The window anti-trap detection feature is only active in the one touch and convenience
close modes of operation. If the window switch is pushed/pulled and held, the Anti-trap
feature will not function.
The rubber pressure guards are located at the
top edge of each door frame for the Sedan and
Sport Wagon and are incorporated into the felt
edge protector in the Coupe. Each guard
consists of two contact strips that close when
subjected to pressure. This provides anti-trap
detection and signal generation to the GM V.
When the contact strip closes, the window
immediately (10ms) reverses direction as with
previous anti-trap systems. The contact strip
does not require that the anti-trap feature be
initialized prior to operation.
The E46 pressure sensor finger guard has a
resistance of 3.0 KOhm and it is monitored for
open circuit. When pressed, the monitored
resistance changes to