January 1st – Corenwyn Cocktail: Created this original myself. It’s a true cocktail using Bols 6-year old Corenwyn Genever as the base. The aged Genever is a souvenir from a trip to Amsterdam a couple years ago that included a tour of House of Bols. If you haven’t tried Genever, it’s well worth adding to your collection and is said to be where modern gin was derived from. I also used Bob’s Abbott Bitters, but this could be substituted for other bitters as you prefer. Aging makes this Genever very smooth and when combined with Abbott Bitters tastes much closer to a light American Whiskey than gin. The recipe is: 2 dashes bitters, 1 sugar cube, 1 jigger (2 oz) Bols Corenwyn Genever, stirred vigorously over ice, strained and served u