1 Non-Nude
1.1 WWW
1.1.1 Links/Portals
1.1.2 Image Boards/Forums
1.1.3 Defunct Websites
2 Nude or Hardcore
2.1 Tor
2.1.1 Web Hidden Services Sites with Access Restrictions Defunct Web Hidden Services
2.2 WWW
2.2.1 Defunct Websites
2.3 Rsync
3 Additional information
This page is specific to Jailbait, underages that are physically mature enough to be mistaken for an adult. The definition of Jailbait is not a legally recognized definition however it is recognized by the reasonable person to be, "Someone who is under the age of consent yet considered sexually attractive" (Dictionary.com 2013) an extension of this would be that Jailbait differs from Hard Candy in that those considered Jailbait are also considered sexually mature. In many countries with Child Pornography laws, jailbait is still considered illegal and can result in a prison term.
It is important that you stay as safe as possible when browsing these sites. Always use the latest version of the official Tor Browser Bundle. Never install or run any software or plugins linked to. Stay anonymous at all times and never reveal information about yourself.
The following sites are not child-porn sites but sites with non-nude models under 18. Please do not post child-porn here because some may not like nude or hardcore material. There are other places in the section below. The sites listed here do not tolerate child porn in any form, although their images have been rated child porn in some jurisdictions, so they can not be regarded legal everywhere.
CPLOVERS Template:Darknet - Get The Best Hardcore SEX!
Young Teens On Cam하드 Stickam Captures, Little Girls At Webcam, Nude JB Teens And More! (Clearweb)
Young Naked Girls Cute Tiny Teen Models - Hand Picked Galleries
Small Young Lolas Young teen porn galleries. Only the cutest petite teen girls... MUST SEE!
Please add working links. If links are not properly resolving, the page has probably been vandalized. Please check the wiki history to restore any vandalization attempts. A backup of this page, in working order, can be found here: [1]
Image Boards/Forums
CPLOVERS Template:Darknet - Get The Best Hardcore SEX!
X Teen Chan하드 - The Best Nude Jailbait Teens하드 And Young Non Nude하드 Teen Models
Jailbaites.ru하드 - Russian jailbait forum.
Kittygfs하드 - JailBait Videos- Jailbait Forum.
Teenpornclub하드 - just forum.
Anarchy Nation하드 - NN JB thread, heavily moderated, legal in most countries. (formerly Anarchology.org)
JailbaitGallery.com하드 - You already visited this site at least once ;)
Jailbait Cams하드 - Free jailbait webcam videos.
Fantasy Preteens.com하드 - The original Fantasia Models site.
NOT JAILBAIT Young City하드 - ChildLove board, requires registration/posting to access gallery
primejailbait.com하드 - NN JB galleries with age guessing and comment functionality.
primeassteens.com하드 - NN/SC JB galleries. Obviously the same owner as primejailbait.
Webcam Teenies하드 - Solo teens on cams. Free download.
Defunct Websites
MasterChan하드- Down - seemingly a lot of JB
11-15 Forum하드 - Free Forum NN Models/PTSC sets and videos. No signup needed.
bestjailbaitgalleries.com하드 - The Youngest NN Jailbaits (13yo ~ 17yo). Forum Style Site. Amateur & Pro. Videos Too.
★ Jailbaits Forum ★하드 - Large NN models/jailbaits sets and videos. TTL Models, Viso D'Angelo, WALS, Newstar, Candydoll, DolceModz, etc. Free access, but signup required. Hosted in Ukraine.
Loli15하드 - Lots of full free NN models galleries (11yo ~ 17yo).
ILoveLittleBitches하드 - Ostensibly 18+ for HC/SC/Nude. Lots of on-topic JB content. Admin Posts on Anarchy Nation now. Hosted in USA.
Ninfetas Novinhas하드 - Brazilian live webcams portal. Teens, jailbaits and couples. Legal in most countries.
Jailbaited.com하드 - Huge collection of NN Jailbait Pictures.
Jaybeee.name하드 - A lot of JB cam videos.
Sweet Babies.com하드 - Another fantasia models's sister site.
Model Mya하드 - Fantasia Models site dedicated to Model Mya
Loveliest Models하드 - Another set of Jailbait models from Fantasia Models
Solo Webcam Jailbait하드 - Free jailbait webcam video downloads.
