We know little about the succubi. Some legends say that they were created by Sanghin, the Daedra god of lust, to entertain him.
Satisfied with them, he had given them the permission to spread the lust throughout the world. Inspite of there appearance, Succubi are not evil and hate hurting people they need, but NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THEM they can hit you severely. After the Oblivion crisis, the number of Succubi fell; many of them have remained stuck in Oblivion. But it is said that some of them know the way to return to Mundus ..."
Want to try a new experience ? Want to play with a sexy dark character ? You made an excellent choice! Succubus race requires you to radically change the way you play to offer new sensations.
- Fully customizable race thank to a MCM menu.
- 8 Style of wings and 5 styles of horns. (Some wings are animated)
- Works perfectly with Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLC.
- No script replacement if you use other custom race.
- A unique esp for DG users and no DG users.
- 10 new warpaints for succubus.
- 36 New eyes textures and some have glowing effect.
- Five new powers to defeat your enemies.
- New armor designed especially for succubi (CBBE only for now)
- Fully stand-alone body meshes and textures for no risk to overwrite your files.
- Completely new spells and powers that are unique in Skyrim!
- Completely new magic effects, script, textures, and sounds.
- Fully voiced spells.
Are you ready to start a new succubus life ?...
Succubus race works perfectly with Dawnguard. No required file is needed. Just one file even if you don't have Dawnguard. To become a vampire you have to be infected by an other vampire or complete the main quest of Dawnguard and chose the vampire faction. When you are a vampire, you loose the succubus drain, you can use the regular vampire drain spell instead.
It's compatible with Better Vampires by Brehanin mod. It enhances game-play when playing your succubus character as a vampire.
Thanks to Himika and his/her great RaceCompatibility Racial Compatibility - compatibility with other mods improved . Succubi can now become vampires without any compatibility issue and overwritten files.If you change your race during your game, once you get your vampire powers (by being infected) open the console and write "player.setrace SuccubusRaceVampire and you will become a "full" vampire.
The Mcm Menu allow to customize your succubus by choosing the horns and wings style. 4 Style of animated wings are and 3 statics wings are available.You can choose between 5 styles of horns or decide to not get horns.
If you uncheck the succubus aggression, you will be not attacked anymore when transformed into succubus (activated by default)
Choose the regen health rate when you are transformed in to succubus.
Look at Wings and Horns style to have a preview of appearance.
Bases stats :
+10 Stealth Because of her real nature, succubi have to be discreet.
+5 speetch Seduction works better with the good chosen words
+5 one hand weapon Succubi love body contact ! !!
+5 light armor Do not overdress their bodies !!
+5 Alchemy they don't need a love potion !!
Succubus form : Use this spell to reveal your true nature and use your succubus powers. You can also revert to your human. The Succubus form gives a real demonic appearance with wings, tail and horns that's why all NPC will attack you on sight if they see you under this form. If you are detected as a succubus run/hide and come back under human form. It's not only aesthetic. Under this form you can jump higher your wings and allowing you to hover a few seconds.
You can use this spell unlimited number of times. The succubus form make your unarmed damage up to 15 points. And increased drastically your health, magika and stamina regeneration.
Drain: Succubus can use the drain spell to restore their life and inflict damage. This is the main spell for a succubus. . WARNING, this spell doesn't give you any experience in destruction skill.
Seduction: this spell turns any NPC into a puppet that you can control for a short time. Doesn't work on followers. A guard blocking a locked door ? No problem, ask-him to open it for you. An annoying witness is watching you ? Ask them to wander. This is a strong power but you your targets cannot do anything against their faction. If you ask to your puppet to attack a member of their faction, the spell breaks and the two characters attack you. If you speak to a charmed taget, the spell dissipates. It's a contact spell, this means that you have to touch your target to use the charm. This spell is available only one time a day.
Succubus Vision : you can detect human at very long range. Available also in human form. Use the spell when you want to avoid contact with human when you are transformed or just to surprise your target.
SKSE Lastest version + and SkyUI 4.0 + are required !
Skyrim 1.8 and higher is recommended.
Upgrading from 1.2.2
Unmorph your succubus before upgrading if possible. MCM values from previous version will change. And your settings (Agression i’m watching you) are reset
Playing with a succubus is a really exciting experience, at least for me. Some of mods fit perfectly with a succubus race as sexy outfits or terrifics weapons...
This are some ideas you can take to improve you own experience with succubi.
