Can you please update me what just happened right now?

Can you please update me what just

Can you please update me what just happened right now?" he asked.

"I do not even know myself; just because she is my girlfriend doesn't mean I know everything about her."

They looked down at her and wondered what they should do next. They both wondered what this meant. They couldn't imagine a more embarrassing or awkward moment than this in their entire lives. One more bolt of lightning flashed.

"Eh… I don't usually do the labor," shrugged Julien. "Why don't you be my guest and pick her up for me?"

"Uh, sure," nodded Skipper blankly, obviously still shaken.

The remaining group had gathered at the entrance of the zoo and waited anxiously for the Skipper and Julien to come back home. The big storm was hovering over them. Lightning continued to flash and the wind was tearing throughout the area now. They all had worried looks on their faces, wondering what was taking them so long. Finally, in the distance they could see the familiar figures of a lemur and penguin carrying an otter in his arms. They all cheered delightedly to see they were all okay.

Kowalski was the first to realize Marlene wasn't in her wild form anymore and was unconscious.

"What happened?" he asked.

"That's where you come in," replied Skipper. "Look out for her, and then please let me know what happened and if she'll be fine."

"I'm sure she will be, Skipper," said Kowalski as he took her in his flippers.

"But why is she unconscious?" asked Maurice. "Was there something going on?"

Skipper and Julien drooped and flushed with embarrassment. They hardly knew if there was anything to be embarrassed of at all!

"Uh… that's… classified," was all Skipper said.

Everyone had returned back to their habitats, except for Marlene since she needed Kowalski's medical attention. Private invited King Julien to come over and stay with Marlene, but Julien reluctantly had to pass. For the rest of the day, Julien and Skipper were silent. And their friends felt it was better to leave them for a while.

They thought a lot about their feelings for Marlene. They both knew they were rivaling for her affection, but they never knew in the end they would end deciding for themselves as well. This was a terrible example that even beggars can be choosers too. Skipper lied on his bunk staring up at the ceiling while Julien sat on his throne under an umbrella watching the storm pass. As Mort and Maurice looked on, Mort couldn't help but feel terrible for all of this. The storm went on for the rest of the night. After what seemed forty days and forty nights, the lightning had finally died down.

The morning brought a light drizzle before finally making way for the sun to shine. The morning birds were out again and outside the zoo cars could be heard zooming by and honking their horns.

Marlene's eyes fluttered open and tried to figure out where she was. It was all a blur to her; everything looked so out of focus. Suddenly she saw a figure beside her. The figure looked so familiar to her. She blinked a few times, wondering exactly who this person was.

"Skipper?" she whispered.

The figure turned around.

"It's you, huh?" she smiled and reached her paw out.

"Why of course it is me," replied a high pitched tone.

Suddenly the blurs disappeared. She regained focus and realized it was King Julien sitting beside her. She frowned for a moment, but then she regained her smile.

"Hey," she said. "Where am I? What happened?"

"You, that's what!" cried Julien. "You left the zoo and went all crazy and wild!"

"I did?"

Julien nodded his head. Marlene looked down at her pillow without turning her head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"Don't be. The blame is all mine."

Marlene turned her attention back at him. "What?"

"Well…" Julien sighed and scratched his head. "Marlene there is no easy way of saying this."

Marlene cocked a brow, wondering what he was going to say.

"But eh… under circumstances… well… let's see… uh, well do you see what I am getting at?"

Marlene shook her head. "You're hardly saying anything."

Julien had gone over this with his subjects earlier before he came to Marlene. Maurice had found Julien's decree torn and caked in mud and water… it was hardly a piece of paper anymore. It now meant that the decree wasn't valid anymore. Julien could keep his crown without needing a girlfriend to be at his side. He could have Marlene out of free will now.

"Marlene… I… I love you… and all, but…"

"Wait… you love me?"

"Yes, well, I did… no wait, I do! But I… I don't think I'm ready yet… so…"

Marlene looked up at the ceiling and thought this over. Then after a while she looked back at him.

"I scared you again, didn't I?" she asked softly.

"Oh, terrified! Not that it's bad and all."

"It is."

"Well… yeah."

Then Marlene understood exactly what he meant. "So… it's over?"

Julien sighed heavily and nodded his head. "I'm sorry."

