8 de noviembre de 19849.00: Tema:

8 de noviembre de 19849.00: Tema: "

8 de noviembre de 1984
9.00: Tema: "La ciudad como objeto antropológico".
Expone: Lic. Carlos Herrán.
10.00: Tema: "Vivienda y condiciones de vida en
Buenos Aires. 1880-1914". Exponen: Lic. Leandro
Gutiérrez - Lic. Juan Suriano.
11.00: Proyección del cortometraje "Del conventillo al
conjunto habitacional" de Hugo Ansaldi (Primer premio
Concurso de Cine Arquitectura).
11.30 a 12.30: Preguntas de los participantes.
Moderador: Prof. Jorge Ferronato.
15.00 a 17.00: Reunión de las Comisiones de trabajo.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
November 8, 19849.00: Theme: "The city as an anthropological object".Exposed: LIC Carlos Herran.10.00: Theme: "housing and living conditions in"Buenos Aires. 1880-1914 ". Exposed: Leandro Lic.Gutierrez - LIC Juan Suriano.11.00: Screening of the short film "the tenement to the"housing complex"Hugo Ansaldi (first prizeCinema architecture of contest).11.30-12.30: questions from the participants.Moderator: Prof. Jorge Ferronato.15.00 to 17.00: meeting of the working commissions.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
November 8, 1984
9.00: Topic: "The city as an anthropological object."
Speaker:.. Mr. Carlos Herran
10.00: Topic: "Housing and living conditions in
Buenos Aires 1880-1914.". Speakers: Mr. Leandro.
Gutiérrez - Mr. Juan Suriano..
11.00: Short film "Del conventillo the
housing complex" Hugo Ansaldi (First prize
Contest Film Architecture).
11.30 to 12.30: Questions from participants.
Moderator: Prof. Jorge Ferronato.
15.00 to 17.00: Meeting of the working Committees.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
8 November 1984Item 9:: "The City as an anthropological object".Exhibits: Lic. Carlos Herran.Item 10: "Housing and living conditionsBuenos Aires. 1880 - 1914 ". Explained: Lic. LeandroGutierrez - Lic. Juan Suriano.11.00: Screening of the film "the tenementEnsemble "Hugo Ansaldi (First PrizeFilm Contest Architecture).11.30 to 12.30: questions from participants.Moderator: Prof. Jorge Ferronato.3-5: Meeting of the working groups.
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