愛知県警中署、詐欺容疑で 愛知県警中署は5日、他人名義のクレジットカードを不正に使い名古屋市内の百貨店から高級腕時計3本(約750万円相当)翻訳 - 愛知県警中署、詐欺容疑で 愛知県警中署は5日、他人名義のクレジットカードを不正に使い名古屋市内の百貨店から高級腕時計3本(約750万円相当)英語言う方法

愛知県警中署、詐欺容疑で 愛知県警中署は5日、他人名義のクレジットカー




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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
At the Aichi Prefectural Police in departments, fraud Defrauded 3 luxury watches (equivalent to about 7500000 yen) from a department store in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefectural Police in the police station 5, someone else's credit card to use illegally, Filipino arrested on fraud charges Mie Pref. Yokkaichi, ajima, occupation unknown pedagogy, Alicia, Manuel suspects (46). Said the suspect dressed in luxury brands, claims the "international lawyer" in the shop, was speaking English. And three books, including, according to police in get luxury watches in total 17 books (total: about 110 million yen worth), to pursue the crimes週刊文春information. Trying to use someone else's credit card 11/3, bad being arrested, and defrauded the 3 watches from a department store. This card information "received from friends in the Philippines. And don't use the card for someone else I didn't know "and explains, has denied the charges. According to inside police suspects pedagogy over three days last month, repeatedly visited the same department stores, luxury watch to "buy". Consulted with Police Department because the card is not settled, he said. Also, suspects pedagogy and sold almost half of Haute Horlogerie in Nagoya City, with few cash 10 million yen. At a pawn shop and negotiate in Japan, mostly in Tagalog, according to the police investigation said.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Aichi prefectural police in the station, in the alleged fraud
Aichi prefectural police in the station is 5 days, as was defrauded others name luxury watch three a credit card from unauthorized use Nagoya city of department stores (about 7.5 million yen worth), in the Philippines nationality Yokkaichi, Mie Prefecture Ajima 1, Matsuura Alicia Manuel suspect of occupation unknown (46) was arrested on fraud charges. The suspect dressed in luxury brands, that were talking about the English calls himself the "international lawyer" in this shop.

According to the mid-station, and to obtain the luxury watches of the total of the 17, including the three (a total of about 110 million yen worth), to pursue other crimes.

Arrested suspect is, last year November 3, and illegally using a credit card of another person name, has been to have defrauded three watch from the department store. For this card explained that "it with the. Others card of that received from the Philippines of friends did not know and do not", has denied the charges.

According to the mid-station, to Matsuura suspects for three days in the same month, repeatedly visited the same department store, the luxury watches "buy". Since the card is not settled, that the department store is consulted to police. In addition, Matsuura allegedly sold almost half in Nagoya city of pawn shops of luxury watches, was in hand about several million yen in cash. To negotiate with Japanese in the pawn shops, that the investigation of the police are mainly depending in Tagalog.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Aichi Prefectural Police Department in the fraud charges5 the Aichi Prefectural Police Department in the name of another credit card from unauthorized use of Nagoya City Department stores, luxury watch three (about 750 million yen) to an Philippines ajima, Yokkaichi City, Mie Prefecture, one nationality, occupation of unknown on Alicia Manuel suspect (46) was arrested on suspicion of fraud. The suspect in the luxury brand shop that speak English as international lawyer.In office, including the seventeen three books (equivalent to about 1 million yen) to obtain a luxury watch, and to pursue other crimes.He was arrested last year on November 3, the name of another credit card fraud, and it did three watches from the department store. Philippines received from friends on this card. It is not known and should not use another card, has denied the charges.In the station, and based on the suspect in 3 days in the same month, came to the same department stores, luxury watch to "buy". For payment card, called in the police department store and consultation. The suspect was dedicated to the memory of almost half of the luxury watch sold in Nagoya pawnshop, cash on hand, about several million yen. Negotiating in the pawnshop in Japanese, according to the police investigation is mainly in Tagalog.
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