Marlene smiled and looked around. She realized she was back home again. Everything looked tidy and in place, just as she left it the day before. She sighed and thought everything over before she finally looked back at Julien and smiled.

"Thank you though," she finally said.


"You saved me, didn't you?"

"I- I think so. I mean… do you remember what happened?"

"Not much. Just that I remember I grabbed you and we-"

"PLEASE!!!" shrieked Julien as he held his head remembering the terror. "Don't EVER speak of that again!"

Marlene laughed, "Woops, okay I won't."

"Why did you do that to me anyway?" Julien asked curiously.

Marlene shrugged and sat herself up. "Well you were my boyfriend. And maybe the other me missed you… I think."

Julien shuttered at the thought of last night.

"Then I remember, Skipper…" then her eyes widened and she shot toward Julien. "Skipper! Where is he?"

"He's back with his team," assured Julien, surprised. "Relax."

Marlene fidgeted with her fingers nervously. "Well… what did he think?"

Julien shrugged. "Think? Think what?"

"You know…"

Julien thought for while. "Oh, that! Well why don't you ask him?"

Marlene sighed heavily. "It's just… I don't think he…"

Then she drooped and sighed again. She knew she really spooked both of them. It was a bad comeback for all the things Skipper made her feel. Now all she feels is guilt. It was by the look on Marlene's face that Julien realized the full meaning of the situation, why she kissed him, and what she was feeling. After all he was good at reading these things.

"Paging Dr. King Julien!" teased Julien. Marlene turned her eyes up at him. "Looks like we've got the case of the grumps again. Oh, really is that so? Yes, she is expecting you right now. Oh, okay I'll be right there just gimme a minute. Hurry it up, she is waiting! Don't rush me! Don't be slow! I cannot be dealing with you anymore. Well fine I quit. Good, who needs you? Stupid nurse… uh anyway."

Marlene smiled at Julien's joke and even chuckled.

"Now, it appears that I will be diagnosing you with the case of the love sickness."

"What? Love sickness?" Suddenly she felt herself blushing as Julien nodded.

"You have all the symptoms. You are sighing, you are blushing, and you have the fear of what he thinks of you. You are insecure and unsure if there will ever be a 'you two' again. You know in your heart that you are in love but you have never felt so uncertain that he will feel the same way about you."

Marlene looked at him wide-eyed. Maybe he did have a gift after all.

"Now all you want to do is get up! Go forth! Tell him how you feel! Spill your guts and chips be falling where they may. It is your love life on the line and there is no telling what will happen but now you are not afraid! You are strong! You are brave! And now all you want to do is tell him what will your whole world complete!"

"…You sure you wanna break up?" asked Marlene with a nervous smile.

"No… I'm not. My royal self breaking up with you may be the biggest mistake I will ever make in my life of royalty. But Marlene, I just want to make you happy. So the real question here is… are you sure?"

Marlene looked down and thought everything over. Did lemurs have a gift to make everything sense? When Julien saw her uncertainty, he sighed.

"Okay, here's something that might make up your mind," Julien slumped. Marlene looked back at him. "I didn't want to tell you this… but I think it is important that you know."

Marlene listened intently. Then afterwards, she wished she never heard what Julien told her. Yet somehow… she was glad he did.

Skipper was tired of moping around within HQ; he didn't like to worry his comrades like that and decided to step out. Private tried to stop hi and offered if there was anything he or the others can do. Skipper smiled and appreciated Private's concern.

"You boys had done a lot for me already," he smiled. "Just take a break for me, I'll be fine."

He climbed up the ladder and stepped outside. He needed the fresh air. The zoo was soaked wet from the storm, other than that there were hardly any damages. Everyone seemed okay. He was even relieved to know that Marlene had recovered enough that Kowalski allowed Skipper to carry her home. He remembered how peaceful Marlene looked as he set her down on her bed in her home. It pained him to realize that despite everything, he knew he didn't stand a chance with her. She kissed that lemur… he lost.

He waddled toward the entrance of the zoo. Sitting up there seemed like a good spot to have some alone time. Why couldn't Marlene just stay there, he wondered. She didn't have to leave like that… and I wouldn't have had to see that.

