6 tahun menjadi akhir penantian panjang pasca keberingasan album debut翻訳 - 6 tahun menjadi akhir penantian panjang pasca keberingasan album debut英語言う方法

6 tahun menjadi akhir penantian pan

6 tahun menjadi akhir penantian panjang pasca keberingasan album debut “Resurrection of Murder” yang rilis tahun 2008 via Pieces Records. Full-length yang kala itu tergolong fenomenal dan cukup berpengaruh pada prospek scene metal di kota Bandung. Dengan pengaruh biadab antara kombinasi high-tempo ala DISAVOWED dan riffs tanpa ampun milik DISGORGE album tersebut juga menuai beragam komentar positif dari banyak pihak.

Kembali ke pembahasan, 25 Agustus 2014 menjadi tanggal keramat sang ‘terkutuk untuk menderita’ itu akhirnya termuntah ke pusaran bumi nusantara. Sebelum jadwal resmi rilis, publik terlebih dahulu diberi kesempatan mencicipi material baru mereka lewat rilisan single berjudul “Konspirasi Ajal”. Momentum ini sekaligus dimanfaatkan untuk memperkenalkan punggawa anyar Yadi Behom (ex-JASAD, ex-MOTORDEATH, ex-MORTIR, ex-NECROPSY, ex-ROTTENATOMY) yang sekarang mengisi posisi vokal menggantikan Bob Rock sang maestro guttural dari kota kembang.

Kesampingkan dulu problem salah cetak urutan track list pada back cover, ternyata eh ternyata bc hadir sedikit berbeda dengan melibatkan sentuhan heavy breakdowns peremuk tulang dan beat-beat groove penendang bokong. Lyrical masih penyambung dari album terdahulu yakni tentang pembunuhan, gore dan mutilasi, dimana nuansa bau anyir darah amat kental terasa tercium. Jika ditilik dari segi produksi rekaman tentu kesan paling kuat terletak pada sound gitar yang kasar bak gemuruh petir bercampur angin puting beliung, beruntung output masih terdengar cukup harmonis. Sengaja atau gak sound kasar seperti itu seperti hendak menyeret ke era old-school death metal macam album “Like an Ever Flowing Stream” milik DISMEMBER ataupun “Left Hand Path” milik ENTOMBED.

Sedangkan betotan bass tampak matching dengan sound gitar tanpa harus terkesan dominan ataupun jauh terlempar, sesekali juga department bass sengaja dibiarkan untuk berperan solo. Atmosfer drum yang terbalut dalam ruang blastbeats masih tersaji relatif dominan juga dengan beberapa variasi double bass drum yang kick ass. Daya pikat tentu saja terletak pada auman death growl kuyup yang diselingi dengan guttural vocal Yadi Behom. Kesan gagah bak raksasa begitu terasa dari figur sentral scene Bandung ini.

