tell: "I can well .... (Mention what you used as an introduction). we can all have a lot of things. We take turns as something we do well. "demonstrate the intention: grasp the peaceful school ball, you stand and say," I am ... and I'm good ..... (example: listening, running, reading ).Give students think time to think about what they are good at something. Give some examples such as running, building, football, cycling, tying shoelaces. ask students to hold to turn the peaceful school ball and something to consider. If desired, children can help each other. You can monkey and tiger also have to do with:ask the children to think of what the puppets are good
little variation:. portray instead of telling.
Notice that you like to hear, and it's pretty what the children can. late ask the students how it feels when they can do something good. tell that you can then be proud. editor using the illustration pride.
tell that some children may otherwise well, that's nice. shows the illustration show otherwise. A case of two students who otherwise called and ask the children to another example (which two children have called something else? ')
tell that some children the same right to, that's nice. illustration shows the same if possible, an example of two students who just called the same and ask the children to another example (have called it the same thing? any children ')