Young Innocent Teens하드 Only The Best Young Teen Cuties (Clearweb)
My Jailbait하드- Down - Free blog. Full collections of Galitsin News, Magic Nymphets, Preteen Models, Tiny Models, Child Models, Fame Girls, Webe Models, amateur young girls and much more.
Prim Teens.com하드 - Fantasia models's sister site. contains several videos.
CuteBaits.com하드 - NN JB models blog
Nude or Hardcore
Web Hidden Services
Please consider contributing to the community by starting your own jailbait site or at least offering advice on that page to those who would like to. Took the time to open all the sites and move all of the ones that are down. Looks like there's one left.
If you find a link marked as down for more than a week, best to move it to Defunct Web Hidden Services
Sites with Access Restrictions
Defunct Web Hidden Services
The Uncensored Social NEW - Social network Pedo to share videos and images CP (Boy/Girl)
15y/o Boy - Self-shot pictures/videos for sale, sexy 15 years old with massive cock. (5/9/2013)
10-16 Jailbait Club - Huge collection of JB pictures and videos - Down for a while now, never saw it up (9th August 2011)
CPlanet - has JB NN, nude and HC boards
TorChan - Was the best place on Tor for jailbait.
mjbOnion - The Male Jailbait Onion. Dedicated to the beauty of young teenage boys. Has galleries, links and an imageboard. Nothing new posted since June, 2010.
TB-Chan - Gallery, Like the new TSCHAN, needs more visitors to get underway.
OnionIB-Jailbait (more info) - The board is dead, admin not around.
The MJBLeaks - A massive collection of male jailbait pics.
NymPhs - Jailbait gallery of nude/non-nude/hardcore images. [Images don't Load]
The Adolescent Male Museum - Teen males only. [Down]
/ /r/jailbait - The jailbait section on the hidden reddit. Up/downvoting of content. [Down]
TSChan /jb Active board with active admin. Needs more content. MJB also available. (Down as of sept 16 2012)
Tor Teenystrich Forum - German board about paysex with young prostitutes, has a jailbait thread in public section. (down 10/31/12)
Underage Voyeurism Predator - Dedicated to underage voyeurism and indecent exposure. Jailbait and younger. (down 10-14-12)
Pedobook - Gallery/Group site, updated daily with images. (9.12.2012 DOWN!!!)
The Family Album -
PedoBoard (more info) - A CP site with female and male JB boards. Says that this is a warning (4/22/2013) Problem loading page
TorGallery! - New Gallery Site created 6/6/12 with JB/CP Pics/Videos/Stories.(5/9/2013)
chan.onion - New chan in OnionLand, has boards for Male-, Female-, Softcore- and Hardcore jailbait.
JB Lover - JB - Mostly Models(Up by 8-6-2013, at the moment only one massive gallery).
BoyVids 1.1 - Site dedicated to boys of all ages, primarily focused on videos but also has sections for images and chat
OnionPedo Video Archive (OPVA2)
KindzazaChan-Jailbait - Fast imageboard, new board script. Content tends to be younger than true JB (12-13 yo).
LolitaCity. Good, fast image collection with age tagging allowing for JB search. A lot of JB BD/LS/etc sets. Very good!
BoyVids III - Like Boyvids 1 and 2, but is 3 and with different content.
Cam-a-lot - Webcams, Categorized by gender, but few girl vids exist as of May 5th, 2013. Filters do not work either due to poor classification or bad code - down 6/15/15
Family Fun & Forbidden Fruit - Nice forum with semi-active users.
~Amatores Puerorum~ - A CP site/Society with all types of CP/JB - Registration required.
All natural spanking! Boys and girls getting spanked.
b2h4y7cfnsoltr6m.onion - Spy for 15yo girl for 0,5 btc. Personal site. Template:Caution
Beware that while viewing these sites via Tor is more secure for yourself than viewing them directly, it is still not extremely safe, and it also puts the Tor endpoint gateways (exit nodes) across the world at risk. Tor endpoints through which CP has been viewed have been repeatedly raided by the authorities [2], which at least causes embarrassment and temporary confiscation of their machines, and can result in jailtime in some countries, as well as exposing the machines that connected through them to traffic analysis.
