A two-component composition for coloring keratinous fibers comprising 翻訳 - A two-component composition for coloring keratinous fibers comprising 日本語言う方法

A two-component composition for col

A two-component composition for coloring keratinous fibers comprising a first preparation (A) comprising at least one oxidation dye precursor and a second preparation (B) comprising at least one care component, wherein the first and second preparations are packaged separately from one another in the compartments of a two-chamber tube having an inner and outer chamber and a common exit region wherein the exit region is configured in such a way that said first preparation (A) exits as the main strand and said second preparation (B) forms a plurality of stripes running along the main strand or said second preparation (B) exits as the main strand and said first preparation (A) forms a plurality of stripes running along the main strand when pressure is exerted on the tube and wherein the ratio of preparation (A) to preparation (B) is in the range of from 1/2 to 5/1.
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
A two-component composition for coloring keratinous fibers comprising a first preparation (A) comprising at least one oxidation dye precursor and a second preparation (B) comprising at least one care component, wherein the first and second preparations are packaged separately from one another in the compartments of a two-chamber tube having an inner and outer chamber and a common exit region wherein the exit region is configured in such a way that said first preparation (A) exits as the main strand and said second preparation (B) forms a plurality of stripes running along the main strand or said second preparation (B) exits as the main strand and said first preparation (A) forms a plurality of stripes running along the main strand when pressure is exerted on the tube and wherein the ratio of preparation (A) to preparation (B) is in the range of from 1/2 to 5/1.
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]

結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
第1の調製を含む6ケラチン繊維の着色成分の組成物(a)の少なくとも一つの酸化染料前駆体となる第2の調製(b)の少なくとも1つの成分で気になる第1および第2の準備は2つの室内管の内側と外側の室と共通の出口領域出口領域のように第1の調製という構成でのコンパートメントで別のものから別々に包装されている(a)は、前記第2の調製を主鎖として終了すると(b)を形成している主鎖に沿って走るストライプの前記多数または(b)前記第1の調製を主鎖として終了すると(a)を構成する複数のストライプを主鎖に沿って走っているとき、圧力管に作用したとの比(a)、(b)の調製への1 / 2〜5/1の範囲である。
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