Soon he was up on the building and sighed as he took in the humid air. It was a nice morning and he admired the great fluffy clouds in all sorts of shades of gray and white. They looked so huge and foamy, and he inhaled in the chilly air. He sighed heavily but then noticed his sigh echoed. He blinked and looked around a bit until he spotted across from him on the ledge his familiar friend.

Marlene tu
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
ことができますしてください更新します私何が起こったか今か」と彼は尋ねた。"私は知らない自分;彼女は私のガール フレンドわけではありません彼女についてのすべてを知っている."彼らは彼女を見たし、次に何をすべきか疑問に思いました。これらは両方ともこれが何を意味するか疑問に思いました。彼らは全体の生活にこれ以上より恥ずかしいか厄介な瞬間を想像できませんでした。雷の 1 つのより多くのボルト光った。「ええ.労働をしない通常「ジュリアン肩をすくめた。"なぜいけない私のゲストと私のために彼女を選ぶか?」"ええと、確かに、"ぼんやりスキッパーを縦に振った、まだ明らかに動揺します。残りのグループを持っていた動物園の入り口に集まったし、スキッパーとジュリアンに来て心配そうに待って帰って。大きな嵐はそれらを動いていた。雷をフラッシュし、続け、風が今区域中断裂しました。彼らはすべて何それらを取っていた長い間疑問に思う自分の顔に見えるを心配していた。最後に、遠くに彼らのキツネザルと彼の腕の中でカワウソを運ぶペンギンのおなじみの人物を見ることができます。彼らはすべて大丈夫だった弁慶の声援を送った。コワルスキーはマレーネもう彼女の野生のフォームではなかったし、は意識不明だった実現するために初めてだった。「何が起こったのか?」と彼は尋ねた。「それに来る」船長は答えた。「彼女外見るし、何が起こったかと元気になるだろうかどうかは知っている私に教えてください」彼は彼の足ひれの彼女を取ったとコワルスキーは言った「私はきっと彼女は、スキッパー、」。「しかし、なぜ彼女は無意識です?」モーリスに尋ねた。「だったが何かが起こって?スキッパーとジュリアンだらりと恥ずかしくています。彼らはほとんどすべての恥ずかしいことに何かあったかどうかを知っていた !"ええと....、分類"はすべてスキッパーは言った。誰もが持っていたマレーネ ・ コワルスキーの医師の診察を必要と彼女を除いて、生息地に戻る返されます。プライベート招待マレーネ、と一緒に家にきてキングジュリアンがジュリアンはしぶしぶを通過しなければならなかった。その日の残り、ジュリアンとスキッパーを黙っていた。彼らの友人と感じたそれをしばらく残すことをお勧めします。彼らはたくさんマレーネの自分の感情について考えた。彼らは両方を知っていた彼らは彼女の愛情のために匹敵するが、彼らが決して知らなかった、最終的には彼らも自分で決めることになります。これはひどい例も乞食がセレクターをあまりにもすることができます。スキッパーは天井を凝視をジュリアン嵐パスを見て、傘の下で彼の玉座に座っている間彼の寝台のうそをついた。モートとモーリス見えたとモート感じざるひどいこれすべてのため。嵐の夜の残りのために行った。何後 40 日と 40 夜、雷最後にダウン死亡していた。朝は最終的に太陽が輝くための方法を作る前に軽い霧雨をもたらした。朝の鳥が再び出ていたし、動物園外車をズームとクラクションに聞くことができた。マレーネの目オープンひらひら彼女が把握しようとしました。それがすべて; 彼女にぼやけていたすべて焦点が合っていないそうに見えた。突然、彼女は彼女の横にある図を見た。図見えたので彼女に精通しています。彼女はまばたきを数回まさにこの人が誰かが疑問します。「スキッパーですか?」