If you find a link marked as down for more than a week, best to move it to Defunct Websites below.
iChan하드 A newer chan (mid 2009?), the admin appear to tolerate nude JB and non-nude girls/borderline material.
Jailbait Forum하드 - Neat board (no registration required) with legit and not-so-legit sets
Justin Jones' (Rand's) jj.am forum하드 - Good forum for amateur and pro teen pix and vidz... if you can find it. Like Ranchi, it moves around a lot. Current site marked with FTW. The forum (or links to it) has been seen (and sometimes reappears) at: forum.jj.am하드, pix.jj.am하드, 4gifs.com하드, 4gifs.org하드, 4gifs.tv하드, tube.4gif.info하드, 4gif.info/forum하드, forgifs.com/gallery하드, lolzing.com하드, 4gif.info/forum FTW하드... among other variations. Also, and though more mature, lolboobs하드, lolboobs feedblitz하드 has nice young tits :-)
Motherless.com하드 - Huge image + video site like jj.am . Lots of camwhoring etc. to be found in amongst the legal amateurs and miscellaneous nasty shit. Illegal and blocked in many countries.
JailbaitVideos하드 - Free jailbait webcam videos
primeassteens.com하드 - NN/SC JB galleries. Obviously the same owner as primejailbait.
Defunct Websites
mamada.blogtur.com하드 - links to LS sets on risky (javascript
結果 (
日本語) 1:
少女内容1 非ヌード1.1 WWW1.1.1 リンク/ポータル1.1.2 画像掲示板/フォーラム1.1.3 動画共有サイト2 ヌードやハードコア2.1 Tor2.1.1 web 隠されたサービス2.1.1.1 サイト アクセス制限2.1.1.2 隠し旧 Web サービス2.2 WWW2.2.1 旧ウェブサイト2.3 Rsync3 の追加情報このページは少女に固有、物理的に underages は大人と間違われるのに十分な成熟します。「承諾年齢の下でまだ考えられている性的に魅力的な誰か」にする合理的な人によって確認されるしかし少女の定義は法的に認められた定義ではない (Dictionary.com 2013) これの延長はそれら考慮少女が性的に成熟したと考えられても、ハード ・ キャンディーと少女は異なることでしょう。児童ポルノ法を多くの国で少女はまだ違法と見なされます、懲役で起因できます。これらのサイトをブラウズするときできるだけ安全な滞在することが重要です。公式 Tor ブラウザバンドルの最新バージョンを常に使用します。決してインストールまたは任意のソフトウェアやプラグインにリンクを実行します。匿名のご滞在は、すべての回、自身に関する情報を明らかにしません。非ヌード以下のサイトは児童ポルノのサイトが非ヌード モデル 18 歳未満のサイトではありません。くださいここに投稿しないで児童ポルノのいくつかがヌードやハードコア材料を好まないので。以下のセクションの他の場所があります。ここで記載されているサイトは、彼らのイメージと評価された児童ポルノいくつかの法域で彼らはみなすことができるではないので法的どこが何らかの形で児童ポルノを容認しません。WWWCPLOVERS テンプレート: ダークネット - 取得最高のハードコア セックス!Cam하드 Stickam の若い十代の若者たちをキャプチャは、ウェブカメラ、裸 JB 十代の若者たちの女の子!(Clearweb)裸の若い女の子のかわいい小さな 10 代モデル - 手摘みギャラリー小さな若い例えば lolas やって若いティーン ポルノ ギャラリー。唯一かわいい小柄な 10 代の女の子.参照してくださいする必要があります!リンク ・ ポータル作業リンクを追加してください。リンクが正しく解決されていない場合、ページはおそらく破壊されています。任意の vandalization を復元する wiki の歴史の試みを確認してください。作業の順序で、このページのバックアップをここで見つけることができる: [1]画像掲示板/フォーラムCPLOVERS テンプレート: ダークネット - 取得最高のハードコア セックス!10 代 Chan하드 - 最高の裸の少女 Teens하드 と非 Nude하드 十代の若いモデル xJailbaites.ru하드 - ロシア少女フォーラム。Kittygfs하드 - 少女少女動画 - フォーラム。Teenpornclub하드 - ちょうどフォーラム。アナーキー Nation하드 - NN JB スレッド、重く、減速ほとんどの国で法的。(旧 Anarchology.org)JailbaitGallery.com하드 - 既にこのサイトを訪れた;) 少なくとも 1 回少女 Cams하드 - 無料少女ウェブカメラの動画。