Overall, walau “Condemned to Suffer” memberikan taste berbeda dari album debut “Resurrection of Murder” tapi tingkat kerapatan dan kecepatan tergolong tak jauh beda. Peletakan fondasi musical yang kokoh ditambah dengan aransemen jempolan menjadi sebab utama anda harus memiliki album ini. Walau ada sedikit minus karena urutan track list yang gak sesuai namun itu tak jadi soal, bc tetaplah bc sebuah nama besar yang patut diperhitungkan dikancah musik metal nusantara. Beli album ini atau anda akan terkutuk untuk menderita seumur hidup !!! (8/10)
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
6 years into the end of a long waiting of the post-war keberingasan debut album "Resurrection of Murder" which was release in 2008 via Pieces Records. Full-length which at that time belonged to the phenomenal and quite influential at the prospect of metal scene in Bandung. With the influence of barbarian among the combination of high-tempo style DISAVOWED and merciless riffs belong to DISGORGE the album also reap a variety of positive comments from many parties. Back to the discussion, August 25, 2014 became the sacred dates of the ' damned to suffer ' it finally termuntah into the vortex of the earth country. Before the official release schedule, the public was given the opportunity to first taste of their new material through the single release entitled "conspiracy of death". This momentum simultaneously utilized to introduce a new retainer Yadi Behom (ex-DEAD, ex-MOTORDEATH, ex-mortar, ex-ROTTENATOMY, ex-NECROPSY) that now fill the vocal position replacing Bob Rock maestro guttural of the flower city.Used to override the problem wrong print order track list on the back cover, eh turns out bc's present slightly different by engaging touch heavy breakdowns peremuk bones and beat-beat groove butt kicker. Lyrical still earlier albums of connectivity, i.e. about murder, gore and mutilation, where shades of very viscous blood Rancidity feels wafted. If traced in terms of the production of the recording the strongest impression certainly lies in the rough guitar sound bak roar of Thunder mingled wind Stormwind, lucky output still sounds quite harmonious. Intentionally or not sound rude like that as it was about to drag into the era of old-school death metal album "kind of Like an Ever Flowing Stream" DISMEMBER or "Left Hand Path" courtesy of ENTOMBED.While the betotan bass looks matching with the guitar sound without having to impress the dominant or far flung, occasionally deliberately left the department well bass for instrumental solo. Atmospheric drum swathed in space of those still relatively dominant blastbeats also with some variation of the double bass drum kick ass. The allure of course lies in the waste howling death growl soaking are interspersed with guttural vocal Yadi Behom. A giant tub of dashing impression so the central figure of the scene feels Bandung. Overall, though "Condemned to Suffer" gives taste different from the debut album "Resurrection of Murder" but the level of density and velocity pertained not far different. The laying of the Foundation of the musical firm coupled with the main reason being a topnotch arrangement you have to have this album. Although there is a bit of a minus because the order of the track list that is not appropriate but it is not so reserved, bc bc remains a big name that ought to be taken into account dikancah metal music. Buy this album or you'll be damned to suffer a lifetime!!! (8/10)
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
6 years to the end of the long awaited debut album of post fury "Resurrection of Murder" were released in 2008 via Pieces Records. Full-length which was then classified as phenomenal and quite influential on the prospects of the metal scene in the city. With the influence of savage between the combination of high-tempo style disavowed and riffs mercilessly owned disgorge the album is also reaping a variety of positive comments from many parties. Back to discussion, August 25, 2014 to the date of the sacred of the 'condemned to suffer' it finally termuntah into the vortex of the archipelago , Before the official release schedule, the public must first be given the opportunity to taste their new material via the release of a single titled "Conspiracy of Doom". Momentum is once again used to introduce retainer Anyar Yadi Behom (ex-JASAD, ex-MOTORDEATH, ex-mortar, ex-NECROPSY, ex-ROTTENATOMY) that now fill the vocal position replaces Bob Rock maestro Guttural of the city of flowers. Leave aside the first problem one print order of the track list on the back cover, it turns out eh bc comes a little bit different with a touch of heavy breakdowns involving bone crusher and beat-beat groove butt kicker. Lyrical still connector from the previous album which is about murder, gore and mutilation, where shades of metallic smell of blood wafted very thick felt. If judging in terms of record production of the most powerful impression lies in the rough guitar sound like thunder mingled tornado, lucky output still sounds quite harmonious. Intentionally or not sound as rough as it was as if dragged into the era of old-school death metal kind of album "Like an Ever Flowing Stream" belongs to Dismember or "Left Hand Path" property Entombed. While betotan bass looks matching with the guitar sound without having to impress a dominant or far flung, occasional bass department also deliberately left to play solo. Atmospheric drum clad in space blastbeats still relatively dominant presented as well with some variation of the double bass drum kick ass. The allure of course lies in the death growl roar drenched interspersed with Yadi Behom Guttural vocals. Strong impression giant tub was felt from the central figure of this Bandung scene. Overall, though "Condemned to Suffer" give a different taste of the debut album "Resurrection of Murder" but the density and velocity relatively not much different. Laying a solid foundation of musical arrangements coupled with topnotch be the main reason you have to have this album. Although there is a bit of a minus because the order of the track list that is not appropriate, but it does not matter, bc bc remains a big name to be reckoned arena metal music archipelago. Buy this album or you will be condemned to suffer a lifetime !!! (8/10)

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
6年,这penantian Panjang PASCA keberingasan专辑推出“复活的谋杀”,杨rilis年2008通过作品记录。全长杨卡拉ITU tergolong fenomenal丹了berpengaruh在prospek现场金属狄亚万隆。用pengaruh biadab安塔拉包括高节奏ALA否认丹即兴地吐出专辑也没有ampun缝制六月beragam成套工具评论或问题有伴唱键盘从对方。

回到柯pembahasan,25阿古斯督2014就抵达keramat唱',' terkutuk受ITU termuntah柯pusaran Bumi公司个人。在丽史咪rilis嘉德沃的男孩儿,该公司不但在kesempatan先mencicipi材料公司就lewat rilisan单berjudul”konspirasi ajal”。所有的交易都dimanfaatkan,memperkenalkan动量ini punggawa安雅尔水之镜behom(前jasad,前motordeath,前mortir,前尸检,前rottenatomy)阳现在mengisi posisi vokal他鲍勃岩桑大师从亚该

喉音。kesampingkan堵路的问题该cetak urutan曲目列表在后盖,他们是在他们前点和入方式的不同,melibatkan sentuhan沉重的故障peremuk tulang丹打败槽penendang博控。抒情了penyambung达日专辑terdahulu也就是要pembunuhan,戈尔丹mutilasi,dimana公司BAU anyir血艾kental沢tercium。若ditilik达日世纪中rekaman tentu科三栅夸特位于在声吉他杨kasar Bak gemuruh Petir bercampur已经将北利翁乡,beruntung输出了terdengar和谐了。无意或声音kasar如ITU好像要比menyeret克时代老式死亡金属专辑”能如江河滔滔”地肢解,“左手路径”为
betotan低音字匹配,声吉他没有要terkesan主导而出走terlempar,sesekali轭部可berperan独奏低音无意。atmosfer鼓杨terbalut在该blastbeats Masih tersaji relatif内部,一些也variasi双低音鼓杨踢屁股我在福田欧曼位于大亚湾pikat tentu死亡咆哮kuyup杨diselingi用喉音发声水之镜behom。科三Gagah比克罗刹begitu沢达日图中环场景万隆INI。

整体,walau”注定要遭受“亮相”的味道和入方式的不同给达日专辑“谋杀的TAPI tingkat kerapatan丹kecepatan tergolong德jauh贝达复活。peletakan fondasi音乐阳败,aransemen提取jempolan为因为公司安达要有专辑INI。艾达点walau减去因urutan杨阁的曲目列表和ITU德这样的心灵,公元前公元前一tetaplah NAMA大臣杨patut diperhitungkan dikancah音乐金属公司。买专辑的INI或安达要terkutuk事奉,受得!!!(8 / 10)
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