6 years to the end of the long awaited debut album of post fury "Resurrection of Murder" were released in 2008 via Pieces Records. Full-length which was then classified as phenomenal and quite influential on the prospects of the metal scene in the city. With the influence of savage between the combination of high-tempo style disavowed and riffs mercilessly owned disgorge the album is also reaping a variety of positive comments from many parties. Back to discussion, August 25, 2014 to the date of the sacred of the 'condemned to suffer' it finally termuntah into the vortex of the archipelago , Before the official release schedule, the public must first be given the opportunity to taste their new material via the release of a single titled "Conspiracy of Doom". Momentum is once again used to introduce retainer Anyar Yadi Behom (ex-JASAD, ex-MOTORDEATH, ex-mortar, ex-NECROPSY, ex-ROTTENATOMY) that now fill the vocal position replaces Bob Rock maestro Guttural of the city of flowers. Leave aside the first problem one print order of the track list on the back cover, it turns out eh bc comes a little bit different with a touch of heavy breakdowns involving bone crusher and beat-beat groove butt kicker. Lyrical still connector from the previous album which is about murder, gore and mutilation, where shades of metallic smell of blood wafted very thick felt. If judging in terms of record production of the most powerful impression lies in the rough guitar sound like thunder mingled tornado, lucky output still sounds quite harmonious. Intentionally or not sound as rough as it was as if dragged into the era of old-school death metal kind of album "Like an Ever Flowing Stream" belongs to Dismember or "Left Hand Path" property Entombed. While betotan bass looks matching with the guitar sound without having to impress a dominant or far flung, occasional bass department also deliberately left to play solo. Atmospheric drum clad in space blastbeats still relatively dominant presented as well with some variation of the double bass drum kick ass. The allure of course lies in the death growl roar drenched interspersed with Yadi Behom Guttural vocals. Strong impression giant tub was felt from the central figure of this Bandung scene. Overall, though "Condemned to Suffer" give a different taste of the debut album "Resurrection of Murder" but the density and velocity relatively not much different. Laying a solid foundation of musical arrangements coupled with topnotch be the main reason you have to have this album. Although there is a bit of a minus because the order of the track list that is not appropriate, but it does not matter, bc bc remains a big name to be reckoned arena metal music archipelago. Buy this album or you will be condemned to suffer a lifetime !!! (8/10)