I branch out into my whole field.
I conjecture all one's future, I keep pushing to the end.
I gauge my scale, I gag total every terrorism. Self-gadgetry!
I arise oneself. Be the most arithmetic self. Be an aristocratic young nobleman. Self-arithmetic!
I add up one's life in a man, I sum up my whole own all selves in self, I total up my historical all oneself. Self-summary!
I elongate one's own legs. Be the most eloquent elongated self. Self-eloquence! Self-elocution! Self-elongation!
I syringe one's all traumas, I lave own chest, I rinse my memories, I use a stomach pump, I carry out a gastric lavage. Be busy with one's work.
I help out oneself, I help a person through, I transplant one's hematic blood-forming hematopoietic own cell. Be the most he-man.
I hack one's way through, I habituate own beings to hypocenter. Be the most habitual self. Self-habitation! Self-habituation!
I cohere oneself, I coerce into doing. Be the most coercive cohesive coherent self. Self-cohesion! Self-coherence! Self-coercion!
I morph one man into my core, I reject selfish private moronic villainous thoughts. Be the most morphic invulnerable morphological self.
I reply for selfish claim, I respond to private requirement, I come at one's demand, I meet a person's expectations, I live up to thy anticipation. Be the most weird self.
I realize my dream, I materialize own ambition, I crystallize one's vision, give shape to the real world. Be the most dreamy dreamlike self. My dream has come true. Self-crystallization!
I roll up, I roll out, I roll over, I romp in, I romp away, I romp home, I romp past, I romp through, I romance about oneself, I romanticize the hero. Be the most Roman-nose rollicking self. Self-rondo! Self-rolling! Self-romance! Self-rollout! Self-rollover! Self-romanticism!
Self-arsenal! Self-arabesque! Self-criticality!
I craft of own body. Be the most crafty cram-full cracking self. Self-craftiness!
I incident on my 16 years old oneself, I incinerate one's all every traumas. Be the most incessant incipient self. Self-incidence! Self-incipience! Self-incineration!
I incarnate my true form, I reincarnate my central nuclear core into self, I incandesce oneself, I incapacitate all terrorism, I incarcerate every terrorists. Be the most incarnate reincarnate incandescent incalculable self. Self-incarnation! Self-reincarnation! Self-incandescence!
結果 (
日本語) 1:
I branch out into my whole field.全体場に分岐し全分野に手を広げる。I conjecture all one's future, I keep pushing to the end.全人未踏将来推測し推し量る、終わりまで果てまで最後まで押し捲る。I gauge my scale, I gag total every terrorism. Self-gadgetry!私の規模を推し量りスケール計測定す、総合あらゆるテロリズムを詰まらせ言論抑圧す。 自己機械仕掛!I arise oneself. Be the most arithmetic self. Be an aristocratic young nobleman. Self-arithmetic!私は自身で生じ現る起き上がる。 最計算数自身であれ。 貴公子であれ。 自身算術!I add up one's life in a man, I sum up my whole own all selves in self, I total up my historical all oneself. Self-summary!私は人に己自身一人生命合計加算し自己中全体自己全自身所有要約す、歴史すべて自身で総合計す。 自己要約! 自己概要!I elongate one's own legs. Be the most eloquent elongated self. Self-eloquence! Self-elocution! Self-elongation!私は人自身脚を伸ばす。 最も雄弁伸ばされた自身であれ。 自身雄弁! 自己演説法! 自身延長! 自身伸長!I syringe one's all traumas, I lave own chest, I rinse my memories, I use a stomach pump, I carry out a gastric lavage. Be busy with one's work.私は全人トラウマ精神的外傷を洗い流し自身胸洗浄し記憶を濯ぐ、胃洗浄を行う。 業務多忙であれ。I help out oneself, I help a person through, I transplant one's hematic blood-forming hematopoietic own cell. Be the most he-man.私は己を助け自身援助し人を最後まで手伝い、その人の血液造血液生成自身細胞移植す。 大部分の男らしい逞しい人であれ。I hack one's way through, I habituate own beings to hypocenter. Be the most habitual self. Self-habitation! Self-habituation!私が終わりまで人の道に侵入し切り開き進む、自身生物存在震源に慣らし身に付く。 最も習慣的自身であれ。 自身居住! 自身習慣化!I cohere oneself, I coerce into doing. Be the most coercive cohesive coherent self. Self-cohesion! Self-coherence! Self-coercion!私は自己首尾一貫し自身結合す、私は行い強制す。 最強制統一感結合首尾一貫自身であれ。 自身粘着! 自身密着結合! 自身首尾一貫性! 自己強制威圧!I morph one man into my core, I reject selfish private moronic villainous thoughts. Be the most morphic invulnerable morphological self.私は私の核心に人間男性変形変態させ、私は利己個人的愚鈍極悪思考を拒絶排斥する。 最多形態論不死身不撓不屈形態学的自身であれ。I reply for selfish claim, I respond to private requirement, I come at one's demand, I meet a person's expectations, I live up to thy anticipation. Be the most weird self.私は利己的主張に答え個人的必要条件に応じ人の需要に答え人の期待に応え汝の予想期待に従って行動生活する。 とても怪奇不可思議自身であれ。I realize my dream, I materialize own ambition, I crystallize one's vision, give shape to the real world. Be the most dreamy dreamlike self. My dream has come true. Self-crystallization!私は私の夢を実現し自身野望野心実体化す、現実世界に形を与え表現す現実化す、人の幻想展望を結晶具体化する。 とても夢見る夢様態自身であれ。 私の夢は実現した。 自己具体結晶化!I roll up, I roll out, I roll over, I romp in, I romp away, I romp home, I romp past, I romp through, I romance about oneself, I romanticize the hero. Be the most Roman-nose rollicking self. Self-rondo! Self-rolling! Self-romance! Self-rollout! Self-rollover! Self-romanticism!私が集まり巻き上げ転がり出回り、大勝し楽勝す夢想に耽る、英雄主人公伝奇[空想冒険]物語化する。 最も多く鼻筋通り大燥ぎ自身であれ。 セルフロンド! 自身回旋曲! 自身回転! セルフロマンス! 自己初公開! 自身転回! 自身ロマン主義! 自身伝奇[空想冒険]物語!Self-arsenal! Self-arabesque! Self-criticality!自身兵器庫! 自身在庫蓄積! 自身装飾的小曲! セルフアラベスク! 自身臨界!I craft of own body. Be the most crafty cram-full cracking self. Self-craftiness!私は自身体精密巧緻に作る。 とても悪賢い最狡猾ぎっしり一杯詰まった凄い自身であれ。 自身狡猾!I incident on my 16 years old oneself, I incinerate one's all every traumas. Be the most incessant incipient self. Self-incidence! Self-incipience! Self-incineration!私が自身で私の16才に投入射す、全人あらゆるトラウマ精神的外傷を焼却し焼き尽くし灰にす。 最も絶え間なき初期自身であれ。 自己発生! 自己入射! 自身投射! 自己初期! 自己焼却!I incarnate my true form, I reincarnate my central nuclear core into self, I incandesce oneself, I incapacitate all terrorism, I incarcerate every terrorists. Be the most incarnate reincarnate incandescent incalculable self. Self-incarnation! Self-reincarnation! Self-incandescence!私は私の真実形本態具体化し自身に私の中心核芯再生させ生まれ変わらせ自己白熱す、全テロリズムを無能力化し、あらゆるテロリストを拘置投獄する。 最も具体化された生まれ変わり再生白熱している無数自身であれ。 自己具体化! 自身再生! 自身輪廻転生! 自身白熱!