Preteens.com하드 - 元のファンタジア モデル サイトをファンタジーします。ない少女若い City하드 - ChildLove ボード登録/アクセス ギャラリーへの投稿が必要です。primejailbait.com하드 - 年齢を推測しているとコメント機能 NN JB ギャラリー。primeassteens.com하드 - NN/SC JB ギャラリー。明らかに primejailbait と同じ所有者。ウェブカメラ Teenies하드 - カムの十代の若者たちの一人します。無料でダウンロード。動画共有サイトMasterChan하드 ダウン - 一見たくさん JB11-15 Forum하드 - 無料フォーラム NN モデル/PTSC セットとビデオ。登録が必要ないです。bestjailbaitgalleries.com하드 - の最年少 NN Jailbaits (13yo ~ 17 yo)。スタイルのフォーラム サイト。アマチュア ・ プロ。動画も。☆ Jailbaits フォーラム ★하드 - 大規模な NN モデル/jailbaits セットとビデオ。TTL モデル、ヴィソ ダンジェロ、ヴァルス、ニュースター、Candydoll、DolceModz など無料のアクセスは申し込みが必要があります。ウクライナでホストされています。Loli15하드 - 完全無料で NN がたくさんモデル ギャラリー (11yo ~ 17 yo)。ILoveLittleBitches하드 - HC/SC/裸の表向きは 18 +。トピックの JB コンテンツがたくさん。管理者の投稿今無政府状態の国。米国でホストされています。Ninfetas Novinhas하드 - ブラジルのライブカメラのポータル。十代の若者たち、jailbaits、カップル。ほとんどの国では合法です。Jailbaited.com하드 - NN 少女写真の膨大なコレクション。Jaybeee.name하드 - JB カム動画がたくさん。甘い Babies.com하드 - もう一つのファンタジア モデルの姉妹サイト。モデル Mya하드 - モデル ミャー ファンタジア モデル サイト美しい Models하드 - ファンタジア モデルから少女モデルの別のセットウェブカメラ Jailbait하드 をソロ - 無料少女ウェブカメラ ビデオのダウンロードします。若い無邪気な Teens하드 のみ、最高若い十代のキューティーズ (Clearweb)私の Jailbait하드-ダウン - 無料ブログです。Galitsin ニュース、魔法 Nymphets、プレティーン ヌード モデル、小型モデル、子供モデル、名声女の子、Webe モデル、素人の若い女の子と多くの完全なコレクション。プリム Teens.com하드 - ファンタジア モデルの姉妹サイト。いくつかのビデオが含まれています。CuteBaits.com하드 - NN JB モデルのブログヌードやハードコアTor非表示 web サービス少女サイトを開始または、少なくともそのページにしたいと思います人のアドバイスによって社会への貢献を検討してください。すべてのサイトを開くし、すべてがダウンしているものの移動に時間がかかった。左の 1 つがあるように見えます。回答としてリンクを発見した場合よりも 1 週間、亡き Web 隠されたサービスに移動する最高のダウンアクセス制限サイト隠された亡き Web サービス無修正社会新しい - ペド動画や画像 CP (男の子/女の子) を共有するためのソーシャル ネットワーク15y/o 少年 - セルフ ショット写真/ビデオ販売、セクシーな巨大なコックと 15 歳。(2013/05/09)しばらくの間、10-16 少女クラブ - JB の写真とビデオの膨大なコレクション - ダウン今、決して (2011 年 8 月 9 日) を見たCPlanet - は JB NN、ヌードと HC ボードTorChan - だった少女に Tor に最適な場所です。mjbOnion - 男性少女タマネギ。10 代の若い男の子の美容に取り組んでいます。ギャラリー、リンク、画像掲示板があります。何も掲示、2010 年の 6 月以来。TB ちゃん - 新しい TSCHAN のようなギャラリーには、進行を取得する多くの訪問者が必要があります。OnionIB-少女 (詳細情報) - ボードは死んでいる、管理者はなく、周り。MJBLeaks - 男性少女写真の大規模なコレクション。ニンフ - 少女ヌード/非ヌード/ハードコア画像のギャラリー。[画像を読み込まない]思春期男性の博物館 - 10 代の男性のみ。[ダウン]//r/jailbait -、少女は隠された reddit のセクションします。コンテンツのアップ/downvoting。[ダウン]TSChan/jb アクティブ ボード アクティブな管理者。多くのコンテンツが必要です。MJB もご利用いただけます。(9 月 16 2012年のダウン)Tor Teenystrich フォーラム - 若い売春婦と paysex についてドイツ委員会パブリック セクションの少女スレッドがあります。(12/10/31) ダウン未成年覗きプレデター - 未成年者のぞきや公然わいせつに専念します。少女と若い。(12/10/14) ダウンPedobook - ギャラリー/グループ サイト、画像を毎日更新します。(9.12.2012 ダウン!)家族のアルバム-PedoBoard (詳細情報) - 女性と男性の JB ボード A CP サイト。これは警告であることを言う (2013/04/22) 問題読み込んでページTorGallery!-新しいギャラリー サイト作成 12/06/06 JB/CP の写真/動画/ストーリーで。(2013/05/09)chan.onion - OnionLand の新ちゃんは、男性、女性、ソフトコア -、ハードコア少女ボード。JB 恋人バトン - 主 Models(Up by 8-6-2013, at the moment only one massive gallery)。 