Parasitoid eggs of t. agensia armigera as a biological control is an alternative environmentally-friendly pest control. Keefektivan parasitoids are influenced by the structure of the population. The difficulty in analyzing the structure of the egg parasitoid populations was calculated the amount of gene flow, so an indirect approach used in molecular DNA markers with. Directly by doing a test result that shows incompatibility of reproduction, namely reproductive incompatibility occurs between the parasitoids that comes from Mount Bunder II with which comes from Cugenang, without seeing his little great genetic distance between individuals. But that happened between the parasitoids from the same location indicate the suitability of the reproduction. These results prove that there is a mismatch between the parasitoid reproduction comes from a different location. Based on the analysis of RAPD-PCR with 4 kinds of primary against 19 samples from 3 locations shows that in any location found the existence of subpopulations especially on parasitoid-parasitoids that comes from one of the eggs of the host. Mount Bunder II and Cugenang respectively make up the metapopulasi Mountain locations while Bunder I cannot note the structure of the population because of the lack of samples. Dendrogram shows all parasitoids of third location mix and spread to all cluster.