彼女はささやいた。図の周りになって。「それは、あなたでしょ?」彼女は微笑んで、彼女の足を伸ばした。"なぜ、もちろんそれは私、"甲高い調子を答えた。突然、ぼかしは姿を消した。彼女はフォーカスを回復し、彼女のそばに座ってキングジュリアン気づいた。彼女はしばらく眉をひそめたがし、彼女は彼女の笑顔を取り戻した。「ねえ、」彼女は言った。「ここはどこ?何が起こったのか?」ジュリアンは叫んだ「あなた、なんだ !」.「あなたは動物園を左し、すべての狂った野生行って !」「私はしたか」ジュリアンの頭にうなずいた。マレーネを見た彼女の枕彼女の頭を回すことがなく。「残念だつもりはなかった.""あってはいけない。責任はすべて私のもの."マレーネは彼に戻って彼女の注意を回した。「何か」「よく.」ジュリアンはため息をついたし、頭をかいた。「マレーネそこはこれを言っているの簡単な方法ありません。」マレーネ傾けて、眉彼は言おうとしていた疑問に思います。"がええ... 状況... うーん.... 見てみましょうええと、よくを参照してくださいに何を得ている?」マレーネは彼女の頭を横に振った。「ほとんど言っている何か。」ジュリアン行っていたこれ以上彼の科目と以前彼はマレーネに来た前に。モーリス ・ ジュリアン 's 令引き裂かれ、こびりついた泥と水. それはもうほとんど一枚の紙を発見しました。それは今、判決ではなかったこと有効なもうを意味しました。ジュリアンは、彼の側でガール フレンドを必要とせず彼の王冠を保つことができます。彼がマレーネ自由意志から今。"マレーネ.私は.私はあなたを愛し...、すべてが..."「待ち時間あなた"私愛ですか?"はい、まあ、私はしなかった... 待機、私は !しかし、私は.私は準備ができてまだ... とは思わないように.."。マレーネは天井を見上げたとこれ。その後、しばらく戻って彼を見つめた。「あなたを怖がっているもう一度、私はしていないですか?」彼女はそっと尋ねた。"ああ、恐怖 !ていないことをそれが悪いと、すべて."「だ」。「・・・はい."それからマレーネは丁度彼が意味を理解しました。踏絵だ以上ですか?」ジュリアン大きくため息について、彼の頭はうなずいた。「私は申し訳ありませんが.」マレーネは微笑んで、周りを見回した。彼女は彼女が再び家に実現しました。すべてが整然と場所、それ左は彼女が前に、の日だけに見えた。彼女はため息をついたとすべて前に彼女は最終的にジュリアンを見て微笑んだ。「ありがとうございますしかし、」彼女は最後に言った。「えっ?」「あなたを救ってくれた、あなた didn't?」「私は-私はそう思います。私は意味... 何が起こったか覚えていますか?」"あまりではないです。私はあなたと私たちをつかんでを覚えているだけ-」「どうぞ !」shrieked ジュリアン彼は頭恐怖を覚えるよう。「Don't が今までのことを話す再び !」マレーネは笑った、「おっと、大丈夫だよ」「なぜそんなことする私にとにかくですか?」ジュリアンに不思議そうに尋ねた。マレーネは肩をすくめたし、自分自身に座った。「よく、私のボーイ フレンドだった。そして、多分、他の私逃したあなた.思います。ジュリアンは最後の夜の思考で閉鎖。「それから私は覚えて、スキッパー..."そして彼女目の拡大し、彼女はジュリアンに向けて撃った」船長 !彼はどこですか?」「彼は彼のチームに戻って」保証ジュリアン、驚いた。「リラックス」です。マレーネは神経質彼女の指でそわそわ。"うーん... 何と思ったのですか?」ジュリアンは肩をすくめた。」と思いますか?考える何か」。「を知っている...」ジュリアン考え中。"ああ、それです !まあ頼めば彼ですか?」マレーネため息をついた。"それはちょうど.いないと思う彼は..."それから彼女はだらりと再びため息をついた。彼女は彼女は本当にそれらの両方をおびえたて知っていた。スキッパーは彼女の感じを作ったすべてのもののための悪いカムバックだった。今彼女は感じているすべての罪悪感です。マレーネの顔の表情によってジュリアンなぜ彼女にキスをした、彼と彼女が感じていたような状況の完全な意味を実現することです。すべての後に彼はこれらの事を読むは得意だった。」ページング博士王ジュリアン !「ジュリアンををからかった。マレーネは彼に彼女の目を現れた。"我々 は再び、grumps のケースを持っているように見えます。