィスはViennoisでsavoyischen位置の除去のためにフィリップを使用していました。彼は1267年に1267アーデルハイト、郡ブルゴーニュの相続人で彼の教会の事務所や結婚をあきらめた。フィリップのように兄のピーターIIの継承を。一人娘ピーターII、大きなドフィネと呼ばれ、並んで、彼はすぐに彼の姪ベアトリスによって妨げられました。フィリップ氏フォン・ジェックスとし、Genevoisのカウント、連合へローザンヌ、ジュネーブの司教との同盟を形成しました。この提携は、ルドルフ・フォン・ハプスブルクによってサポートされていました。ベアトリスとフィリップとの間に家族の戦争はサヴォイの団結の周りに勃発しました。この戦争はまた、スイスでハプスブルク家の利益と財産を脅しました。ピエモンテのフィリップは、ヴィルヘルムVIでトリノの彼の規則を行うことができました。モンフェッラートのマーキス強化。フィリップ私はルシヨンに1285年に死亡した。彼はアンデックス-Meranien(エビアン3月、1279年の†8日)のアーデルハイト(アリックス)、ブルゴーニュ(1248)のプファルツ伯爵と結婚し、ヒューゴ・フォン・シャロンの未亡人た(† )1266年には、しかし、新しい競合が彼の3人の甥トーマス、アマデウスとルートヴィヒの間に発信されたこの結婚の子どもが残っていました。一般的な状態は、彼の後継者としてアマデウスを認識しました。

結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
彼がlife treatment the latest sonトマス私はgrafのand beatrixフォンgenf andによって教会のan careerのために決定した。him 1240にthe chapter of majority the 1 ] choseローザンヌの司教が、彼はminorityの候補against自己主張could not , jeanデcossonay .彼はlyons andウィーンに学部長になったcompensation as and became 1242で、bishop valence ofリヨンの1246 archbishopで同様にします。friedrich天皇の前にsupported .lyons toリヨンのthe council on innozenz iv. pope fled .theのヴィエノthe savoyischen位置の除去のために使わphilipp an archbishopとして彼のオフィス.彼は1267 his church offices and 1267 adelheidで結婚したのをあきらめて、the countyバーガンディーof heiress .

philipp hisの兄弟ピーターii of the inheritanceとして。lined up、彼は彼の姪hinderedビアトリスによって間もなく、大きなdauphine called ,一人娘peter ii .philipp gexフォンmr.とalliance an formed and the of genevois countで、連立へのand genevaローザンヌof司教.this allianceルドルフ・フォンhabsburgによってsupported was .は、ビアトリスand philipp between family war勃発the統一の周りのこのwarまたthe利益とスイスにおけるhabsburgs of財産threatened .piedmont philippで彼のruleチュリンにofモンフェッラートウィルヘルムvi. marquisesによってを強化するable was .

philipp私は死んで1285にroussillon .

彼はmarried adelheid had ( alix ) andechs meranien of (†8th 3 1279 evianに) ,バーガンディーofプファルツcountess ( 1248年) and hugoフォンロンのwidow ( 1266に†)、remained ,しかし、この結婚childless whichから彼の3人のnephewsトマスbetween originated、新しい対立、アマデウスand ludwig .the一般状態recognised amadeus hisの後継者として。
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