内容説明Heroines of Sport looks closely at different groups of women whose翻訳 - 内容説明Heroines of Sport looks closely at different groups of women whose日本語言う方法

内容説明Heroines of Sport looks closely

Heroines of Sport looks closely at different groups of women whose stories have been excluded from previous accounts of women's sports and female heroism. It focuses on five specific groups of women from different places in the world: Black women in South Africa; Muslim women from the Middle East; Aboriginal women from Australia and Canada; and lesbian and disabled women from different countries worldwide. It also asks searching questions about colonialism and neo-colonialism in the women's international sport movement. The particular groups of women featured in the book reflect the need to look at specific categories of difference relating to class, culture, disability, ethnicity, race, religion and sexual orientation. In her account, Jennifer Hargreaves reveals how the participation of women in sport across the world is tied to their sense of difference and identity. Based on original research each chapter includes material which relates to significant political and cultural developments. Heroines of Sport will be invaluable reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students of sport sociology, and will also be relevant for students working in women's studies and other specialized fields, such as development studies or the politics of Aboriginality, disability, Islam, race and sexuality.

1. Introducing Heroines of Sport: Making Sense of Difference and Identity 2. Race, Politics and Gender: Women's Struggle for Sport in South Africa 3. The Muslim Female Heroic: Shorts or Veils? 4. Aboriginal Sportswomen: Heroines of Difference or Objects of Assimilation? 5. Sporting Lesbians: Heroic Symbols of Sexual Liberation 6. Impaired and Disabled: Building on Ability 7. Struggling for a New World Order: The Women's International Sport Movement
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
内容説明Heroines of Sport looks closely at different groups of women whose stories have been excluded from previous accounts of women's sports and female heroism. It focuses on five specific groups of women from different places in the world: Black women in South Africa; Muslim women from the Middle East; Aboriginal women from Australia and Canada; and lesbian and disabled women from different countries worldwide. It also asks searching questions about colonialism and neo-colonialism in the women's international sport movement. The particular groups of women featured in the book reflect the need to look at specific categories of difference relating to class, culture, disability, ethnicity, race, religion and sexual orientation. In her account, Jennifer Hargreaves reveals how the participation of women in sport across the world is tied to their sense of difference and identity. Based on original research each chapter includes material which relates to significant political and cultural developments. Heroines of Sport will be invaluable reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students of sport sociology, and will also be relevant for students working in women's studies and other specialized fields, such as development studies or the politics of Aboriginality, disability, Islam, race and sexuality.目次1 スポーツのヒロイン達の紹介: 違いと 2 のアイデンティティの感覚を作るします。レース、政治とジェンダー: 南アフリカ共和国 3 のスポーツのために、女性の闘争。イスラム教徒の女性の英雄: ショート パンツやベールですか。4. アボリジニ スポーツウーマン: ヒロインの違いや同化のオブジェクト?5. スポーツ レズビアン: 性的な解放 6 の英雄的な記号。障害のある: 7 の能力の建物します。新しい世界秩序のために戦う: 女性の国際的なスポーツ運動
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]


結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
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