ああ、実際にはそうですか?はい、彼女は期待して今。ああ、大丈夫私はすぐにあるちょうどギミは 1 分です。それを急いで、彼女は待っている !私を急いでしないでください !低速はいけない !私はもうあなたを扱うことはできません。まあ正常終了します。良い, あなたを必要ですか?愚かなナース... とにかくええと」。マレーネ ・ ジュリアンの冗談に笑ったし、もくすくすと笑った。「今、それ現われること私は診察する恋病のケースと」。"何ですか?愛の病気?突然彼女はうなずいたジュリアンとして顔を赤らめて自分自身を感じた。"すべての症状があります。ため息をつき、顔を赤らめているし、彼があなたの考えている恐れがあります。あなたが安全でないと不明な場合、存在しないこと、'あなたは 2 つ' もう一度です。あなたの心に愛にある知っているが感じたあらないことはので不確かな彼はあなたについての同じ方法を感じる"。マレーネは、大きく見開いた目の彼を見た。多分彼はすべての後、ギフトを持っていた。"今あなたがしたいすべてを取得です !出て行く !あなたの気持ちを伝えてください !あなたの根性をこぼすチップは、彼らが落下して。それは、ライン上の愛の生活と何が起こるか分からないはありません今あなたは恐れていない !あなたは強いです !あなたは勇気がある !今やりたい彼に言う何をあなたの全体は、世界の完全な !」"…あなたを分割してもよろしいですか?「神経質な笑顔とマレーネを尋ねた。"いいえ.私は違います。私ロイヤル自己あなたと一緒に解体の皇族の私の生活の中でなるはこれまで最大のミスがあります。しかし、マレーネ、私はちょうどあなたを幸せにしたいです。だから、本当の問題はここでは・・・よろしいですか?」マレーネ ダウンを見て、はすべての思考します。キツネザルはすべてを贈り物を持っていた意味ですか?ジュリアンを見たとき彼女の不確実、彼はため息をついた。「さて、ここではあなたの心を作る可能性があります何かが」ジュリアン下落しました。マレーネは再び彼を見た。これを伝える... ほしく but それは知ることが重要だと思います。マレーネは熱心に聞いた。その後、彼女は思ったこと彼女はジュリアン彼女言った聞いたことがないです。まだ何とか... 彼女は彼は喜んでいた。スキッパーは HQ; 内の周りに moping うんざりしていた彼は彼の僚友をそのような心配を好きではなかったし、ステップ アウトすることを決めた。プライベートこんにちはを停止しようし、彼または他の人が行うことができます何かあったかどうか提供しています。スキッパーは微笑んで、民間の関心を高く評価。「あなたの男の子は終わっていた多く私にとって、」と彼は笑った。「ちょうど私のための休憩を取る、私は大丈夫」彼ははしごを登ったし、外に辞任しました。彼は新鮮な空気が必要。動物園に浸ったがある以外ほとんどいかなる損害が嵐から濡れています。誰もが大丈夫だった。彼がマレーネ回復した十分なコワルスキー許可を彼女の家を運ぶスキッパーもほっとしました。彼はどのように平和マレーネはまるで彼女の家で彼女のベッドの上の、彼女を設定思い出した。それすべてにもかかわらず、彼は彼が彼女と一緒にチャンスを立っていない知っていたことを実現するために彼を苦し 。彼女はキスをキツネザル. 彼は失った。彼は動物園の入り口に向かってよちよち歩き出しました。そこ座っているを少しひとりの時間を持っている良い場所のように思えた。なぜできなかったマレーネそこに滞在、彼は思った。彼女はそのようなままに持っていなかったし、参照することが 。すぐに彼は建物の上にあったし、彼は湿気のある空気に取ったとため息をついた。それはいい朝だったし、彼はグレーと白の色合いのすべての種類の偉大なふわふわの雲を賞賛しました。彼らはとても巨大で、泡立ちが良く、見て、彼は冷たい空気に吸入します。彼は大きくため息についてがしに気づいた彼のため息がエコーされます。彼はまばたきし、周りを見て、少し彼は彼の親友、棚に彼の向かいに発見されるまで。マレーネ tu
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
Can you please update me what just happened right now?" he asked.