BoyVids 1.1 - Site dedicated to boys of all ages, primarily focused on videos but also has sections for images and chat OnionPedo Video Archive (OPVA2) KindzazaChan-Jailbait - Fast imageboard, new board script. Content tends to be younger than true JB (12-13 yo). LolitaCity. Good, fast image collection with age tagging allowing for JB search. A lot of JB BD/LS/etc sets. Very good! BoyVids III - Like Boyvids 1 and 2, but is 3 and with different content. Cam-a-lot - Webcams, Categorized by gender, but few girl vids exist as of May 5th, 2013. Filters do not work either due to poor classification or bad code - down 6/15/15 Family Fun & Forbidden Fruit - Nice forum with semi-active users. ~Amatores Puerorum~ - A CP site/Society with all types of CP/JB - Registration required. All natural spanking! Boys and girls getting spanked. b2h4y7cfnsoltr6m.onion - Spy for 15yo girl for 0,5 btc. Personal site. Template:CautionWWWBeware that while viewing these sites via Tor is more secure for yourself than viewing them directly, it is still not extremely safe, and it also puts the Tor endpoint gateways (exit nodes) across the world at risk. Tor endpoints through which CP has been viewed have been repeatedly raided by the authorities [2], which at least causes embarrassment and temporary confiscation of their machines, and can result in jailtime in some countries, as well as exposing the machines that connected through them to traffic analysis.If you find a link marked as down for more than a week, best to move it to Defunct Websites below. iChan하드 A newer chan (mid 2009?), the admin appear to tolerate nude JB and non-nude girls/borderline material. Jailbait Forum하드 - Neat board (no registration required) with legit and not-so-legit sets Justin Jones' (Rand's) jj.am forum하드 - Good forum for amateur and pro teen pix and vidz... if you can find it. Like Ranchi, it moves around a lot. Current site marked with FTW. The forum (or links to it) has been seen (and sometimes reappears) at: forum.jj.am하드, pix.jj.am하드, 4gifs.com하드, 4gifs.org하드, 4gifs.tv하드, tube.4gif.info하드, 4gif.info/forum하드, forgifs.com/gallery하드, lolzing.com하드, 4gif.info/forum FTW하드... among other variations. Also, and though more mature, lolboobs하드, lolboobs feedblitz하드 has nice young tits :-) Motherless.com하드 - Huge image + video site like jj.am . Lots of camwhoring etc. to be found in amongst the legal amateurs and miscellaneous nasty shit. Illegal and blocked in many countries. JailbaitVideos하드 - Free jailbait webcam videos primeassteens.com하드 - NN/SC JB galleries. Obviously the same owner as primejailbait.Defunct Websites mamada.blogtur.com하드 - links to LS sets on risky (javascript