- Lady Lucretia - A Succubus Follower Because two succubi are better !! by Zaarok
- Liliths Sickle The best friend of succubi !
- Sweet and Sexy Lingerie shop CBBE by me
- Dark Lilith Sexy Succubus Armor CBBE NKT by me
- Push-up sexy bikinis CBBE v3 CBBE NKT by me
- Apachii Sky Hair By Apachii
- Pinup Poser by Halofarm
- Feminine Running and New Dash Animation by xp32
- The Eyes of Beauty by Gabriel Mailhot
Version 1.2.2Add 5 old presets (3.0).
- Aggression option has been fixed.
Version 1.2.1
- Fix on presets.
Version 1.2
- Regen bonus rate customizable.
- Neck seam issue.
- Seductress armor circlet into light armor.
- Vampire race morph has been fixed.
Version 1.110 New presets.
- Add hairs and customs hair texture for succubi
- Add a MCM menu to customise your experience
-10 New warpaints
- make the succubus transformation more useful during battle (not just for aesthetic)
Version 1.0- Add 3 new presets
- Add 10 warpaints.
Version 0.4- Fix the bug with vampire hairs.
- Add a new armor called "Armor of Seductress".
Version 0.3- Fully compatible with DG. Vampire eyes are working good.
- Spells and scripts are fixed.
- "Succubus form spell" allow you to change your style.
- Add voices and sounds for the spells.
Dual Sheath Redux is not compatible UNLESS you use the patcher included in it to change the slot used by Dual Sheath Redux (60) to another one. The wings or tail may not appear.
Q: What kind of body is supported ?
A: All the famous bodies are supported. You can select through the FOMOD the type you want to use. (CBBE, UNP, UNPB, SevenBase)
Q: DawnGuard is supported ?
A: Of course ! In the Lite version, succubi are fully compatible with Dawnguard. You you have nothing special to do, just being infected. You keep you succubus power when you are a vampire. The vampire eyes works perfectly now.
Q: Can I play a Vampire ?
A: Sure, by being infected by an other vampire. NOT recommanded to use “player.setrace SuccubusRaceVampire”. I advise you to use Better Vampire
Q: Why do I have no head skins, i can only see teeth and eyes ?
A: Because you are upgrading from a previous version of the Succubus Race you have to regenerate your aspect. To do that select another race and then switch back to the Succubus Race menu.
To do this, use showracemenu, click on a race and then click back on Succubus
Q: I'm having clliping issue with the eyes, they don't match to the head, why ?
A: Because Succubus race use its own morph, eyes which come from an other mod are incompatible.
Q: Can I play a male ?
A: You can, if you selected a “succubus male” in the creation menu you will have a wonderful…Nord man ! This mod is dedicated to woman. Sorry.
Q: Why everybody want to kill me when I'm transformed?
A: People of Tamriel don't like deamons. This the challenge, keep your identity secret or be ready to fight against an Empire. An option is available in the MCM menu to disable aggression.
Q: Are the voices for the succubus from the vanilla game?
A: No, these are some custom free .wav from Internet. (Not the Nikitaa's voice)
Q: I’m playing as a succubus but why can’t i just straight see horns & wings on the Race Menu ?
A: You get a lesser power called "Succubus Power" use it to get a demonic appearance. Use the MCM menu to customize your appearance. It’s a « shout spell » use the shout key to activate it
Q: How do I get the Succubus armor ?
A: You can craft the Armor of Seductress (CBBE only atm) in any forge. To upgrade your stuff, you need human hearts. Other armor will be available in the future updates
Q: Why is the armor different on my succubus ?
A: At the moment the armor is only a CBBE one.
Q: Where are the followers and the succubus world ?
A: Old feature of the 3.0 version. This version is not the same as the Succubus Race Lite and is not compatible.
Bugs and Crashs
Q: Well, I encounter problems with this race, but none with Ningheim or Temptress or Ashen ?
A: If you have installed Ningheim or Tempress you have to know that they use Race Compatibility by TMPhoenix.
We don’t use this good solution, but we use Racial Compatibility himika who doesn’t replace any scripts from your game. That’s a choice to ensure a better compatibility.
The only way to play with both races would be to adapt FOR YOURSELF AND ONLY YOURSELF the race with TMPhoenix’s solution.
Q: My game crash during the character creation.
A: The skyrim engine is not able to support such add at the creation character by default. Use ShowRaceMenu Precache Killerby kapaer to avoid crash. Be sure to have updated your game (1.8 mini). You can use the 2K texture vers