"I do not even know myself; just because she is my girlfriend doesn't mean I know everything about her."

They looked down at her and wondered what they should do next. They both wondered what this meant. They couldn't imagine a more embarrassing or awkward moment than this in their entire lives. One more bolt of lightning flashed.

"Eh… I don't usually do the labor," shrugged Julien. "Why don't you be my guest and pick her up for me?"

"Uh, sure," nodded Skipper blankly, obviously still shaken.

The remaining group had gathered at the entrance of the zoo and waited anxiously for the Skipper and Julien to come back home. The big storm was hovering over them. Lightning continued to flash and the wind was tearing throughout the area now. They all had worried looks on their faces, wondering what was taking them so long. Finally, in the distance they could see the familiar figures of a lemur and penguin carrying an otter in his arms. They all cheered delightedly to see they were all okay.

Kowalski was the first to realize Marlene wasn't in her wild form anymore and was unconscious.

"What happened?" he asked.

"That's where you come in," replied Skipper. "Look out for her, and then please let me know what happened and if she'll be fine."

"I'm sure she will be, Skipper," said Kowalski as he took her in his flippers.

"But why is she unconscious?" asked Maurice. "Was there something going on?"

Skipper and Julien drooped and flushed with embarrassment. They hardly knew if there was anything to be embarrassed of at all!

"Uh… that's… classified," was all Skipper said.

Everyone had returned back to their habitats, except for Marlene since she needed Kowalski's medical attention. Private invited King Julien to come over and stay with Marlene, but Julien reluctantly had to pass. For the rest of the day, Julien and Skipper were silent. And their friends felt it was better to leave them for a while.

They thought a lot about their feelings for Marlene. They both knew they were rivaling for her affection, but they never knew in the end they would end deciding for themselves as well. This was a terrible example that even beggars can be choosers too. Skipper lied on his bunk staring up at the ceiling while Julien sat on his throne under an umbrella watching the storm pass. As Mort and Maurice looked on, Mort couldn't help but feel terrible for all of this. The storm went on for the rest of the night. After what seemed forty days and forty nights, the lightning had finally died down.

The morning brought a light drizzle before finally making way for the sun to shine. The morning birds were out again and outside the zoo cars could be heard zooming by and honking their horns.

Marlene's eyes fluttered open and tried to figure out where she was. It was all a blur to her; everything looked so out of focus. Suddenly she saw a figure beside her. The figure looked so familiar to her. She blinked a few times, wondering exactly who this person was.

"Skipper?" she whispered.

The figure turned around.

"It's you, huh?" she smiled and reached her paw out.

"Why of course it is me," replied a high pitched tone.

Suddenly the blurs disappeared. She regained focus and realized it was King Julien sitting beside her. She frowned for a moment, but then she regained her smile.

"Hey," she said. "Where am I? What happened?"

"You, that's what!" cried Julien. "You left the zoo and went all crazy and wild!"

"I did?"

Julien nodded his head. Marlene looked down at her pillow without turning her head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"Don't be. The blame is all mine."

Marlene turned her attention back at him. "What?"

"Well…" Julien sighed and scratched his head. "Marlene there is no easy way of saying this."

Marlene cocked a brow, wondering what he was going to say.

"But eh… under circumstances… well… let's see… uh, well do you see what I am getting at?"

Marlene shook her head. "You're hardly saying anything."

Julien had gone over this with his subjects earlier before he came to Marlene. Maurice had found Julien's decree torn and caked in mud and water… it was hardly a piece of paper anymore. It now meant that the decree wasn't valid anymore. Julien could keep his crown without needing a girlfriend to be at his side. He could have Marlene out of free will now.

"Marlene… I… I love you… and all, but…"

"Wait… you love me?"

"Yes, well, I did… no wait, I do! But I… I don't think I'm ready yet… so…"

Marlene looked up at the ceiling and thought this over. Then after a while she looked back at him.

"I scared you again, didn't I?" she asked softly.

"Oh, terrified! Not that it's bad and all."

"It is."

"Well… yeah."

Then Marlene understood exactly what he meant. "So… it's over?"

Julien sighed heavily and nodded his head. "I'm sorry."

Marlene smiled and looked around. She realized she was back home again. Everything looked tidy and in place, just as she left it the day before. She sighed and thought everything over before she finally looked back at Julien and smiled.

"Thank you though," she finally said.


"You saved me, didn't you?"

"I- I think so. I mean… do you remember what happened?"

"Not much. Just that I remember I grabbed you and we-"

"PLEASE!!!" shrieked Julien as he held his head remembering the terror. "Don't EVER speak of that again!"

Marlene laughed, "Woops, okay I won't."

"Why did you do that to me anyway?" Julien asked curiously.

Marlene shrugged and sat herself up. "Well you were my boyfriend. And maybe the other me missed you… I think."

Julien shuttered at the thought of last night.

"Then I remember, Skipper…" then her eyes widened and she shot toward Julien. "Skipper! Where is he?"

"He's back with his team," assured Julien, surprised. "Relax."

Marlene fidgeted with her fingers nervously. "Well… what did he think?"

Julien shrugged. "Think? Think what?"

"You know…"

Julien thought for while. "Oh, that! Well why don't you ask him?"

Marlene sighed heavily. "It's just… I don't think he…"

Then she drooped and sighed again. She knew she really spooked both of them. It was a bad comeback for all the things Skipper made her feel. Now all she feels is guilt. It was by the look on Marlene's face that Julien realized the full meaning of the situation, why she kissed him, and what she was feeling. After all he was good at reading these things.

"Paging Dr. King Julien!" teased Julien. Marlene turned her eyes up at him. "Looks like we've got the case of the grumps again. Oh, really is that so? Yes, she is expecting you right now. Oh, okay I'll be right there just gimme a minute. Hurry it up, she is waiting! Don't rush me! Don't be slow! I cannot be dealing with you anymore. Well fine I quit. Good, who needs you? Stupid nurse… uh anyway."

Marlene smiled at Julien's joke and even chuckled.

"Now, it appears that I will be diagnosing you with the case of the love sickness."

"What? Love sickness?" Suddenly she felt herself blushing as Julien nodded.

"You have all the symptoms. You are sighing, you are blushing, and you have the fear of what he thinks of you. You are insecure and unsure if there will ever be a 'you two' again. You know in your heart that you are in love but you have never felt so uncertain that he will feel the same way about you."

Marlene looked at him wide-eyed. Maybe he did have a gift after all.

"Now all you want to do is get up! Go forth! Tell him how you feel! Spill your guts and chips be falling where they may. It is your love life on the line and there is no telling what will happen but now you are not afraid! You are strong! You are brave! And now all you want to do is tell him what will your whole world complete!"

"…You sure you wanna break up?" asked Marlene with a nervous smile.

"No… I'm not. My royal self breaking up with you may be the biggest mistake I will ever make in my life of royalty. But Marlene, I just want to make you happy. So the real question here is… are you sure?"

Marlene looked down and thought everything over. Did lemurs have a gift to make everything sense? When Julien saw her uncertainty, he sighed.

"Okay, here's something that might make up your mind," Julien slumped. Marlene looked back at him. "I didn't want to tell you this… but I think it is important that you know."

Marlene listened intently. Then afterwards, she wished she never heard what Julien told her. Yet somehow… she was glad he did.

Skipper was tired of moping around within HQ; he didn't like to worry his comrades like that and decided to step out. Private tried to stop hi and offered if there was anything he or the others can do. Skipper smiled and appreciated Private's concern.

"You boys had done a lot for me already," he smiled. "Just take a break for me, I'll be fine."

He climbed up the ladder and stepped outside. He needed the fresh air. The zoo was soaked wet from the storm, other than that there were hardly any damages. Everyone seemed okay. He was even relieved to know that Marlene had recovered enough that Kowalski allowed Skipper to carry her home. He remembered how peaceful Marlene looked as he set her down on her bed in her home. It pained him to realize that despite everything, he knew he didn't stand a chance with her. She kissed that lemur… he lost.

He waddled toward the entrance of the zoo. Sitting up there seemed like a good spot to have some alone time. Why couldn't Marlene just stay there, he wondered. She didn't have to leave like that… and I wouldn't have had to see that.

Soon he was up on the building and sighed as he took in the humid air. It was a nice morning and he admired the great fluffy clouds in all sorts of shades of gray and white. They looked so huge and foamy, and he inhaled in the chilly air. He sighed heavily but then noticed his sigh echoed. He blinked and looked around a bit until he spotted across from him on the ledge his familiar friend.

Marlene tu
結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
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